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Jimin whistled to himself as he drove back into town,.he actually felt quite relaxed after his day away,maybe he should do it more often .
His thoughts were brought to an abrupt halt when a car swerved in front of him and an angry dishevelled Jungkook stepped out storming over to the other car and pulling Jimin from the seat.
Jungkook stared at the other suddenly hugging him before pushing him back against the car and looking angrily at him.
"Who were you with, you didn't come home did you, what did you do, I'll kill them!!"
"Whoa what's your problem? You don't own me, my time is my own!"
"Do you know how worried I was you didn't answer my calls anything could have happened I've been awake all night!"
Jimin felt a little guilty but kept on the defensive,
"You should have got your girlfriend round to pass the time!"
"Is that what you did, did you go fuck someone else?!"
"I'm not a hoe, how dare you I fucking hate you!!"
Jimin shoved the other back, tears streaming down his face," first you hint I have bad taste then you get your girlfriend to try and dress me then you call me a whore!! Fuck you Jungkook! "His small hands beat against the others chest.
Jungkook felt himself come undone at the others tears, he'd caused this he was the big bad wolf. He pulled the sobbing boy into his arms.
"I'm sorry Jimin, I'm sorry I went overboard, I was really worried no one knew where you were and you said two could play at that......, I'm sorry"
Jimin heard the sincerity in Jungkooks voice, he sniffed ," I went and bought my own wedding suit, you involved her and not me, I don't even know the colour scheme, she does ,so if you don't like my choice too bad!"
Jungkook felt dreadful, he could see why Jimin was mad," I'm sorry Jimin, your right completely and it's red and white roses, will that clash?"
Jimin sniffed ," no it's perfect, that's all you had to do you know involve me, I don't want to be at loggerheads with you all the time it's draining, isn't a Luna an equal partner?"
"I'm not used to it, I have had to be in charge for so long it's habit, why didn't you come back last night?"
"I went to a cinema and out for food, I like taking time out and I warn you I'll probably do it again."
"But don't you feel the emptiness without me? I was going mad last night without you near my wolf was really upset."
Jimin was amazed Jungkook admitted it, he too felt a sense of loss after the time they had spent together.
"Well....,we can't be joined at the hip all the time, we will have to get used to it,"
"But I don't want to get used to it, Jimin move in with me today, it's not long til the wedding"
"No..., I ...., I'm still not used to this marriage idea it's been rushed on me, one minute I'm my own person the next I'm going to be Luna of the pack with responsibilities that I don't know about and you seem extremely happy to keep that bitch around."
"Don't be childish, Meenas family are old school influential she could teach you a lot help you be a Luna ?"
"Childish!! Are you so dumb that you can't see that she wants to get in your pants!"
Jungkook had the audacity to smirk  which blew Jimins temper sky high, " that's funny huh, we'll see how funny it is when you sleep in a separate room from me you fucker, no harassing omegas right"
If he wasn't so mad he would have laughed at the dismayed look on Jungkooks face instead he stomped on Jungkooks foot making him hop away in pain, allowing Jimin to jump in the car reverse then drive away giving Jungkook a one fingered salute.
Arriving home he took his shopping in to show his father who when he saw the colour laughed delightedly "your definitely your mothers sin, wait here."
His father went into his study , unlocking a drawer and pulling something out. He walked back to Jimin and handed him something.
Jimin looked and gasped, in his hands he held a photo frame, obviously of his parents marriage. He had seen a photo of her before but not like this, his mother was wearing, a red wedding dress, long lacy red sleeves and form fitting silky dress, around her neck was a red choker with three teardrop diamonds dangling from the centre.She looked beautiful.
"She was like you an original," his father whispered.
"I wish I'd known her, you both look amazing, and I love her necklace."
"You do..., wait," his father walked upstairs bringing down a box and opening it.
Jimin saw many photos , one a picture of his mother sitting elegantly on her own in her wedding dress.
"Dad, we have to get an enlarged copy of this, mum can sit beside you at the wedding!"
His father patted his back then removed a jewellery box from within the box. Jimin opened it, there sat his mothers red choker.
"Wear it son, it's the same red as your suit,"
Jimin hugged his father , " dad I love you,"
They kept like that for a while then Jimins phone rang it was Jungkook, Jimin ignored it. His father raised his brow ," trouble in paradise?"
"Not really, just a bossy male who thinks that he should get his way all the time."
