2. The meeting

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Evie sighed as her mom kept making adjustments to her look.
"Shoulders straught, chin up, show the boy that you'll be the one in charge!" the Evil Queen said and she looked at Evie.
"And fix your make-up! The peace of the isle depends on this arrangement. You're young, 15, I know... Don't worry, I won't let you get married to the boy until you're 18. But you got to promise me that you won't mess this up." the Evil Queen said and Evie looked at her mother.
"But what if he is like... an ugly pirate?"
"You honestly think I'd let him marry you then?" the Evil Queen said with a dry expression and Evie sighed.
"Mom, what if the two of us wouldn't have a connection? Like... Am I supposed to marry him regardless?" 
"I'm afraid so, but if a boy doesn't have a connection with you... He wouldn't be able to have a connection with anyone."
Evie let out a sigh as she finished her make-up.

"You two are getting on my nerves!" Harry sissed as his two sisters were helping him prepare.
"Oh hush." Harriette said with a smile.
"You look handsome big brother." Cj said and Harry sighed.
"I can't mess this up... Dad would kill me..."
"...literally." Harriette said softly and Harry looked at her.
"Ohw come on!" he whined and Cj looked at him.
"Maybe fix your hair, it's still messy." she said and Harry rolled his eyes.
"My hair is fine." he snarled.
"Girls, leave. I want to talk to Harry." Captain Hook said.
"Goodluck." Harriette said softly before the two sisters left.
"Look dad, I get it... Don't mess it up." Harry mumbled and Captain Hook scoffed.
"Why would I remind you of the obvious? I wanted to make sure that you know that I want you to do everything what the girl would tell you to do. That's what a proper lad would do for his lady."
"E- everything?" Harry asked and Captain Hook nodded.
"Everything. Otherwise you and I are going to have some problems, you don't want that. Do you?"
Harry quickly shook his head no and Captain Hook sighed.
"This is very important right now son, if today goes wrong... it would mean war between north and south... No one wants that, people would get killed... I bet you wouldn't want to lose either of your sisters?"
"No, of course not!"
"Then make sure you won't mess it up!" Hook snarled and Harry swallowed as they heared Cj call out from downstairs;
"The Evil Queen and her daughter are on their way! I can see them from the window!" she yelled.
"Get away from the window, you little spy!" Harriette sissed and Harry swallowed.
"Dad, I'm not sure if I can do this..." he mumbled.
"Oh shut it. Just remember, if you mess up. The war would be on you." Hook said and Harry swallowed again.

Evie was nervous when she saw the pirate Hook house.
"Oh dear..." she mumbled.
"Oh hush." the Evil Queen said as she knocked on the door.
Hook opened the door and he narrowed his eyes.
"Regina." he said.
"James." the Evil Queen said.
"Let's just introduce your daughter to my son, shall we?"
"Seems like a proper plan."
Evie swallowed as her mom pushed her inside the pirate house.

Harry was actually nervous and Harriette looked at him.
"Relax, you're always good with girls. You'll be fine."
"Yea big brother, you got this!" Cj said.
They heared hoe their father cleared his throat and they turned.
Harry saw the blue haired girl and he looked towards his dad, actually seeking help.
"Harry, this is Evie Grimhilde. The girl which you will be betrothed to." Hook said and Harry looked at the girl.
"Hello..." he mumbled.
"Mother, he's weird..." Evie said and Harry felt like he got slapped in the face.
"Don't be rude Evie." the Evil Queen said, despite the fact that she did share her opinion.
"Well don't just stand there." Harriette said softly as she gave her brother a little nudge.
"I eh- Well..." Harry mumbled.
"Your jacket is nice... I suppose." Evie said and Harry looked at her.
"Thanks... So is your dress..." he mumbled.
"Mother, do I have permission to go somewhere to talk with him alone?" Evie asked and the Evil Queen looked at Hook.
"Depends on if the boy has permission too."
Hook nodded and Evie looked at Harry.
"Can we talk outside then?" she asked and Harry nodded, he could use some air anyway...

Arranged marriage (Harry Hook x Evie Grimhilde) {💯%}Where stories live. Discover now