4. Messed up...?

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Harry was still scratching his head when he got home and Evie was with him.
"Wohohowww! What happend to you?" Harriette said and Cj looked at their brother.
"It's so cool!"
"Agree to disagree..." Harry mumbled as he was scratching his head.
"Maybe we should ask someone for help..." Evie mumbled.
"Why are you scratching your head?" Harriette asked and Harry groaned.
"Because she made me dye my hair and I might have an allergic reaction to it!" Harry snapped and Harriette grabbed his arm, dragging him along, being followed by both Evie and Cj.

"Why are we going to Tremaine's again?" Harry whined.
"She's the one who dyed your hair then she'd know how to get rid of the allergic reaction." Harriette said and the other two girls were both curious and worried what would happen next.
"Back already?" Tremaine asked and Harriette looked at her.
"How to get rid of an allergic reaction to hairdye?" she asked and Tremaine looked at the poor boy who was still scratching his head.
"Only one way to get rid of the allergic reaction." Tremaine said and Evie looked at her.
"Which is...?"
"Getting rid of the dyed hair." Tremaine said and Harry's eyes widened.
"I am so NOT shaving my head!" he yelled and Harriette looked at him.
"Well you are, you're not scratching your head all the time when you can get rid of the allergic reaction!" she snapped as she oushed him onto the chair.
Harry glared at Evie.
"This is your fault! You wantes me to dye my hair and now I won't have any hair at all!" he yelled and Harriette had to keep holding him onto the chair in order to make sure he wouldn't jump out of it as Tremaine turned the razor on.
Cj felt bad for her brother... and so did Evie, she did feel guilty about this.

The Evil Queen looked up as she saw her daughter return with a sad face.
"What is it dear, did he hurt you?" she asked with concern and Evie looked at her mom.
"No... I hurt him..." she said softly and the Evil Queen walked over to her daughter.
"If you want to, there should be something to make it better with...?"
Then Evie got an idea.
"Mom, I need some supplies."
"You get to spend ten golden coins, which is a lot of money." the Evil Queen said as she handed the coins to her daughter who nodded and left.

Harriette shared a look with Cj as Harry locked himself up in his room.
"What do we do now?" Cj asked and Harriette sighed.
"Nothing, he'll understand sooner or later that this was for his own good." the older girl said.
But both of them felt bad for their brother.

Evie was sitting in her room again, she bought some leather, some fabrics and a white feather. All small amounts but it should be enough.
She'd been making clothing ever since she learned how to sew... But making a hat, a pirate hat, that was something new.
She pinced herself with a needle multiple times but she didn't care much.
"Now let's hope it's the right size..." she said as she finished the hat.

Hook seemed suprised to see Evie with a box on his doorstep.
"How many times are you planning to come here on a daily base?"
"I got something for your son to make it up to him... Can I see him?" Evie asked and Hook looked at the box for a moment.
"He locked himself in his room, if you can get him to open his door... go ahead."
Evie entered the house and Hook pointed st Harry's door.
Evie put the box on the ground and knocked on the door.
"Harry? It's me, Evie."
"Go away..." Harry said and Evie sighed.
"Please, I want to make it up to you... I worked really hard on it..."
"I don't care and I don't want it, go away!"
"I'll leave it out here... If you'd change your mind..." Evie said as she quickly wrote something on the box before leaving.

Harry's curiosity got the best of him and he did open the door after a while, seeing a box with some words scrabbled on it.
"I'm really sorry... But I made this for you..." Harry read and he took the box inside of his room before locking the door again.
He sat down on his bed opening the box, seeing the pirate hat which Evie made for him.
"At least she got style..." Harry mumbled as he tried to keep a smile from growing on his face.

Arranged marriage (Harry Hook x Evie Grimhilde) {💯%}Where stories live. Discover now