Mr and mr Jeon

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The day arrived, Jimin was nervous, what if this was a bad idea? What if Jungkook got fed up with him?
Ah,Jimin stop, this is going to work now get ready.
He looked around his room which felt empty as his stuff was packed in boxes and sent over to Jungkooks, all that was here was his wedding outfit , makeup and the odd essentials.
An hour later and his father knocked on the door,
"Jimin are you ready?Ava is here."
"I'll be down in a minute dad,"
Jimin took a last look in the mirror, seeing how the suit fitted perfectly , the choker a perfect compliment to it, his eyes had minimal makeup on just smudged giving him a very sultry look.
He went downstairs to be greeted with a little squeal,
"Jimin, you look like a prince!!"
"Ava! My goodness what a pretty princess!" Jimin said to the little girl who's eyes shone with happiness.
"Look Jimin we have flowers,"
A small posy of white roses with red ones forming a heart were for Jimin while Ava had a tiny flower basket with red and white flowers .
"Jimin can you put my cape on it will cover my cast, Alpha sent it over this morning."
Jimin looked to see a pretty red cape that would tie with ribbons.
"Now you are a pretty princess and little red riding hood my goodness!" Jimin exclaimed touched that Jungkook had thought of it.
"Ready son?"
Jimin looked at his father who looked so smart.
"I love you dad"
"I love you too son, now let's get this show on the road ," he gestured to the nurse to come in their car and soon they were on their way.
Wolfpack's didn't have traditional weddings they had a minister of sorts but it wasn't religious, but as it was the Alphas wedding there was a huge turnout,so the ceremony was held on pack territory in a massive bar like building.
Jungkook  looked at his watch for the hundredth time, when would he be here?
Suddenly Hobi motioned to him and he turned to the massive doors which opened as music played. A smile came to Jungkooks face as he saw Ava walking proudly ahead, the guests smiling at the pretty little girl, she actually winked at Jungkook as she got to the front to go stand at the side making Jungkook laugh before his attention went back to the door, his mouth nearly dropped open seeing Jimin walk towards him with his father looking resplendent in red. How dare he ever suggest Jimin didn't know how to dress, he looked sexy as hell, the choker making Jungkook think of Jimin naked beneath him just wearing that.......
Jimins father passed Jimins hand over to the Alpha who held it firmly in his.
He could feel Jimin shaking slightly so tightened his grip a bit making Jimin look at him, jungkook raised his hand to his mouth kissing it his eyes never leaving Jimins trying to convey everything will be alright. Jimin nodded smiling .
The ceremony began, each made their vows and promises to each other , exchanged rings and the pack then finally they were pronounced lifelong husbands. Jungkook wasted no time in claiming his new husbands lips earning cheers from the crowd as the kiss carried on until finally stepping back to get a breath and hide Jimins red face in his shoulder.
Everyone conveyed their good wishes, then a huge dining area was filled with guests and plenty of food and drink.
Jimin had swigged down one glass already about to take another until he felt a firm hand over his," I want a totally sober Jimin underneath me later," Jungkook growled into his ear.
Jimin couldn't stop blushing, music suddenly sounded and as the two grooms they had the first dance, holding each other's waists they slowly swayed until Jimin saw Ava looking wistfully at them, he nodded to Jungkook and the pair picked Ava up in a swing like hold and danced her around as she giggled gleefully.
After a while the nurse gestured that she must take Ava back, so Jungkook and Jimin handed her a gift,
It was a beautiful silver bracelet with a little charm of a princess," thank you for doing such a wonderful job today Ava," Jimin said.
"Thank you Ava for being the prettiest princess here," Jungkook said making the little girl blush as she waved goodbye.
Jimin and Jungkook mingled with guests, Jimin was talking with Tae and Hobi when a song came on that made all three laugh.
"Shall we?" Jimin asked them
"Should we?" Hobi asked
"Hell yes" Tae said dragging the other two to the dance floor .
It was certainly a sight to see everyone stepped back as the three danced with moves they had obviously done before, it was exceptional, rhythmic and very sexy.
Jungkook watched along with others as his husbands body gyrated sexily, the crowd cheering them on, he had never seen Jimin like this a mixture of Angel and devil, every move making Jungkook ogle his body, the music finished and the three high fived each other laughing as others clapped before the next song started and others made their way to the floor.
"We did it, I can't believe we remembered it,"Jimin said as he made his way to the bar with others thirsty after all the dancing.
As he stood there someone came behind him gripping his waist and pulling him back against him.
"You've never shown me those moves before look what you did to me," Jimin felt a very obvious bulge against his backside.
"Um, we used to dance together years ago, I like dancing," Jimin grabbed the glass he was offered and managed one mouthful before Jungkook took it from his hands.
"Hobi announce it we are off "
Jungkook walked Jimin quickly to the exit where they stood as Hobi loudly announced that Mr And Mr Jeon would now be leaving. Huge cheers went up as the couple Quickly escaped.
Jungkook was driving," where we going?" Jimin asked.
"Eventually to my beach villa but I can't wait to be inside you so tonight we stay at mine"
Jimin gulped, Jungkook sounded full of lust .
Arriving at his house Jungkook swung Jimin up into his arms carrying him quickly inside.
Once in the bedroom Jungkook stripped his clothes off before attacking Jimin, stripping his eye catching suit from him leaving him naked except for the choker "I've imagined fucking you with this on all day long"
He lay Jimin on the bed and kissed his milky neck, slowly moving down to his nipples which he rubbed and sucked, jimin was already moaning in pleasure, Jungkooks mouth engulfed Jimins member , his long tongue swirling around it tasting pre cum, he heard Jimin panting, he left his member to lick his tongue in and around Jimins slick hole, which made the small boy whimper in pleasure, Jungkooks rigid member dripped precum , Jungkook hitched Jimins legs in his shoulders as he lined up with Jimins hole and pushed in deeply, this action alone making Jimin cum spurting strips of white over himself.
"Such a horny  Luna , ah Jimin your gripping me so tight,"
Jungkook thrust hard into Jimins sensitised hole, he hit inside Jimins most sensitive spot, Jimin making a loud keening noise of pleasure, this drove Jungkook towards his own release, he grunted in pain and pleasure as his seed went deeply into Jimin his Knot harder than ever before.
He carefully let Jimins legs down while still inside him and rolled to his back making Jimin lay over him.
"That was intense he gasped to the smaller boy,"
"Mmmm,can we clean up in a bit, so tired just rest my eyes a minute," Jimin muttered held tight by Jungkooks knot.
The pair drifted off for an hour before Jungkook was woken up by Jimin sucking him hard, this led to another intense make out followed by shower sex then finally the pair slept exhaustion claiming them both.

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