A date of sorts

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Jimin had gone to sleep with Jungkooks goodnight playing over in his head. He felt like he wanted to go and hug the lonely sounding male. He was in a dilemma, he didn't want to give into the other so easily but he also didn't want him to be sad, with those worrying thoughts in his head he had finally fallen asleep waking up late in the morning and rushing around so he would be ready when Jungkook came.
The doorbell rang and Jimin answered, a massive bouquet of flowers was shoved at him.
"Here a peace offering ," Jungkook mumbled.
"Oh you old romantic," Jimin said cheekily lightly kissing the others face to thank him only to be dragged back for a more demanding kiss that left him gasping.
"Morning Jimin,"Jungkooks deeper voice said.
Jimin blushed and hurriedly went to put the flowers in a vase admiring their beauty and placing them on a shelf in the sitting room.
"So shall we go?" He asked
Jungkook nodded and the pair left, arriving twenty minutes later at the hospital.
Jungkook was greeted like a celebrity, he introduced Jimin then they were shown around ending up at the childrens ward.
Jimins heart went out to the small children, those that were getting better playing in a corner where there were toys and games, others in bed too weak to play but full of smiles, then one little girl in her own hiding in the floor against a wall.
"Why is she like that?" Jimin asked
"Her name is Ava She hasn't said a word to anyone since she was brought in, her family was in a car crash ,a drunk driver caused,both parents are in intensive care but are slowly getting better she had lacerations and as you can see a broken arm."
Jimin walked over on his own and sat down next to the little girl.
"Hello Ava, I'm Jimin, I could see as soon as I walked in that you must be the most important person in here," he said solemnly.
The little girl looked surprised.
"You know, I expect your just waiting for mummy and daddy to come arent you?"
The little girl nodded enthusiastically.
"Well I don't know if you know Ava but old people like me don't get better as quickly as little people like you, because we are bigger the medicine takes a long time to get round our bodies."
Ava nodded as if she understood.
"Has the medicine worked on your voice yet can you talk to me?"
"Was it my fault?" Ava whispered
"Baby why do you think it was your fault?"
"I wanted to go to the park so mummy and daddy took me," the little girl cried.
"No baby,"Jimin said lifting the girl into his lap,
"your mummy and daddy took you there because parents do that to have fun and create memories with you,they live to see you happy,"
"Did your mummy and daddy take you out?"
Jimin sighed but was honest," my mummy was poorly when she had me so I never met her, my daddy and I have always been together making memories,"
"My mummy is pretty was yours?"
"My mummy was so pretty shall I show you a photo?"
Jimin pulled his wallet out and took out  a photo that he'd kept from the box .
"Your mummy is so pretty Jimin just like you!"
"Thank you baby."
"Jimin whose that man over there looking at us?"
"He's your Alpha , I'm going to marry him in two days, do you like him?"
"He's pretty too, are you going to wear pretty clothes have you got bridesmaids who look like princesses, I love princesses."
Jimin suddenly thought of something ," wait a minute baby I just need to ask the doctor something,"he picked the little girl of the floor and placed her in her bed.
"Could Ava have time away from the hospital?"
"Well, she's mostly recovered we are waiting for an aunt to come from abroad but that's not for four days but yes she could go out if the hospital for a while."
"Great, in two days time, we want a nurse to accompany her out."
"Er Jimin have you forgotten we are getting married then?" Jungkook muttered.
"That's exactly why,"Jimin said going back to the girl and sitting on the bed with her.
"Ava you know you are a pretty intelligent girl, you made me realise I don't have a princess bridesmaid at my wedding, now I wondered do you think you could be my princess , you would have to wear a pretty dress though is that ok?"
"Really,I can be a princess?"
"Well if you want to, it's a pretty important job though?"
"I can do it but I haven't got a princess dress,"
"Well don't worry because I'm going to go and buy you one and some shoes right after I leave here!"
The little girl hugged Jimin tight," I love you Jimin,"
"I love you too my princess, now you go play with the others and practice a big smile for my wedding photos ok?"
Ava nodded slipping off the bed and running to play with the others with the biggest smile on her face.
Jimin walked back to the others," we will be in touch about the arrangements if that is ok?"
"You are very good with children Luna " the doctor said.
"Well kids are great arent they?"
"Please feel free to come anytime,"
"Really, great,I'll do that but now we have to go, I have a princess dress to buy," he said smiling.
