Pitter patter

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The next few days the pair spent relaxing, jungkook taught Jimin the basics of swimming, laughing at his doggie paddle but cheering him on when he succeeded in swimming a fair distance.
He also noticed Jimin looked pale at times and kept slipping off to the toilet.
He and Jimin were eating out in the sunshine when Jimin brought up a subject.
"Kookie why haven't you bitten me?"
"I think if you look at your body you will see I have!"
"No, I mean a mates bite, mark me as yours,"
"It's not often done nowadays, do you want me to?"
"Can I mark you too?"
Jungkook picked his husband up and carried him to the bedroom," let's do it."
The pair frantically undressed, Jimin rode Jungkook he liked to feel in charge," ah fuck Kookie, I feel so horny I'm gonna cum,"
Jungkook sat up as Jimin rode him he could feel Jimin tensing up,"turn your neck baby, "he growled, Jimin showed off his milky white collarbone and as he came hard Jungkook bit into it making Jimn scream in pain and pleasure, Jungkook lapped at the spot to heal it then turned his head away and brought Jimins mouth towards his neck,"NOW!!!aaaaaah!" Jimin but his lovers shoulder , suddenly feeling an intenseness as Jungkook came inside him it was almost as if he experienced Jungkooks release.
The pair panting lay down ,holy fuck Jimin thought that was the best yet.
"It sure was," Jungkook said, then the pair looked at each other," did you hear my thoughts?"
"I must have...., god I feel queasy hang on," Jungkook rushed to the bathroom, funnily enough Jimin suddenly felt fine.
Jungkook came back looking pale, "I must have caught whatever you've had,"
"Aw poor baby lie down."
Jungkook hated being sick, he knew he was a bit of a baby over it.  Jungkook spent more time in the toilet and it worried Jimin so he made Jungkook dress and took him to the local hospital.
The pair sat in a room as the doctor examined Jungkook, he couldn't find anything that would explain his sickness.
"You say you had this too?" He queried Jimin.
"Yes I did and then suddenly it stopped."
"Ah, can I ask you to give me a sample Jimin?"
"Me?not Jungkook?"
The doctor nodded handed a tube to Jimin and he walked out." So I see you have the mate mark, is it recent?"
"Yes actually just today,"
"Hmm, and you felt sick from today?"
"Yes I think I caught Jimins bug"
The doctor laughed, "I think it's a little more than that."
Jungkook raised his brows as Jimin walked back in handing the doctor the sample.
The doctor tested it then nodded," just as I thought,"
"Is it my fault did I make him ill?"
"Sort of,"
The pair looked at the doctor
"I'd like to congratulate you both, Jimin you are pregnant......., as you have mated properly you have as sometimes happens given your mate some of your symptoms like the sickness."
"What!!" Two voices said at once.
"I'm pregnant,"
"Your having my pup!"
"Haha your gonna have the sickness!"
"Jiminee that's not fair!!"
"The sickness will last a few weeks, then things will get better, you need to see your own doctor your not far along but you need to take care."
They nodded and left the hospital, Jimin dancing around," I'm pregnant, I'm gonna be a parent, what if the baby doesn't like me, oh I wonder what it will be, can I decorate the nursery,"
Jungkook hugged his husband," I'm really happy Jimin, but can I lie down, I feel awful,"
"Oh you poor baby let's get back, but can I get some ice cream on the way and popcorn I fancy it,"
Jungkook nearly went green at the thought but nodded.
The next day Jimin drove them back Jungkook having hardly slept.
Arriving at Jungkooks home, Jimin went to lift the cases out.
"No!" Your pregnant remember," Jungkook said.
"Yes,which is normal not dire."
"Still I'll take care of the cases, you go in it's been a long drive ."
"Which you slept the whole way through!"
"But Jimin........"
"Hush up , I'm going to your kitchen."
"Our kitchen."
"Ok our kitchen, I read up last night you might feel better keeping off rich food and sticking to plain crackers or toast."
"But you need to eat properly."
"Oh I will I'm starving!"
The house phone rang,it was Jimins dad.
"Ah Jimin your home, how are you both,"
"Never better dad can't say the same for Jungkook,"
"Dad,your going to be a grandpa,"
"What really, how exciting, wait you said Jungkooks not good, isn't he happy about it?"
"Sure he is dad but(giggle) he's getting all the morning sickness!"
"You did the true mating didn't you?"
"How did you know?"
"Because I did with your mother, I was so I'll I couldn't take much down, but ginger helps and plain food, you know that's one reason that part of mating stopped, males couldn't handle it!!"
