Is the honeymoon over

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The next day the couple drove to the beach villa, Jimin was asleep most of the way his back ached and he felt a little woozy, but he just told Jungkook it was tiredness.
The beach house was beautiful overlooking its own private beach.
Jimin wandered around admiring the layout then changed into shorts and t shirt and walking onto the sand to the waters edge where he sat looking over the sea.
Jungkook plonked himself down next to Jimin dressed in swimming shorts," fancy a swim?"
"No I will paddle along the edge,"
"Ok, I'm going in,"
Jimin watched as his husband waded into the water then dived under the water, he stood up splashing in the shallows but always keeping an eye on where Jungkook was.
Eventually Jungkook waded back," the water is warm you should have come in."
"I ,um, can't swim."
"No need to shout! I've just never learnt how to."
"Well tomorrow I will teach you, right now let's go have some lunch,"
They went back into the villa Jungkook went to shower while Jimin prepared some lunch.
They sat and leisurely ate their food chatting about mundane things when Jungkooks phone rang.
"Hello,oh hi....., no I'm on my honeymoon......, can't it wait, ok in an hour."
"I'm sort Jimin I need to go somewhere, it should only be three hours tops, do you want to stay or come with me?"
Jimin pouted, business before pleasure it seemed, he felt a rush of nausea come over him but kept it down,
"I'll stay, I'm really tired,"
"Ok I'll be back soon ." Jimin nodded he waited until Jungkook left then ran to the toilet and threw up , it must be all this stress lately he thought.
He crawled into bed falling asleep straight away, waking up a couple of hours later feeling refreshed.
He picked up his phone noticing some messages, he opened one from an unknown number, it was photographs of Jungkook and Meena, he could tell it was today because of the clothes Jungkook wore, why was he with her.
Next was a voice message:
"No I didn't want to marry"(jungkook)
"We can be together "(meena)
"The sooner the better"(Jungkook)
"Get rid of him"(meena)
"It was a mistake "(Jungkook)
Finally another message
"I knew it wouldn't last, now he has me, what's it like to be the runner up?"
Jimin felt sick again, rushing to the toilet his stomach heaved until nothing was left inside him.
Coming back to the bed he sat crying, not even a day, his marriage hadn't lasted a day. It was a lie all along, Jungkook had only wanted sex with him, he sluggishly got his suitcase and picked up the house phone to order a taxi , he picked his phone up then threw it down he didn't need that reminder and he didn't want anyone contacting him he felt such a fool.
The taxi came and drove him to a train station where he got a ticket for a place the furthest away from there, he sat travelling until day turned to night and he arrived at his destination.
Jungkook was frustrated, Meenas father had called to ask Jungkook to buy his home and allow them to leave the pack unfortunately Meena had been there as well and conversation had been stilted.
Meena; why not me Alpha ,you live me don't you
Jungkook:no I didn't want to marry you.
Meena:I don't care if your married we can be together.
Meenas father;that's disgraceful meena apologise!we are taking you away from here.
Jungkook: the sooner the better.
Meena:you don't love him get rid off him
Jungkook: I can see it was a mistake to come here, please deal with Hobi, I wish you well sir in the future.
Jungkook had got up to leave seeing a weird look in Meenas eyes as if she knew something he didn't. He hurried out to get back to Jimin.
Meena smiled at her father who gave her a disgusted look before leaving the room, meena got up to remove the camera and recorder she had hidden earlier, then snapping some stills that made it look like it was only her and the Alpha , she sent them to Jimins phone along with a message from her.
Stupid Park Jimin of course the Alpha was hers, why didn't he see it?
Jungkook unaware of this rushed back to his husband," Jimin. I'm back!" Silence
He walked to the bedroom thinking Jimin may be asleep but again no sign of him. He looked out to the beach ....,nobody. Finally he rang Jimins phone but heard a ringing nearby. Searching he saw it in between some cushions he pressed it but it asked for code, Jungkook thought then pressed in some numbers, Jimin was predictable it was his birthday . He clicked onto messages and felt his heart drop, that bitch how could she, he rang Meenas father,
"I'm going to send you some messages Meena sent to my husband, I'm warning you now if I ever see her again or if any harm has come to Jimin I will kill her!!"
He sent over the photos and messages getting an instant reply,
"Jungkook you have my word I wasn't aware of this and I am going to make her publicly apologise , she has brought our name into disgrace."
Jungkook looked around saw that Jimins case was gone, he rang the local taxi firm and they confirmed a pick up earlier who had been taken to the train station.
Getting in his car he drove quickly there. Showing Jimins photo to the ticket officer he confirmed Jimin had bought a ticket the only one for the last destination . He also told Jungkook because of the many stops that he could actually beat the train there by road as it was motorway all the way.
Jungkook thanked him profusely and jumped in his car his foot a little heavier on the accelerator than normal.
An hour and a half later he drew up at the station ran in to ask if the train had arrived yet and was told it was due in ten minutes. He stood and waited.
Jimin felt ill, he guessed it was stress, he really hadn't thought Jungkook would do that to him, how wrong was he, the tannoy announced the last stop, there weren't many people in the train so when it stopped he dragged his suitcase getting out of the carriage wearily not noticing the figure leaning against the wall watching him.
"So..., didn't want a beach honeymoon? You should have said."
"Come with me Jimin, it's getting late we need to get back,"
"No!!I'm not ever going with you, you philanderer !!"
"Jimin she lied,"
"I saw pictures,heard you two speaking, so don't lie!!"
"She doctored them I have proof, her father was there the whole time!"
Jungkook led him to a bench to sit down, he showed Jimin Meenas fathers message, he also explained what the real dialogue was, she did it to make you go, her father wants me to buy their estate he feels she has ruined their reputation amongst the pack, it's all fake Jimin please believe me."
Jimin felt like an idiot why had he ever believed her?
"I'm sorry Kookie I didn't think about it just believed what I saw...,"
"I would have too if the situation was reversed,shall we go back?"
"Yer,......." Jimin stood up feeling dizzy.
Jungkook held him," are you ok?"
"It's stress, let's eat here and go back?"
They had a quick snack in a cafe, Jungkook was worried something about his mates smell was different.
They arrived back at the villa , Jimins mood lighter than before, he asked Jungkook to just walk with him along the beach then they came back and made love slowly , before sleeping hugging each other tightly.

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