A joke right?

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Jimin woke up in his bedroom, he felt groggy and parched, he looked at his phone and realised he'd slept the night but he couldn't remember coming to bed.
Pushing himself up he realised his hand was bandaged, everything flooded back to, shit fancy passing out in front of the great Jeon Jungkook!
Jimin went to his bathroom getting a glass and drinking the water, looking in the wall cupboard for his tablet bottle he remembered he'd run out the day before, he needed to visit his supplier today he thought.
Going downstairs he yawned then got himself some cereal and sat down to eat.
His father came into the kitchen a big smile on his face," ah Jimin what a good morning,"
Jimin looked surprised at his fathers good mood he wasn't normally pleasant in the mornings.
"Has something happened?"
"Yes something wonderful you lucky boy,"
"I never thought this would happen, you've been trouble since the day you were born I didn't think anyone would want you but now my sons getting married!"
Jimin coughed and spluttered," what! No way in hell!"
"I'm sorry I'm over with all your backchat , you are marrying the Alpha and that's that,"
Jimin nearly fell off his chair in astonishment," have you  been drinking? " That was pure delusion by his father he thought."you've got to be joking!"
"The Alpha has agreed to this, he says you need a firm hand, he will announce it at the town hall meeting tonight the whole pack has to attend."
"No way in hell am I marrying him,"
"You are and that's that."
Jimin stormed to his room, fucking alpha, who does he think he is. Jimin decided to go to his supplier for his tablets he couldn't afford to be without them.
He walked to the bus stop caught the bus that would take him to the other side of town, getting off he was making his way towards the cafe when he saw police, Jungkook, Hobi and other members of the pack cleaning out the cafe and boarding it up, he grabbed a passing teenager, "what's happening there?"
"They have shut it down, owner was selling suppressant drugs and other drugs, the Alpha is bringing in a law or something,"
Jimin panicked," where's the owner gone?"
"He's locked up, some of the drugs were hardcore, a few kids have had really bad reactions,"
Shit, shit , shit! What was he going to do now!!
Jungkook smelt his mate, Jimin obviously not taken the drug, he walked over Jimin too engrossed speaking to a teenager who bowed when he saw the alpha.
Jimin smelt an overwhelming aroma of vanilla and sandalwood , he felt his wolf howl in satisfaction 'mine', turning he saw Jungkook...no!!
"Jimin any reason you are here?"
"Me...,no....,er just wandering looking for a job....," he felt himself lean to the Alpha who smirked knowing why Jimin was reacting that way.
"Seems like your coming down with something..., you look a bit flushed or," leaning into Jimins ear he whispered," you can finally smell the fact your my mate!"
Jimin gaped,"no I'm not your not....,I can't .....," he denied it but felt himself yearning to be near the other.
Jungkook smiled at the teenager then pulled Jimin away," now your not doping yourself up on those tablets you can feel it, I've known for years, how can you abuse your body with that stuff?" He growled in an intimidating voice making Jimin cower,
"I-I had too, you will never know what it's like to be treated like your available for every fuckboy who wants a taste."
"Well I'm sorry Jimin, no more, I'm passing a law they are illegal....,also there will be dire circumstances for those who treat omegas badly, I'm announcing it at the meeting tonight."
Jimin was pleased at these announcements but wasn't sure how to cope with all these feelings he was being bombarded with, then his mind clicked and he remembered his fathers words.
"Erm have you by any chance spoken to my father?"
You mean about our marriage of course it will be next week, how does your hand feel?"
"WHAT!! But I don't want to marry especially not you come on we hate each other."
"Really? Do you hate this then...," Jungkook swooped down to the others lips giving him a punishing kiss.
Jimin nearly moaned out loud, wow his first kiss and what a kiss, without realising he pressed himself closer to the others body giving into the kiss, his wolf yelping loudly, Jungkook groaned then pulled away.
"Not the time or place, but I will see you tonight Jimin and we will marry."
Jimin nearly whimpered as he walked away he suddenly missed that close feeling , he never believed all he heard about mates he even thought Tae had exaggerated , but now......, he was doomed.
He caught the bus home walking in and seeing his father in his office who looked up as Jimin walked in.
"Jimin? You look.....,"
"Dad was mum your true mate?"
His father sighed and beckoned him in.
"We have never really spoken about your mother have we, that's my fault....., your mother was my whole world, my mate the love of my life"
Jimin saw the tears in his fathers eyes ,his father never cried.
"What was she like, I've seen her picture of course but..., you never spoke of her."
"You look so much like her, I've been hard on you I know, it's your rash behaviour , your mother had it, I used to think she was original, brave, didn't care what people think...., but it got her killed."
"I thought you said she died having me?I've always felt guilty."
"Oh no, Jimin......, when your mother was pregnant with you she was ecstatic, she found so much joy in it, she picked the name Jimin for a boy and Minji for a girl, we had your whole nursery set up three months before you were due.
Your mother was out one day walking, she heard an omega crying out from a house she walked past, then another scream she ran to the door pushing it open to see a husband beating his wife, your mother yelled at him to stop, he was so drunk he hit out at her making her slam into the edge of a table, causing contractions to start, the man realising what he'd done ran out into the street not looking, a car hit him and he died, his wife called me from the hospital saying your mother had complications and to get there soon.when I got there she had been internally bleeding, they said if they saved her......., you wouldn't survive, or they could save you..., it was an impossible choice for me, but your mother ...., she made me and the doctors save you first then try her and if they couldn't save her......, to never let you blame yourself for her death, she would have done it again if it meant helping someone, she held you for five minutes before she passed."
Jimin didn't realise tears were running down his face, he realised now why his father had tried to rein him in, not because he didn't love him , but because he lived him so much, the only part of his wife he had left.
"I'm sorry dad, I'm so sorry you lost her,"
"Jungkooks your mate isn't he? He told me he's been waiting for you, it's the best feeling in the world Jimin, don't let it slip through your fingers."
"I don't know what to do, I feel something but..."
"Yes I can't understand why you couldn't sense him before? " his dad questioned.
Jimin knew it was time to own up, he told his father about the suppressants which covered his smell and numbed everything, he told him why he'd done it and how now they were no longer available.
"Jimin..., I understand why you did it but it's dangerous to mess with nature....., talking off which, Jimin have you ever had a heat, I know you said you did and you would disappear for three or four days, but was that the truth?"
Jiminee blushed a deep red,"Erm, no they suppressed that as well."
"Oh dear Jimin your certainly going to feel it when you get your first one, silly boy, what if you had endangered your chances of becoming pregnant? Male omegas are prized because they can reproduce, I hope you haven't messed with that....,"
Jimin suddenly realised how much damage he could of possibly done to his body, he felt shaken and worried, although he had never thought about pups, when he did now he knew he wanted them, there and then Jimin rang the hospital and asked for a thorough check up, he was lucky , he got a cancelled appointment at three thirty.
Putting the phone down he looked at his father, "dad if I'm infertile because of my bad choices, that shouldn't be put on Jungkook, it's not fair, he is the Alpha and will want a family, can you contact him, ask him not to announce it tonight.., please?"
His father came and hugged him," you've grown up..., yes I will call him but I'm sure he will pester you,"
"Pfft, I'm not worried about him," Jimin said puffing his chest out and smiling at his father.
"That's my boy...., give him hell," he laughed, Jimin joining in as they hugged each other.

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