"But it's awesome dad, we can hear each other's thoughts you know connect with each other even when we aren't near."
"Yes son which is how I always knew when your mother was up to mischief!"
"Heehee, I know it's not fair but the evil part of me is glad he gets the sickness."
"This time, doesn't always happen that way.@
"Hey party pooper let me have my fun."
"Ok Jimin take care of your husband,"
"Hey I'm the pregnant one here!"
"One thing Jimin, if you plan anything er you know you shouldn't be doing you will have to learn to block Jungkook otherwise you'll get found out every time ."
"Dad I can't believe your telling me that!"
"Well I learnt the hard way," his father laughed.
Jimin smiled as he put down the phone.
What does that brat want now Jimin thought.
"Hey I'm not a brat."
"Stop listening in!"
"I can't help it, you seemed really happy was it your dad?"
"Yep told him the news, he said ginger helps,"
"Yer mum and dad were the same, I'm going to the shops to stock up."
Oh god no I feel sick I don't wanna go......
"I heard that, go lie down , I'll be back soon."
Jungkook disappeared and Jimin drove to town parking up in Jungkooks office car park. He was walking past the main door when Hobi exited with an elderly male.
"Jimin er Luna your back!"
"Hey Hobi,"
Jimin looked at the other man and bowed.
"Oh no Luna please, I am Meenas father."
Jimin suddenly felt nervous and on edge , he looked around expecting to see Meena.
Suddenly in his mind he heard," Jimin what's wrong, your upset I can feel it."
He deliberately blanked Jungkook from his mind focusing on the man in front of him.
"I was at your wedding like most of the town."
"I'm sorry sir,I......"
"Don't worry Luna I'm sure you had other things in your mind that day."
Jimin smiled nervously.
"I came to Hobi today to sign over the estate, it's obvious from my daughters scandalous behaviour that we should remove ourselves from this town, but not before she makes a public apology to you and the Alpha ."
"You really want to leave this town? I understand your family has lived here for many years?"
"Well yes but...."
"Hobi discard that contract, it's not fair for someone to change their life because of a misguided girls mistake , maybe therapy away from here for a while will sort her out."
"Jimin...,Alpha will....,"
"Do as I say Hobi."
"Yes,Jimin er Luna"
"Luna you are too kind, I must admit I was dreading moving away, your suggestion for Meena is appropriate."
"I wouldn't mind her apology though."
The old man's eyes twinkled," I like you Luna, how about now she is meeting me in a restaurant, a very crowded restaurant, Hobi will you join us as the Alohas beta?"
"Er sure I mean yes sir."
The man walked them just down the road to a very posh restaurant, they went in and the old man was led to the centre of the restaurant to a table his daughter sat at with her back to them.
"Daddy, I thought you were never coming have you signed it over can we go to our new place?"
"No Meena, you have an apology to make."
Meena frowned then saw Jimin step forward.
"Daddy," she hissed," it doesn't matter if we are moving,"
"Meena it does matter and the Luna has asked me to stay which I've accepted, so STAND UP AND MAKE YOUR APOLOGY!!"
Her father clunked a glass gaining everyone's attention," ladies and gentlemen I'm sorry to disturb you meals but reparation needs to be made by my daughter for inferring something to the Luna that was totally untrue, as her father I ask you to accept my apologies for the way in which I raised her and hope you can forgive me." The proud man bowed to all and seeing this, Meena seemed to realise exactly what she had done, not only lied but brought her proud father down with her. She stood up and faced Jimin tears pouring down her face.
"Luna I apologise for my disrespectful behaviour towards you before your marriage. I sincerely apologise for sending you harmful messages and photos insinuating your mate the Alpha was rejecting you." Gasps were heard around the room at this.
"Through my jealousy I made wrong choices to harm you and the Alpha and of course my father, I beg your forgiveness and that of the pack ." She bowed to everyone and faced Jimin.
"Meena I knew you didn't like me but never thought you would go that far, you caused harm between my mate and I which I can't forgive you for, but, I don't see why your father should suffer from your bad choice and if you accept the offer I gave your father we can put an end to this." Jimin bowed to her father and walked out in shaky legs with Hobi.
Jimin smiled to himself, he could only block Jungkook for so long but now he just needed to go shop," Hobi Jungkook wants to know what's going on ring him will you , bye"
"How do you....." Hobi shook his head but did as he was told, holding the phone away from his ear as Jungkook yelled about Jimin shouldn't be stressed in his state how did Hobi let it happen where the hell was Jimin." In the end Hobi disconnected the call and wandered back to the office ignoring every call that came from Jungkook.

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