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Jimin had gone to the hospital so his father took the opportunity to ring Jungkook.
"Mr Park, how can I help you?"
"Er,I wondered if you could possibly cancel telling everyone about the marriage tonight."
"What do you mean, we agreed in this Jimin is my mate and I want him."
Mr Park sighed Jungkook heard.
"Has Jimin told you to do this, is he running scared?"
"No it's not that Erm ,"
"Mr Park I hate to throw my authority around but whatever is to do with Jimin is to do with me, so please tell me the problem ."
"He's worried he may have damaged his health by taking those suppressants."
"Is he I'll where is he does he need a doctor ?!?!"
"No...., he's, worried it could have affected his fertility...., if it has...., he won't marry you, he said it would be unfair to you, he's gone to the hospital for tests."
"Thank you I understand....., there will still be a wedding, goodbye ."
Jungkook called Hobi in," Jimins at the hospital for tests, I want you to inform the doctor that it must be rushed through."
"Sure Kook, I'll get right on it."
Jungkook sat down staring at the wall, he was pleased that Jimin was concerned for his future but knew he could never give Jimin up he had waited so long for him.
Jimin was called into the doctors room where he explained everything.
The doctor nodded and told him a simple blood test would be able to show if he was fertile,as he was talking his phone rang, he excused himself to Jimin and answered it. Flicking a glance to Jimin he spoke to the other person saying it would be done as an emergency then put the phone down.
Chatting to Jimin while he took blood he told him he may know the results quickly if the lab wasn't busy, Jimin thanked him and made his way out, he felt depressed so went to sit in a park near his home watching people go by.
A couple with a toddler who looked like she had only just learnt to walk came near, the baby making a beeline for Jimin, grasping his legs as he sat there and hugging him. Jimin smiled at her," hello cutie aren't you clever walking on your own," he smiled at the parents, who smiled back calling to their daughter," Minji come on baby girl ," the toddler frowned holding onto Jimin tightly looking into his eyes as if trying to convey something, before blowing him a kiss and toddling off.
Jimin watched her go then remembered,Minji was the name his mother had chosen for a girl, what a coincidence , his heart tried to tell him this was a good sign but he knew it could be wishful thinking.
Going back home he found his father humming to a song as he cooked something, Jimin smiled, it was like a weight had been lifted off his fathers shoulders since he'd spoken about his wife, he saw Jimin and called him to help and soon the pair were singing and dancing around the kitchen Jimin giggling as his father tried to do sexy moves.
It had been three hours since Jimins hospital visit when he got a call.
"Hello Jimin?"
"Yes who is calling ?"
"It's Dr Chang,"
Jimins heart beat rapidly.
"D-Dr Chang , you have the results already?"
Jimin saw his father look up at his words.
"Yes Jimin, I er rushed them through you seemed keen to know."
"Erm is it yes or No?"
"'ll be pleased to know your perfectly capable of becoming pregnant."
"What! Thank you doctor I'm very happy, goodbye ,"
Jimin was grinning, his father raised his brows ," that was quick, so I will be a grandpa then I'm pleased Jimin." He wondered if Jungkook had something to do with the speed of the results so he lied to Jimin,"maybe it's good that I haven't told Jungkook yet about cancelling the news tonight,"
"Oh I forgot about that, maybe we can hold off though?" He said hopefully
"No Jimin time to grow up my boy, now go get ready we need to leave for the meeting in an hour and you want to look your best for your future husband."
"Huh as if I'll do anything for him," Jimin muttered as he stomped upstairs.
His father immediately rang Jungkook,@ I presume you had something to do with Jimin getting his results so quickly?@
"You presumed correctly ....and?"
"Let's just say you can make your announcement Jimin is under the impression I haven't spoken to you yet."
"I'm pleased, I will see you both later then sir"
Jungkooks clucked the phone off the biggest smile in his face, the thought of Jimin being full with his pup pleased him, the thought of the action to make Jimin pregnant pleased him more , he'd love to feel that curvy ass, he could imagine the moans Jiminee would make as he filled him, he hoped Jimin wasn't too promiscuous during his heat, he was sad that he wouldn't be his first but he'd certainly be his last.
