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Jimin blushed at Jungkooks words and turned away only to be swung round by Jungkook.
"Hey, leave me alone,"
"I asked you a question Jimin,"
"So I don't have to answer you."
Jungkook decided to take this questioning on another track.
"Well I need to know after all, when I fuck that beautiful ass I need to know how hard I can go," he smirked.
Jimin was now a deeper shade of red,"hey don't talk like that to me, what I am has nothing to do with you and it's my ass not yours!"
Jungkook walked Jimin backwards until he was against a wall, "all of you will be mine and most especially that ass"
Jimin felt himself get uncontrollably hot at Jungkooks closeness leaning against him.
"Pfft....,ok I've never been fucked ok!!" He yelled angrily.
"I'm certainly ok knowing I will be your first. But how did you cope with your heat,I thought omegas had friends who helped them like I could if needed in my rut?"
"The tablets suppressed that as well I've never had one."
"Shit you don't know what your in for.....,"
"It can't be that bad?"
"Jimin you will be filled with urges ten times stronger than normal sex, it will be difficult to control yourself as your mate when it hits you my Rut will kick in, I'm worried if it happens before we have you know,er,done the deed already,I will find it hard to control myself, but now you know I'm your mate you won't want anyone else."
"Well you must have used others yet you know I'm your mate!"
"No Jimin I didn't ,as soon as I knew you were my mate I shut myself away when my rut came but it is really hard."
"Well I'm sure I'll be ok,"Jimin said nervously not mentioning the strange wanton feelings that had started popping up that day.
"Hmmm...., you sure your not feeling something already, I feel off."
"Nope nothing," Jimin said crossing his fingers behind his back.
"Where's your phone, I'll give you my number in case," Jimin tutted but handed his phone over, Jungkook put in his number and put Jimins number in his.
"So , the wedding will be at the end of next week, so seven days , I'll get the arrangements made."
"That soon really!"
"I've been waiting years Jimin I can't wait to make you mine."
"Only if I say so you don't own me, remember your own laws no harassing omegas!!"
Jungkook growled under his breath then swooped down to take Jimins lips with his causing a mass of emotion in the smaller male who couldn't hold his moan in.
"See you can't help but react to me, it's going to be fun making you mine." Jungkook grinned and walked to the door laughing as Jimin said childishly,
"In your dreams you overgrown dog," he walked over and slammed the door in Jungkooks face hearing his laugh as he walked away.
It was 3 am, Jimin had heard his father come in earlier and he was now snoring in his room. Jimin couldn't sleep , he was sweating, even the covers felt uncomfortable against him, his nerve endings felt sensitive, his body demanding something, he slipped his hand to his member and pumped it in no time at all he came but it wasn't enough.
Going to his bathroom he washed himself in cool water but even touching his own skin was a torment. He moaned unable to stand it needing something, he   Picked up his keys and phone and wearing sweatshirts and T shirt he wandered out i into the night bare foot and groggy with feelings he was unused to.
He just needed to cool off he thought wandering along the silent road, bending over as a rush of intense longing rushed over him. It got harder to walk along and he knew what he had to do.
Jungkook woke to his phone ringing and an ansty feeling.
"Jimin is it your heat? I'll come to you..."
"N-not home....aaahh,oh god......"
"Jimin where are you,"
"Aaah Jungkook...help me...."
"Jimin baby listen tell me where you are..."
"B-beach rd....."
"I'm coming!!"
Jungkook dressed and picking a jacket up and his car keys he went out into the cold. He drove quickly until he saw a small figure bent over hugging his legs tears pouring down his face as the intense feelings ran over him.
"God Jimin you'll freeze no shoes or coat!"
"Too hot Kookie, I'm so hot," Jimin curled against Jungkooks body as the taller male picked him up. Jimin unconciously kissed Jungkooks neck moaning in the pleasure it gave him.
Jungkook knew Jimin wasn't aware of what he was doing but he still got a boner.
"Kookie I want you to touch me, touch me there Kookie I need it so much please."
Jungkook opened the back door of the car," lay down Jimin I'll give you something to calm you," Jimin lay back, Jungkook leaned into the car pulling Jumins shorts down seeing no boxers, Jimin went to pump himself but Jungkook placed his own hand on the others member pumping him watching Jimins face as he moaned in joy, then Jungkook put him in his mouth sucking and licking. Jimin screamed in delight," yes, fuck, more, oh god....," Jimins pleasure at the new feeling was obvious to see and hear, Jungkook  felt the slick coming from Jimin and getting some on a finger pushed it into Jimins puckered virgin hole making Jimin cum in seconds,
"Aaaah, Kookie more aaaaaah,"
Jungkook sucked him dry then pulled away," I'm taking you to mine Jimin , your triggering my rut..., we can't do this here."
Jungkook left Jimin as he was part naked sprawled on the back seat, he drove off quickly hearing Jimins heavy pants as lust rolled over him,
"Don't you dare touch yourself Jimin," using his Alpha tone.
Jimin whined at the command then rolled onto his stomach grinding against the seat looking for relief.
"Fuck!" Jungkook said going as quickly as was safe.
Screeching to a halt outside his house he rushed around to get Jimin out.he pulled his dangling shorts right off before carrying the half naked boy over his shoulder into the house and up to his room , turning to nip the plump ass before throwing him on the bed.
Jungkook stripped off seeing Jimins eyes open at his length ," it's ok I'll take it easy", Jungkook said only to hear Jimin moan," want it Kookie now,"
Jungkook stripped Jimins t shirt off then began caressing and kissing every inch of the boy, getting to his ass he bent Jimin's legs back pushing his hole forward so he could lick it thoroughly.he lucked from the base of his dick to his hole pushing a finger in as he licked around it.
