Dont treat me like a possession

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The next day, Jungkook woke up to an empty bed, he frowned he liked his morning cuddle.
Getting up he wandered downstairs seeing Jimin dressed in his shorts and T shirt. He knew that their intense sex was over he had felt his rut end yesterday.
"You should have woken me up."
Jimins tone was defensive, he realised he had no shoes so he couldn't return home early like he had wanted.
"Ah,I see the old Jimins back, in that case I need to make a phone call then I'll do breakfast."
"Whatever," Jiminee mumbled flicking tv channels.
Jungkook sighed made necessary phone calls then cooked breakfast. As the pair sat eating quietly the doorbell rang, jungkook going to answer it.
An excited female voice spoke," Alpha you wanted me here,"
The owner of the voice was brought in, it was the pushy girl from the meeting, her big smile dropped when she saw Jimin there but she clung to Jungkooks arm, Hobi walked in behind Jungkook.
"Meena, I want you to go with Hobi and Jimin you have good taste, I want you to find him a suit for the wedding."
Jimin coughed on his food before staring at Jungkook
"You need a suit for the wedding..."
"Well Meena has good taste, she will be ideal to take."
"No ."
"Don't argue Jimin, it's just a few days away., Meena come here I'll tell you the colour scheme." He took the girl to his study while Jimin stood fuming. Hobi saw his face and tried to calm him.
"Jimin I'm sure he means well,"
"Fuck him..., Hobi if I'm your Luna do you have to take orders from me?"
"Well as soon as Jungkook announced it you can now be above me as his beta," Hobi said warily.
"Well then....,give me your car keys ,"
Hobi grimaced but handed them over .
"You can pick your car up at mine later but...., I want you to tell that mangy dog this word for word you ,after I've left ,understand me?"
Hobi nodded listening to Jimins words and then watching the boy leave, why did this happen to him he thought .
Ten minutes later and the pair walked out of the study, Jungkook looked around frowning he couldn't smell his mate. He looked at Hobi ," where's Jimin?"
"Erm, he took my car and left a message."
"Why did you let him do that?"
"He played the Luna card,"
"What was the message?"
Hobi looked uncomfortable ," you want me to say now?" He said looking across at the girl.
"Of course,"
Hobi sighed,"er the Luna said I was to say this word for word ok, not my words but his so don't kill me....
If your dumb ass mind thinks I need a skinny ass bitch like her to dress me your fucking delusional , if you don't like the way I dress then go fuck yourself, I don't care, I don't take instructions from a mangy dog like you, I'm not your property or your toy so don't treat me like one and if it's just because you want to get into her knickers go ahead two can play at that game."
Hobi stuttered to a stop his eyes downcast ,"Hobi use my car take Meena home ," he growled before turning and going to his room . He grabbed his phone and rang Jimin.
"What shithead?" Jimin said.
"God help me Jimin one day I'll ...."
"Shove it Alpha go play with someone else I'm busy,"
Jungkook looked at his phone in astonishment, had he just been hung up on , that little....,, he dressed hurriedly then taking one of his many cars he drove off towards Jimins.
Jimin had got home and greeted his father who could see his son was angry so didn't say anything. Jimin asked if he could use his fathers car that day and when his father said yes he ran upstairs to change on his way down when his phone rang .
After speaking to Jungkook he took his wallet and phone correctly assuming the Alpha would probably turn up at his and no way in hell was he going to be there, he shoved spare clothes in a backpack and said goodbye to his father before taking the backroads out of town, grinning evilly to himself.
Jungkook turned up at the park residence fifteen minutes later. Knocking on the door he said to a surprised Mr Park that he wanted to talk to Jimin but was told Jimin had driven off a short while ago, Jungkook thanked him and left sitting in his car he phoned Jimin again but it wasn't answered and that's how his day went, him waiting for Jimin to call which he didn't and then him wondering at Jimins threat of two can play that game, he wouldn't would he? Meena was nothing to him but then he knew Jimin hadn't liked her from the day of the meeting, he played over in his mind what he'd said that morning and mentally slapped himself, not only had he implied Jimin had bad taste but he'd brought in the one person Jimin disliked, he was a jerk!!
Jiminee meanwhile was like a kid in a candy store, he walked around the shops looking for his wedding suit he'd gone to wedding shops but found that the suits just weren't him then he came to a store that was opening that day, it was specifically for men and the displays caught Jimin's eye.
Walking in he found just what he was looking for , it was all red from the shirt the trousers and perfectly shaped jacket , he tried it on and loved the way the suit fitted his slim body, the assistant clapped his hands in delight and pointed to shelves of shoes a red pair there that matched the suit perfectly .
"I'll take it all," he grinned at the assistant by the time he'd paid for it on his card which he knew was getting more depleted he then went and had his hair styled, grabbed some food went to the cinema and watched a film he wanted to see and then found a cheap b & b where he checked his phone and ignored Jungkooks calls and settled down to a stress free sleep , unlike his fiancé who paced back and forth for hours getting more pissed as the time wore on.
Next morning
"Jimin,are you ok you didn't come back!"
"Sorry dad I didn't mean to worry you , I just went shopping for the wedding then I had my hair done then saw a film then stayed here in a b & b, now I'm broke but happy."
"Ah um glad Jiminee , let me put some money into your account, I should help with the wedding, I know you it's not the normal type is it ?"
"You know me well dad bought you a waistcoat in a matching colour which you have to wear with your light grey suit and a white shirt okay?"
"Yes son Jungkook called yesterday?"
"Yes dad he's called me yesterday," he didn't mention he had ignored them all!
"I'll be back later bye."
Jimin smirked , he was his own boss something that bossy Alpha would learn!

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