Chapter four: Hello

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I awoke to the morning sun beaming through the curtains. Slowly and steadily I lifted myself off of my bed and dressed before awaking Alfie and dressing him. Luckily for us, Miss Peregrine had our closets filled with clothes of our styles and colours.

 Luckily for us, Miss Peregrine had our closets filled with clothes of our styles and colours

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Alfie and I walked into the bathroom to clean our teeth and wash our faces, we walk out and headed toward the staircase

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Alfie and I walked into the bathroom to clean our teeth and wash our faces, we walk out and headed toward the staircase. The bedroom door next to the staircase opened and out came a tall brooding boy. He narrows his eyes at me, I smile at him, hoping we can be friends.

"If you wish to you may go down the stairs first."

"I'd rather you first."

"If that is what you wish, Alfie wishes to walk down the stairs so you may be stuck behind us a little while."

Nodding his head he starts following us slowly down the stairs, Alfie is holding onto the banister while holding my hand on his right. We slowly descend the stairs one foot at a time with a patient boy behind us.

I guide my brother into the kitchen and grab a kitchen knife to feed Alfie.

"What are you doing?"

I look up at the boy and smile. "I'm going to feed Alfie, if you get squeamish when seeing blood I can go somewhere else if you'd like."

"You feed him blood?"

"Yes, I have to slowly introduce food to him, and as he is still young I decided that giving him blood will give him the nutrition to slowly transition him into solid foods, that's if he will eat solid foods, he may stay with human blood." I blabber on, however, Enoch seems to listen to every word I say.

"Good morning Enoch, breakfast is ready if you'd like to join us. Good morning Angelica, Alfie."

"Yes, it is a good day."

"Well, I will leave you to feed young Alfie."

I smile at the woman and pick Alfie up and hold him on my lap. I notice that Enoch is still standing there. "Would you like to sit down?"

"Sure." I smile up at him as he takes a seat opposite me.

"Do you mind if I sing to him while I feed him, it calms him and makes it less painful for me?"

"Go ahead."

"Thank you, Enoch."

I take the knife and make a small cut on my wrist bringing it up to Alfie's mouth, he sucks on the blood while I sing to him.

After singing and feeding Alfie, he licks his mouth clean. I heal my wounds with the water I manipulated from a jug of water nearby. I placed the water from mid-air to my wound, with a glow and some tingling my wound had healed.

"How did you do that?"

"Why don't we have breakfast now, after feeding him it does drain my energy," I say changing the subject.

I got up and walked with Alfie to the dining room. Everyone had already started eating, I had been invited to join Victor in the seat beside him and a pair of twins in masks. I sat down with Alfie climbing on my laptop and I helped him up.

When both Alfie and I were situated everyone introduced themselves and their peculiarity. I paid close attention to everyone in the room, the only one who didn't tell me his peculiarity was Enoch, who was still strung up on my own.

I don't particularly like to talk about my peculiarities as I fear others would use them on their device, so I try to keep it a secret.

Abe introduced himself and his peculiar, I get an off vibe from him, I sense that he is the type of person to like being in control, so I fear hiding my peculiarities is going to be quite difficult with this one. However, I must not judge.

Forgetting about that I helped myself to a slice of strawberry jam toast. I happily finished my slice and washed it down with a glass of water.

Alfie grabbed my arm and pointed over to the door. I looked up and gasped, covering both mine and Alfie's eyes. "What's the matter, Angelica?"

"I'm sorry for the startle however, may I ask that the boy put some clothes on please, as he is wearing nothing."

"You-You can see me?" The boy squeaked. To which a few of the children giggled.

"Millard polite gentlemen do not walk around their home without any clothes on. I apologise for his behaviour he has a habit of walking around in that state, I should be glad to know that now he has found out you can see him, he will wear clothes from now on. "

I heard footsteps rushing out of the room and uncovered our eyes, I could tell I was blushing. "How can you see him?" Enoch asked.

"Enough about that, everyone gets ready for our morning walk, Angelica I'm sure you can find your way to the piano room."

"Of course, thank you for letting me use it."

"I'll stay with her."

"Of course Victor, everyone else get ready."

Everyone had packed up breakfast and were off on their way with our bird to go for a walk. Victor, Alfie and I stayed behind and found ourselves getting cosy in the piano room.

For the entirety of the hour, I was teaching Alfie how to play the piano. When everyone arrived I picked up a book to read to Alfie outside.

Alfie and I found ourselves sitting on the grass leaning up against a tree, the other children were playing

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Alfie and I found ourselves sitting on the grass leaning up against a tree, the other children were playing. I was about to start reading when everyone who was once playing came over and sat down in front of us.

"Can you read to us as well?"

"Of course Claire." I began to read the book I had borrowed from the library.

Angelica Nightingale:Enoch O'ConnorWhere stories live. Discover now