No never not me

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Jimin slumped in the chair as his father shouted the usual demands at him.
"Why Jimin why can't you be like other omegas, gentle subservient and good"
"It's not my fault I'm an omega , I don't want to bow down to others I'm not going to be boring and weak"
"I need you to behave, you think others haven't noticed your behaviour , you can't keep running around like a wild thing, the Alpha isn't pleased that your causing trouble or that your fighting he asked me why I can't control you!"
"Fucking Alpha Jeon Jungkook who does he think he is, a spoilt brat I hate him,"
"Jimin he is your Alpha the leader of this pack!"
"He's not my anything, he's a jerk."
Jimins mind went back to his school days, he'd hated Jungkook for being Mr Popular, always getting what he wanted....., except for him he smirked, remembering when Jungkook had cornered him telling him he'd make him his,Pfft as if! He'd kneed him where it hurts and run off, keeping well away from him but sometimes catching him watching him from a distance.
Shaking his head he tuned into his father again," so I don't care if they are your mate or not I'll marry you off if you get into trouble again!"
"As if, I'm my own boss not someone's plaything!!" The small male stood up stomping his way out.
"Jimin! Come back here! Jimin!"
Jimin walked out of the house so fed up, so he'd played a little joke on his now ex boss, wasn't his fault the man had no humour , Jimin grinned remembering the old man's face when he realised what Jimin had put in the front window. After a particularly boring day in the pharmacy Jimin had sneaked out to the front window with a permanent marker on one window he'd written in large letters 'buy your condoms here we will make you want to 'cum' again. '
On the other, he'd written ' everything you need for baby...if window one doesn't work!'
The boss had only found out when one old lady had stormed in telling him he was wrong to incite the youth of today to 'copulate' Jimin had sniggered the boss had gone to look at the Window and Jimin was fired, which is why he found himself with time in his hands now, he sauntered to the coffee shop where his friend Tae worked.
"Jimin! Hi no work today?"
"Or any other day,"Jimin replied.
"What did you do this time?" Tae sighed
"But me a coffee and I'll tell you."
Tae took his break and sat with his friend while Jimin explained his change of circumstances.
"Damn Jimin that's the third job in two months!"
"Well I can't help that they were boring !"
"Doesn't mean you have to redesign the greengrocers to make the fruit and veg look like sexual displays, or tip laxative in the bread being baked for the Alpha!"
Jiminee giggled at that , he remembered the Alpha coming to the house demanding that he see Jimin only for Jimin to hide inside a wardrobe so his father couldn't find him and Jungkook saying he knew he was there and would catch him later, Jimin wasn't sure how he knew but he kept out off the others way so far even though his father had ranted at him for an hour or more .........
"Jimiin! Stop zoning out, what's going to become of you?"
"Oh Tae chill, I just, I don't know I feel restless like I want something like it's within reach but not quite there."
"Maybe you need your mate, it's the most fulfilling thing,"
"No thanks, just because you have Hobi doesn't mean everyone's waiting to meet their knight in shining armour!"
As if on cue two people entered the cafe , both walked to where the other two were sitting," Tae baby I thought I'd have coffee with you but I see your already in your break,Jimin" Hobi nodded to the small boy with his husband.
"Hey Hobi how's things...has the big bad wolf got you working too hard..., oh hi Jungkook," Jimin said as if he'd just noticed him.but he'd felt his prescence somehow.
Jungkook clenched his fists, this sassy little omega was so annoying, pity he was his mate even if he didn't know it. He let out some dominating pheromones towards the small male who immediately lowered his eyes before him as did unfortunately Tae, " hey Kook!" Hobi turned to him looking annoyed, his beta not wanting his omega husband brought into the silent war of the other
Jungkook shook himself mind linking to Hobi and apologising .
"Hey you mangy dog did you try and get me to bow down to you!" Junin shouted at the other.
Tae mentally face palmed at his friends destructive nature,"
"Mmm behave, Jimin, you seem to like getting in trouble ," jungkook neared the small boy who suddenly felt hot and ansty, his wolf howling inside.
What the hell was wrong Jimn thought ,then thought that it was probably because of the jerk in front of him looking out of his gorgeous doe eyes in his handsome........yuk! What am I thinking!
Jimin brushed by the jerk feeling his body tingle, "bye Tae, Hobi see ya around."
Jungkook watched the male go, his hormones raging why was Jimin such an obstinate mate?
"Your gonna have your hands full with that one ," Hobi told his boss .
