12. Going down

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Ben decided he wanted to take Gil and Uma off the isle for Harry, then he realised that Gil had two brothers who he wanted to get off the isle too.
Then he also found out that Carlos and Jay both had a cousin each. Diego and Jade.
Ben sighed in frustration since his father refused to let him take that many VK's off the isle... So he decided to break down the barrier.
Adam didn't agree but it wasn't his choice.

Evie sighed as she was EQ walk to her.
"Evie dear!" she said and Evie was freaked out by that reaction.
"...hi mother?" she said softly and Harry narrowed his eyes.
"Are you pregnant yet?" EQ asked and Evie looked at her.
"Is that really the most important thing for you right now?"
"So you're not..." EQ stated and Evie sighed.
"I was... twice... But also got two miscarriages because apparently, I can't get kids!" Evie said with frustration and Harry wrapped his arm around Evie to comfort her.
"You... What!?" EQ shouted and her face was filled with rage.
"What kind of worthless girl are you when you can't get kids!?" she yelled and Harry stepped in front if Evie.
"Leave her alone. She can't help it." he snarled and his sisters showed up at the scene with Hook as well.
"You better shut that filthy mouth of yours! I was not talking to you!" EQ yelled and she actually slapped him.
"Oh you did not!" Harriette yelled with anger and Hook got pissed too just like Cj.
The two sisters ran to Harry's side and Hook pulled Evie back a bit.
"Trust me... You don't want to be too close when those three are pissed." he said softly and Evie swallowed as she saw how Harry clenched his fists.
"You can hit me all you want. And shout at me. But you don't get to be such a bitch to Evie!" he barked at EQ who laughed it off.
"Am I supposed to be afraid of you? You're a love sick pup. Not knowing who to follow." EQ said and Harriette glared at her.
"Hey! The only ones who get to talk shit about my brother are Cj and I!" she yelled and Cj pulled a dagger from her jacket.
"Okay, give me that." Harry said as he took the dagger from Cj and threw it aside.
"Yea, we don't need blades Cj... Let's show EQ what pirates are made of." Harriette said and Evie knew this was going to end badly for her mom... strangely enough, she didn't care. Although it wasn't that strange...

Harry and his sisters might've beaten EQ to death and Evie looked at Harry as he was washing EQ's blood from his hands.
"I'm sorry..." Harry mumbled and Evie scoffed.
"Don't be... I'm... I'm glad that she's gone..."
"Plus the isle now knows that you two are loyal to eachother. So no war!" Cj exclaimed as she was wrapping bandage around her knuckles... her hands got bruised and were bleeding a bit after the punching.
Harriette helped Cj a bit and Evie looked at Hook.
"How come you didn't cuss me out for not being able to get a child with your son?"
"I didn't care much about it to be honest. Plus, the gender roles are overrated anyway. And maybe I should... be a bit... less of an asshole to those three." Hook said as he referred to his kids.
"You mean you would actually care for us?" Cj asked.
"I'd try." Hook said.
"Good enough." Harriette smiled and Harry grinned.
Then his smile fell as he looked at Evie.
"Hey, are you okay?"
"Yea... I am." Evie said and she smiled a little.
"For the first time in years... I feel free." she said and Harry hugged her.
"Don't worry Blueberry... No one will ever hirt you again... Unless you want me to." he said, he added the last part as a whisper which made Evie blush.

So despite the fact that Evie and Harry couldn't get kids... you could say they had their happy-ever-after.

The end...

Arranged marriage (Harry Hook x Evie Grimhilde) {💯%}Where stories live. Discover now