Jimin looked at himself in the mirror, well he had to admit he looked good , tight black trousers and a pale blue shirt looked good in him plus the black choker around his neck gave him a sexy vibe. His hair was styled perfectly .
Making his way downstairs he saw his father pacing back and forth , when he saw Jimin he smiled"ready son"
Jimin nodded and they both walked to his fathers car then drove to the large building that the meetings were held un.
There were a lot of people there already so Jimin and his father slipped into seats at the back of the room.they could see Jungkook surrounded by people a lot of them adoring girls one of whom seemed particularly friendly laying her hand on Jungkooks arm as she spoke to him. Jimin felt an uneasiness pass through him as he looked at them.
Ten minutes later Jungkook strode onto the raised stage. He greeted everyone and got on with business.
"Good evening everyone thank you for coming, I would like to mention a few bits of business.
Firstly we have a new chief of police, Namjoon?
Please welcome him I assure you as he is my cousin I know he is fully qualified for the job since our last chief has.....stepped down.
Been pushed more likely Jimin thought.
"Secondly , it came to my attention that we had an unwanted drug dealer in our midst running things from the coffee shot on the edge of our town, I and the police department have dealt with this. I will as of today make it illegal for anyone to supply omegas with suppressants and anyone found with any will also face a jail term."
He noticed certain males nudging each other ,"I also know that the reasons omegas took them needed to be looked at so a law has been passed , anyone interfering , harassing or forcing themselves on omegas will be punished by a large fine and a jail sentence."
The males from before suddenly looked uncomfortable , Jimin saw it was the three males from the previous night.
"Lastly, as your Alpha I am well aware that I should have a mate."
Whispers started going around and some of the girls Jungkook had been talking to started preening themselves especially the one who had been touchy with him, she gave the other girls a look of disgust before smiling up at Jungkook.
"So it is with pleasure I can finally introduce you to my mate if they would step forward "the girl went to stand when Jungkook said," Park Jimin please come forward ."
Jimin felt embarrassed but walked slowly forward as he passed the pushy girl he couldn't help but raise his brow at her and smirk, Jungkook seeing but hiding his smile.
Jimin got up next to Jungkook who put his arm around his waist causing Jimins hormones to go into overdrive.
"I present to you my mate for life and your new Luna Jimin, please treat him as you do me," now it was Jungkooks turn to stare down the pushy girl who put her head down under his dominant gaze.
The crowd cheered and then the meeting was over, the pair being congratulated by many, as the pushy girl came to give her regards she again lay her hand in Jungkook glaring at Jimin who retaliated with a smile saying,"if you don't get your hands if my man bitch you'll lose them"
Jungkook snorted at Jimins attitude leaning down to Jimins ear  as the girl hurried off," your man huh?dies Jimin love me.....?"
"Get over yourself you mangy dog," Jimin retorted.
Jungkooks arm tightened around his waist," so it was you who wrote that on my window,oh how I'm going to enjoy subduing you in bed."
"Fuck you," Jimin said.
"Oh we can do that to..., after I've fucked that lovely ass of yours, you'll forget your other lovers once you've had me."
Jimin blurted out," I can't forget what I haven't had," then realised what he'd told his soon to be husband, that he was a virgin and he would be his first, panicked he pulled away from jungkook who looked astonished, Jimin walked quickly from the room as Jungkook was surrounded by people wanting to ask things, even though all he wanted to do was rush after Jimin.
Jimin saw his father chatting to a group of people he told Jimin he would be out late celebrating with his friends , Jimin nodded taking the car keys and driving home all the while berating himself for giving out that information .
Jungkook eventually made it outside looking around for Jimin, he saw his father and went over to him,
"do you know where Jimin is?"
"Oh he took the car and went home feel free to go see him, I won't be back til early morning," he winked at Jungkook and left with his friends."
Jungkook drove over to the park house intent on seeing his mate.
Knocking in the door it was eventually answered by a Jimin in bare feet, loose sweats and an oversized t shirt. Jungkook groaned inwardly at how adorable he looked, he pushed his way in.
"Hey you can't come in here uninvited," Jimin said stubbornly.
"Your dad said I could,"
Jungkook shut the door and turned towering over the barefoot male.
"So Jimin are you telling me your a virgin?"

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