Jimin was whimpering with the need to cum,
"Kookie now please I'm so empty fill me up"
"Wait just a little more I need to prep you,"
"NO FUCK ME NOW!!" Jimin demanded.
"It's gonna hurt....."
Jungkook lined himself up and gently pushed in, Jimin hissed in pain but muttered," more!!"
Jungkook could no longer resist he slammed in all the way hard," ooow ! Fuck!" Tears leaked from Jimins eyes but he pushed up as the other slammed down.
"Fuck Jimin your so beautifully tight, this is going to be quick,"
The pair grunted and thrust each striving for their release.
"Oh Kookie fuck me harder,"
"I will baby,"
Jungkook thrust hard and fast his rut now released, he knew he should be gentle as it was Jimins first time but the small omega was egging him on demanding more, suddenly jimin screamed out his orgasm white spurts shooting out hard across Jungkooks abs. Jimin was a panting mess but Jungkook still pounded hard until,"fuuuuuuuck!!!
His warm seed released inside Jiminee and his knit held him tight there.
He slumped into Jimin still inside until his knit would release him, knowing he was heavy he rolled into his back so that Jimin lay across him.
"We will have to wait until my knit releases,"
"Are you ok?"
"Try to sleep that was the first of many before your heat and my rut is done ,"
"Huh? More like that!!I'll never walk again!!"
Jungkooks laughed," Aw baby you wanted more and harder."
"This is just a hiccup, I'm still in charge of me not you....., I'm going to sleep,"
The little omega nuzzled against Jungkooks neck and fell straight to sleep. Jungkooks rubbed his back soothingly, poor little thing he didn't know what awaited him. Jungkooks knit subsided but he stayed where he was, drifting off to sleep.
He was woken up by Jimin rubbing against him his need setting Jungkook off, the pair kissed passionately. Jimin decided he wanted to taste Jungkooks hard in and proceeded to give a first rate job as a novice, blowing Jungkooks mind as he came hard in Jimins mouth, he immediately got Jimin on all fours, opening his cheeks and pushing into the others wet slick hole pounding away hard Gripping Jimins hips hard , nipping his back and reaching around to pump Jimins member, this time they came together both panting hard,then flopping on the bed.
Jimin eventually sat up, gotta pee, he winced as he put his feet to the floor pushing against the bed to stand up, yelping in pain before string arms carried him to the bathroom, "I'll run the bath while you do your business, "
Jimin didn't even feel embaressed that the other male was there while he peed not after what they had done, washing his hands he looked back at Jungkook who was adding bubbles to the bath. His eyes slid over the Adonis like figure admiring it, his lusty gaze was caught by Jungkook who smirked and came towards him, his eyes in Jimins hard in and Jimin licking his lips at the profusion from Jungkooks body.
"I was gonna let you soak but now you can ride me," he stepped into the bath carrying Jimin then let Jimin stand as he sunk into the bath," straddle me,"
Jungkook demanded.
Jimin did so and felt Jungkooks member poking at him," raise up,@ Jumin did so and felt jungkook put the tip of his member at Jimins hole ," go down"
Jungkook growled out, Jimin sunk down on the other moaning out loud in pleasure rocking his hips as Jungkook thrust up, the slow pace quickened as each became more needy, jimins excitement grew as he could see Jungkooks face as his pleasure built up, with a loud groan Jungkook came hard inside Jimin his knot stronger than before puffing Jimins tummy up, jimin keened as his orgasm spurted into the water.
Jungkook held Jimin to his chest, massaging the base of his spine,jimin was so tired, this heat business was hard going, as neither could move for a while Jimin got comfortable, his small hands leaning on Jungkooks chest his eyes closed as he dozed.
Half an hour  later and the bath got cool. Jungkooks knot finally ran out and he moved shaking the smaller boy.
"Jmin the water cold come on shower,"
Jimin mumbled in about overbearing mangy dogs but allowed Jungkook to help him up, he shivered slightly until Jungkook ran the shower and held the small boy there as he washed him all over then himself," right stay under a bit longer to keep warm I'm gonna remake the bed then food we need to. "
Jimins stomach took that moment to rumble loudly,
"Sorry ," he muttered.
Jungkook made sure the other stood safely," I'll put some clothes on the bed , wait for ten minutes."
Jimin nodded and stood with the hot water aimed at his poor aching back.
He took fifteen minutes before stepping out carefully and slowly and going into the room , he dried off and put in one of Jungkooks t shirts that nearly came to his knee, he didn't bother with anything else he felt he was covered enough, he combed his fingers through his damp hair to get it in some sort of order before sitting in top of the bed dragging pillows behind him to support his back.
Jungkook walked in carrying an overloaded tray, he was just in boxers and nothing else, jimin tried to stop his eyes roaming over him. And looked at the tray instead hungrier than he had been in a longtime .
"I've called Hobi to say I'm unavailable for a few days and spoke to your father about what was going on, he sent his love ."
Jiminee nodded mouth full. The pair demolished all the food, Jimin burping and apologising embaressedly.
"You gotta keep your strength up, this will get worse before it gets better."
"The heat and rut usually lasts 2-3 days, it's sex all the way Jimin, you may feel slightly more intense as this is your first heat but after this one it will get easier."
"I won't survive, my poor ass!!"
"Rest up while I go wash these up, "
Jimin curled up pulling pillows and covers around him like a nest, which is where Jungkook found him fast asleep He  curled up with him placing a kiss on     
his forehead then put his arm around him bringing him protectively near then he slept.
The next two days passed like this sex food and sleep  as the three days passed Jimin felt like he lost any inhibitions he may have had freely initiating the sex wherever they may be , bed, kitchen or shower, as the third day came to an end he felt the constant need diminish bringing him back to his normal self, sassy and argumentative .

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