The two said their goodbyes and walked out the hospital to the car, jungkook swung Jimin around to him,
"You did very well in there, it was nice to see that side of you,"
Jimin shrugged," I love kids I wish I had siblings but it wasn't to be."
"I can't wait to see your belly round with my pups,"
Jimin blushed deeply," Pfft enough of your nonsense,"
He went to pull away but Jungkook hauled him near slamming their lips together , it soon became a battle of wills of who could be more passionate, Jimin moaning deeply , they broke apart gasping for air and realising where they were.
"Fuck Jimin you make me so horny I could take you right here."
"We'll keep it in your pants horn dog we have things to buy come on!"
They got in the car, Jungkook fidgeting to get his tight pants more comfortable ,Jimin sniggering as he looked down at the problem.Jungkook pouting at him.
Jimin took Jungkook around lots of shops until he found the perfect little dress white tulle with red roses at the waist finding red ballet slippers to match,
"Perfect !"Jimin said happily ," now let's eat I'm starving!"
They went to a restaurant and made their choice from the menu along with their drinks.
"I hope Ava's parents get well soon,she misses them so much.I liked the childrens ward they take great care of the kids,I think I'll definitely go again, maybe read to them or do some songs even drawing I quite like that."
"Do you know I've never seen you so animated over something before, I know the hospital is keen to have independent care help come in, if you put yourself in the register they do background checks and then let you in."
"Can I do it online?"
Jungkook nodded and before he knew it Jimin was in his phone filling in the form, fifteen minutes later he looked up with a smile," there,done my form I hope it's ok, I'd like to do a job where I can help, I think that's why I haven't succeeded anywhere else I got bored and wasn't really into it."
Their food arrived and they ate Jimin drinking wine but Jungkook only water as he was driving.
Jimin felt himself relaxed and fuzzy due to the wine so his lips were a bit loose.
"You know your not so bad when your not bossy,"
"Well thank you Jimin,"
"I used to be annoyed at you at school because everyone chased after you."
"And why was that my fault?"
"I dunno maybe I felt the pull a bit and I was jealous that's why I kneed you in the balls,"
"I don't quite understand your reasoning behind that?"
"I thought you were playing me , all those pretty girls and you came up to me, I thought you just wanted to be the one who could brag they had fucked me, I found out people were betting on it."
"What!!if I'd known I'd have put them in their place, I knew back then you were my mate."
"I always wondered why I couldn't be like others and just fuck anyone, I mean now I've had it I find it's pretty good."
Jungkook choked in his food at Jimins words his trousers feeling tight suddenly.
"Jimin maybe you shouldn't have anymore wine?"
"Kookie I'm not drunk just mellow."
"You don't normally talk like this,"
"I'm happy I've had a good day I've even had a sort of date with you."
"Great, we'll if you've finished, I'll take you home, you need to pack your stuff up tomorrow that will go to mine."
"Have you ever fucked in a car?"
Jungkook looked at this suddenly talkative boy seeing lust in his eyes, he waved for the bill paying it and rushing Jimin out, once in the car he drove to a quiet spot and growled at Jimin.
"Get your pants off,"
Jimin did so and Jungkook undid his then climbed into the back seat and pulled his pants and boxers down.
"Straddle me,"
Jimin did so, both were already aroused jimins hole slick with want, lining himself up Jungkook thrust up into Jimins hole as Jiminee slammed himself down,"aaah Kookie I feel so horny,"
"Me too, I fucking need this right now,"
Their mouths crashed together tongues tangling, jungkook squeezing Jimins ass cheeks,
The panting breaths and moans filled the car, Jimin desperate for release,"aaaaaaaaah!!!Kookie!!!!"
Spurts splattered against Jungkooks abs his shirt opened by Jimins frantic hands.
Jungkook grunted as he felt Jimins hole clench the he exploded his seed into Jimin a knot forming.
They both lay against the back seat Jimin flopped onto Jungkook waiting for his knot to subside.
"Fuck Jimin I hate that you can't stay with me til we marry, I feel uneasy when we aren't together ."
"The day after tomorrow and I will be, I want to spend time with my dad before leaving him, he's become a lot more open and happy since we talked about my mum, remember he never got to keep his mate."
"I know,I'm sorry do you feel it too this deep need?"
"Yes Kookie I do."
"Ahh,I think we can move now my knot has released,"
"Yer we don't want to get caught for indecent exposure."
"Hang in there's tissues here we can clean ourselves up."
Once they sorted themselves out Jungkook drive Jimin home, kissing him and watching him go indoors, just another day then he's mine he thought driving home to his lonely bed.

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