3. Great...

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Evie looked at Harry once they were outisde.
"You don't want this either, do you?" she snarled.
"I mean, rather this then a war..." Harry mumbled, ubsure if it was a good thing to say.
"At least you're honest, I think."
"Look, my dad and my sisters are counting on me to make this go well... So please be a bit cooperative, okay?"
"Fine, but I want you to get a haircut."
"What?! Why!?"
"Because it's horrible. Have you even tried to do something about your hair?"
"I am not going to get a haircut, not for you!"
"Oh come on, a little bit of hairdye wouldn't look bad..."
"I won't cut or dye my hair for you, not gonna happen." Harru snarled and Evie smiled.
"We'll see about that." she said as she walked back inside.

Harry hurried after Evie, he knew what his dad would say if he'd find out what Evie asked/demanded him to do.
"Evie come on!" he sissed and she looked at him briefly before returning to the others.
Harriette and Cj eyed at their brother, who had panick all over his face.
"Are you okay?" Harriette asked as she walked over to him.
He saw how Evie walked to her mom and whispered something, the Evil Queen glared at him for a moment before turning to Hook.
"Oh I'm dead..." Harry whined softly.
"What is-?" Cj wanted to ask but Hook looked at Harry.
"What did I tell you huh?!" he snapped and both of his sisters stepped away, knowing it was best not to interfere.
"I eh..." Harry mumbled and Hook stepped closer to him.
"I told you to do everything the girl says, so do that. Got it!?" he snapped and Evie seemed satisfied.
"Are you coming?" she asked and Harry sighed.
"Dad please-?"
"NOW!" Hook barked and Harry hurried after Evie, again.

"You're going to use it against me huh, what my dad said..." Harry mumbled when they were walking towards Tremaine's curl up and dye.
"Depends on." Evie answered shortly.
"Okay look, what is it what you want me to do then huh? I know my dad would firce ne regardless but just tell me already."
"Nope. You'll see when Tremaine's finished."
"You got to be kidding me..."
"Oh hush, you won't die from a haircut."
"Well then you haven't met me yet..."
Evie rolled her eyes as she dragged Harry along.

"Mrs. Grimhilde and mr. Hook, I'm suprised to see you two here..." Tremaine said and Evie looked at her.
"I'm here almost everyday to hang out with Dizzy, yet you're still suprised?" Evie said and Tremaine looked at the pale boy.
"You're only here this time for the boy, what's going to happen?" Tremaine asked and Evie pushed Harry onto the chair.
But Harry didn't hear what Evie told Tremaine because she started to whisper.
"You're not going to have mercy with me are you, Evie?" Harry asked and Evie looked at him.
"Oh you'll be fine."
"I'd dye it first before cutting..." Tremaine mumbled to herself and Harry looked at Evie
"I swear if it would be blue I-"
"It's not going to be blue." Evie said and she seemed still a bit too satisfied.
Harry bit his lip as Tremaine started to dye his hair.

"Oh my..." Evie mumbled as Harry's hair was fully dyed.
Harry eyed at her.
"What's that supposed to mean?" he asked, still not knowing wat colour his hair now was.
"It's even better then I imagined." Evie admitted and Harry groaned softly.
"Sit still." Tremaine said as she started to cut his hair.

"Alright, now you can see it." Evie said as Tremaine put Harry in front of the broken mirror.
"It's red!?" Harry exclaimed.
"Dark red." Evie corrected him and Harry turned to her.
"Are yiu trying to make me the laughing stock of the isle or something!?"
"Relax, it looks good. Plus it looks amazing with your jacket, it's darker then your jacket but still."
"Evie I swear I-"
"Are you two done yet?" Tremaine asked and Evie paid her before leaving.

"I can't believe you made me do this..." Harry mumbled and he started to feel the skin of his head itch and burn.
"What the...?" he sad softly and he did started to scratch.
"What are you doing?" Evie asked.
"It burns... and itches..."
"Oh my god, do you have lice?"
"What? No! It's that dumb hairdye... I think."  Harry said and Evie turned his head, seeing how his skin turned red as well... but not because the dye was on his skin neither of the scratching.
"I think you might have an allergic reaction to the hairdye..." she mumbled and Harry looked at her.
"Great, now what?" he snapped.

Arranged marriage (Harry Hook x Evie Grimhilde) {💯%}Where stories live. Discover now