The house phone rang and his father answered it,
"Hello...,oh Jungkook,Jimin....,no he's out,hmmmm, no I'm not sure when he'll be back, no I think as an adult he's capable of making his own choices, I couldn't say..., sure if he comes back I'll let him know you called." He put the phone back.
"Dad!!did you just lie to the Alpha ?"Jimin Giggled.
"Well, you did say he was bossy, and since we talked about your mother I seem to have a new zest for life, I'm going to stop being an old fuddy duddy!"
"Way to go dad!Can we keep this photo frame out?" He indicated the wedding photo .
"Yes we can and as well as the copy you want I'll get a copy of this to take with you, I'm done with hiding your mother away, I need to let her out to watch over us."
He placed the frame proudly on the table then the pair sat looking at all the photographs his father had kept hidden away but which gave him so much joy.
Jungkook sat morosely at his desk, Hobi walked in with something for him to sign, shortly after a knock came and in walked a shirt male with dyed green hair .
"Suga," jungkook and Hobi exclaimed.
"Dramatic or what ,"the short male exclaimed, "I got your invite, is it your school crush?"
"He's a little demon , I try and help but he gets all huffy,"
"Hmmm, help how?"
Hobi jumped in," he basically told Jimin he has no taste and Meena could advise him."
"Not Meena I'll do anything to be the Alohas mate Meena?"
Jungkook had the grace to wince," she's not that bad, I told Jimin earlier she comes from old school family she could help him learn to be a Luna."
"You what?!?!" Suga and Hobi said together .
"Do you not know that girl has had you in her sights for ages you dumbass,"
"Jimin said that" Jungkook muttered.
"I'm surprised he's even talking to you,"
"Well he's sort of not....,"
"I like the sound of Jimin," Suga said.
Jungkook huffed.
Another knock came and Meena walked in, seeing all the men in the room she became all cutesy .
"Oh Alpha , gentlemen, I'm sorry to bother you, I haven't heard any more from you about the wedding if you want my help, I'm sure I can bring Jimin up to your standards."
The three men looked at her,
"Your a bit presumptuous aren't you ?" Suga said.
"Excuse me?"
"Bring Jimin up to Jungkooks standards?do you not think Jungkook accepts Jimin as he is?"
Meena glared at Suga before turning to Jungkook.
"Tell your friend Alpha, how Jimin needs to be shown how to be a proper Luna."
"I think you forget yourself Meena, I've chosen Jimin  for your Luna, because he's already good enough,"
Jungkook didn't like how she put his Jimin down.
"But Alpha , he's not good enough for you , you should be with someone refined, your equal, an asset!"
"Like you?" Suga said derisively
"Yes like me , I should be the Luna not that cheap imitation!!"
A growl was heard , Jungkooks eyes flashed, Hobi rushed to his side.
"It's ok Kook I'll get her out!"
Hobi physically pushed the girl out as Jungkook got himself under control.
"That fucking little bitch how dare she put Jimin down," Jungkook said.
"Honestly Kook? Haven't you done that to the boy yourself, you used her in ways that put him down, she's a butch yes, but you allowed it." Suga said to his friend.
Jungkook stared at him then sighed ," I can always rely on you to be brutally honest can't I? What should I do Suga?"
"Grovel , take him to somewhere he likes,"
Jungkook looked blankly at the other.
"God dumbass, where do you go on dates with him?"
Jungkook looked sheepish," er we haven't dated,"
"Your kidding right, Jesus Jungkook, no wonder Jimin is annoyed , start treating him right he's a person not a random fuckboy!!"
Jungkook nodded then asked", you staying at mine?"
"Nope, Namjoon and Jin have a room for me."
"Ok,we'll do you want to go out?"
"Nah I need to sleep all this stress has made me tired, see ya"
After he left Jungkook sat and thought about his behaviour he really had been a dumbass, he immediately sent a message to Meenas father telling him he'd appreciate it if he could make it clear to his daughter that he would not tolerate her attitude towards Jimin.
Staring at his phone he tried Jimins number not expecting a reply so was shocked when he answered,
"What do you want shithead?"
"To apologise....,"
"Your assumption about Meena was correct I let her know I don't like her attitude and I don't want her around."
Jimin sniffed" finally saw sense then, that it?"
"No Erm , would you like to come with me tomorrow, I visit the childrens ward in the hospital check up if anything is needed.As the Luna I thought maybe you would like to take that job over?"
"Wow,yes,sure,I love kids ,"
"Ok I'll pick you up at ten ok,"
"Sure, that it?"
"No.....,goodnight Jimin sleep well," he clicked off the phone .

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