"He'll learn, he's my mate so he'd better."
"JIMIN IS YOUR MATE HOLY SHIT!!!!" Tae yelled making other customers look around.
Tae bowed to them apologising as his husband spoke quietly, "jimin hasn't sensed it yet so don't tell him,"
"Well he won't cos he takes blockers , they stop others sniffing around him but they also dull the instincts,"
"And how would you know this baby?"
"Er I used to take them now and again before I met you, then I forgot to take them met you and here we are,"Tae said giving his husband a hug.
"Damn it, they are illegal it disrupts natures course, who supplies them?" Jungkook asked eyes angry.
Tae cowed under the Alphas dominant gaze looked at Hobi , who nodded.
"It's....the coffee shop on the other side of town the owner used to be a pharmacist but makes money by selling these and other drugs, I'm sorry Alpha....., it's hard being an omega we get put upon by other Alphas and Betas as fair game, poor Jimin was always chased down, he learnt to be crafty and nimble to get away"
Jungkook felt rage inside himself that others had tried to take his Jimin, his eyes flashed black and he growled .
"Kook calm down," Hobi muttered.
"Hobi we need to put this dealer out of business and let it be known I will not tolerate omegas being used for light relief, also that none of my pack will touch that drug again," he nodded to Tae then walked out,
Hobi kissed his husband," do not say anything to Jimin ok?"
Tae nodded waving his husband off.
Jimin saw Jungkooks flash car outside the cafe, he got his lip gloss out and wrote on the window' mangy dog' before wandering off to see if he could find a job as he couldn't rely on his father giving him money and his funds were low , even lower he thought when he will go and buy his tablets at the end of the month!
Turning a corner he heard someone whimper, it was a pretty omega , three males surrounded her pushing her around and making lewd suggestions,
"Oh look 3 big brave men picking on one small girl," Jimin sassed.
"Your pretty brave for an omega, why don't you let us play with you instead,"
Jimin eyed the girl and nodded for her to run now their attention was on him, ignoring the girl as she ran off the 3 males honed in on Jimin,
"Let's see you take my big dick in that curvy ass"
"What big dick? This?" Jimin booted the male in his lower region causing him to collapse in pain.
The other two went to grab Jimin but he slid under their arms picking up a chair outside a restaurant and throwing it at them, he turned and started running across the road causing a car to swerve and crash into a shop window, Jimin looked in horror as the car engine caught fire, the males chasing him ran off, Jimin ran to the car seeing an unconscious woman in the front he managed to open the door and drag her out, seeing a baby in a car seat as he did so, coughing from the smoke and flames he pulled the woman away, people running up to help, he ran back to the car the baby crying now, the back door didn't open so he squeezed in the front going to the back seat and unbuckling the baby, carefully tucking it under his jacket he climbed to the front and grabbing the door heaved himself out burning his hand on the hot metal.
By now an ambulance and fire engine were there, one of the boys who'd hit in him shouted," it's his fault he caused the crash!"
The gathered crowd started shouting at Jimin who stared around worriedly, he made his way to the woman in the ambulance who was semi conscious ,
"I'm sorry , here's your baby,"
"It wasn't your fault they were chasing you,I saw," she said quietly.
Jimin was suddenly grabbed his arms put behind him and handcuffed, he hissed as his burnt hand was jostled.
"There are witnesses who say you caused this, come with us we are locking you up,"
"But,......" the woman was about to say something but the ambulance doors shut, leaving Jimin at their mercy. He was pulled to a police car and thrown in before being driven to the station.
Jimin had been put in a cell, his handcuffs off but his hand stung and nobody looked at it.
Two hours later his father and Jungkook turned up,
"Ah Alpha how can I help ?"
"Park Jimin?"
"Oh him... he's in a cell,"
"He made a woman crash her car,"
"As I understand it, he was being chased by 3 men, one of which I hear is one of your witnesses?"
"Er but he's the police chiefs nephew?"
"And the main witness, the mother, wrote a statement that he was being chased and she swerved to avoid him, now I suggest you'll let him out, right now!"
"Yes Alpha ....,"
He grabbed some keys and went and unlocked Jimin's cell, Jimin was sweating the burn causing a fever,
"Hey dad....."
Jiminee swayed a bit ,
Jungkooks put his arms out to hold him up and saw his burnt hand.
"Why hasn't his wound been treated!!"0
"Erm boss said no."
" you mean your ex boss! You are here to follow rules policing yourselves and the town !"
"Yer, !"Jimin said before passing out from pain.

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