6. Oh dear...

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Harry was surprised as he saw the barrier open and close the next day. Seeing his love, the girl with the blue hair which was dancing on her shoulders.
He climbed out of his window and landed near her.
"Happy birthday Blueberry." he said and Evie smirked.
"Thanks Harry..." she said and her cheeks burned.
"You should find your mom... She's been going nuts about it all month..."
"How about your dad?"
"...don't get me started."
Evie chuckled and Harry kissed her hand.
"I should tell my dad that you're on the isle. Go find your mom."
"Did she say something about when yet or-?"
"She wants it to happen tomorrow."
"That soon!?"
"Technically we've been engaged for years now... But I get what you mean..." Harry mumbled before he left.

Evie took a deep breath before she entered her mom's castle.
"EVIE DARLING YOU'RE HOME!" her mom yelled as she came down the stairs.
"Did you speak to Harry yet? And fix your make-up! Things have to be perfect. You're marrying him tomorrow!"
"...hello to you to mother." Evie sighed.
Her make-up was fine. She did speak to Harry but it was none of her mom's business.
"Oh who am I kidding. We have to meet up with the Hook's to get the last things ready for tomorrow."
"The last things-? What did you already-?"
"Oh hush Evie, grab your coat and let's go."
"But mother-"

Harry rubbed the back of his neck as he told his father that Evie was on the island.
"Finally! I bet the Evil Queen has been discussing things with the girl. Tomorrow you'll marry her."
"I know father..." Harry mumbled and Cj looked up.
"EQ and Evie are coming!"
"Get away from the window!" Harriette cussed and Harry felt himself getting nervous again.
"Oh man..." he mumbled.
"Straighten your shoulder, you look like a loser." Hook said as he gave swatted Harry against his shoulder.

Evie took a deep breath before she followed her mom, entering the Hook house.
"Look who's arrived." Hook said and Harry looked at Evie.
She could see he was nervous, so was she.
"Aww, look. They both got cold feet." Harriette teased and Harry glared at her.
"Tomorrow is gonna go down in history! Peace between north and south by you two getting married!" Cj said, a bit too excited.
"So. What time?" Evil queen asked and Hook looked at her.
"As soon as possible."
"Dad-!" Harry sissed.
"Mom-!" Evie said and both adults ignored their kids.
"Let's say at noon. Then both if them have the entire morning to prepare." Harriette suggested and Harry glared at his sister.
"Backstabber!" he sissed and Cj smiled widely.
"This is going to be so cool!"
"Noon sounds fine." EQ said.
"Then it's settled then." Hook said.
"But dad-!" Harry whined.
"Shut it Harry."
"One thing... Since I came here to the isle today, I had to tell king Ben why... He suggested that we could..."
"We could what...?" Harry mumbled.
"...get married in Auradon."
"What-?" Harry mumbled as he turned pale.
"That sounds expensive... what does the king want for it?" Hook said.
"Nothing... I'm friends with him." Evie admited.
"Delightful. Then all of the isle could see it at once since I'm sure it would be shown on the tv." EQ said and Harry got even more nervous.
Getting married to Evie AND having to go to Auradon.
"Wait, so Harry is getting married and moving away?" Harriette said.
"No! I don't wanna lose my brother!" Cj yelled.
"Quiet you two!" Hook snarled and Harry felt himself getting sick.
"Why then, let's get things ready for tomorrow. Especially since we can't be in Auradon with you two." EQ said.
"You can... Ben would let the four of you come along, mother, Hook, Harriette and Cj. Because you are family. But there would be guards in case skmething goes wrong..." Evie said and Harry thought he was going to pass out.
"Good. Then we can make sure nothing goes wrong." Hook said as he glared at Harry, who swallowed.
"Y- yea... Great..." he mumbled nervously.

Arranged marriage (Harry Hook x Evie Grimhilde) {💯%}Where stories live. Discover now