And then there were four

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"Jimin for gods sake what are you doing?"
Jimin yelped in surprise as two string hands reached around him to lift him off the seat he was standing on.
"Shit you scared me!"
"Why are you standing in a chair in your condition?"
Jimin hooked his arms around Jungkooks neck as his Alpha carried him Carefully to the sofa.
"I wanted to dust and I couldn't reach the top so of course I had to stand on the chair"
"You are gonna give me a heart attack,"
Jimin sat in Jungkooks lap as his husband tenderly rubbed his protruding stomach , leaning down to give it little kisses making Jimin giggle.
"Am I too heavy, I'm so fat, I can't believe I'm this big."
"Your not fat or heavy your adorable and sexy and horny all the time...."
"That's you not me!"
"I've come to drive you to the hospital."
"Let me go wash up and I'll be back."
They drove to the hospital where the doctor smilingly examined Jimin.
"Not long now," his face frowned suddenly," hmmmm,"
"Is something wrong?" Jimin panicked gripping Jungkooks hand.
"Let's just take you for a scan ," the doctor said.
Jungkook could feel Jimins heartbeat quicken with worry his own matching it.
Jimin lay looking at Jungkook as the scan was done tears in his eyes.
"Hmmmm, I was right,"
"What ,what is it what's wrong?"
Well Mr Jeons, you are expecting twins one has been hiding behind the other all this time!"
A loud thud made the doctor and Jimin Tate to the side where Jungkook had passed out at the news.
Jungkook woke up on a stretcher with Jimin sitting at the side munching away in some biscuits.
"Feel better now? Really you passed out because we are having twins?"
Jungkook went red with embaressment as his husband smirked."here drink this tea and have a biscuit, then we can go, I'm hungry ."
Twenty minutes later and they were home Jimin raising the fridge while Jungkook paced back and forth writing things down and muttering.
"Two cribs, nappies clothes car seats,what else....."
"Stop panicking we have four weeks left"
"But two ...,we need to prepare and shouldn't you sit down if can't be good for you."
Jungkook immediately shut up and sat down letting his husband come next to him. Jimin put his head on Jungkooks lap and brought his husbands hand to his stomach making him rub it.
"Can we......?"
"I don't want to hurt the babies...."
"Your dicks not that long ..., Kookie please......"
Jungkook sat Jimin up and stripped off his loose top caressing his now sensitive nipples which we're getting ready to feed their pups, he lay Jimin back and stripped off his bottoms, licking his member then around his hole which was already slick , standing up to undress himself  he looked at Jimin.
Jimin stood up and went to the  arm of the sofa bending over and showing his plump ass to Jungkook.
Lining himself up behind him he thrust into Jimin who clasped the sofa tightly,
"Ah harder Kookie," Jimin felt hornier than ever touching himself with one hand as he was rammed steadily from behind.
"Fuck, I can never get enough of you, your so tight and wet."
Jimin had to let go of himself as the thrusts became harder, which made Jungkook reach around and pump Jumin in time with his thrusts, the next minute Jimin yelled out his orgasm coming in Jungkooks hand as Jungkook thrust twice more and came hard inside his husband.
Jungkook licked Jimins seed from his hand.
"Mmm tasty."
"You gonna help me shower?"
"Sure baby don't want you falling over ,"
Jungkook tenderly washed his husband and slipped an oversized T shirt in him.
"Go rest, I'll dress and go out and get the baby things."
"Your not gonna settle til you do are you?"
Jungkook grinned sheepishly and nodded laughing as Jimin waved him off.
Jimin settled down and dozed but was woken half an hour later with backache, Damn maybe he shouldn't be so horny , he stood up to try and walk it off but felt a twinge, maybe I've been doing too much,"
He went to the bathroom feeling an overwhelming need to pee but once there he felt water gushing down his leg and the twinges turned into cramps.
Oh god he thought this is it, four weeks early , fuck!
Home now !
Your not horny again?
My waters broke
Hurry please!!!
In my wat.... Move shithead I need to get home, oops sorry Jimin idiot on the road
Just eight minutes later and Jungkook arrived to find Jimin crying in pain, he grabbed Jumins hospital case and slung it in the car then carried his husband carefully to the back seat," stretch out Jimin you may feel better."
Jungkook drove quickly to the hospital finding a wheelchair and pushing Jimin inside .
"Husband babies now ,"he gulped.
Jimin was rushed off leaving a frantic Jungkook behind , he called Jimins father then his friends with the latest news.
Mr Park , Hobi, Namjoon and Jin rushed in to find Jungkook pacing around outside the room.
"You not going in? Hobi asked
"Jimin said no cos I might pass out again."
Everyone waited hearing Jimins cries and the doctors encouraging him, soon a wail was heard and not long after another.
"I'm a dad! I'm a dad!"
"Congratulations Jungkook."
A nurse came out," congratulations Alpha you have two beautiful baby girls."
"And Jimin is he ok?"
"Yes tired but fine wait a few minutes and we will call you in."
Jungkook was ecstatic," I have daughters how cool is that!"
Everyone was smiling then a nurse called everyone in.
Jungkook went straight to Jimin caressing his soft hair and face," well done baby I'm proud of you.@
Jimin asked the nurse to bring the babies over, he whispered something to Jungkook who smiled and nodded.
"Jungkook meet your daughters, dad meet your granddaughters Minja on the left and Ava in the right."
"Ah Jimin I'm so very proud of you, koochi koo, my little darlings, grandpa is here."
Jungkook gazed in adoration at his daughters, they were perfect in every way.
Once everyone had left Jungkook lay in the bed next to Jimin cuddling him as he tiredly drifted to sleep, gazing at his family he thought how glad he was that he had found his true mate, even though Jimin had needed a little convincing things had worked out and here they were on the next part of their story.
Jungkook placed his hand on Jimins stomach sad in a way to see it go he had looked so pretty round with his children, he gazed at the two cribs the babies for now sound asleep after suckling against Jimin. He sighed in happiness tucking Jimin against him and falling soundly asleep.

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