Flight Of The Defender

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Ezra, Sabine, Ryder, and Zeb are staking out a remote Imperial testing facility in Lothal's wilderness as three Loth-cats approach them.

Sabine says "I see plenty of interceptors, but that's nothing new. Are you sure this is the place, Ryder?"

Ryder says "My spies said this is where the test flight for the new TIE defender will be."

Zeb, with three Loth-cats crawling on him, says "Well, we've been out here for hours, and all I've seen are these stinkin' loth-cats."

Ezra says "What can I say? They like me."

Sabine says "I'm glad somebody likes you, Ezra, but let's stay on mission."

Hera says, over the commlink "Spectre-2 to Spectre-7. What's your status?"

Ezra says, into the commlink "No sign of the ship. Yet. How's your recon going?"

Hera says, over the commlink "The Empire's been fortifying their anti-aircraft defenses, and there are some new fuel tanks near the factory."

Kanan says, over the commlink "They must be getting ready to start full-scale production."

Hera says, over the commlink "Maintain surveillance until nightfall, then return to base."

Ezra says, into the commlink "Copy that. Phoenix Seven out."

Ryder says "My contact tells me this new prototype is even tougher than the one you've already encountered. More powerful engines. Upgraded targeting computer."

Zeb says "Yeah, I'll believe it when I see it."

Ezra says "That's why we're here, Zeb."

The Loth-cats suddenly growl and they run away. The Defender Elite flies overhead, blowing Ryder's hat and Sabine's helmet right off their heads.

Luna says "Whoa."

Sabine puts her helmet back on and she says "Do you see it now, Zeb?"

Zeb says "Yeah, but I still don't believe it."

The Defender Elite lands and Zeb says "Do we have anything that can match that speed?"

Sabine says "Uh, it would definitely give the Ghost a run for its money. I know that, pilot. Vult Skerris."

Ryder says "Well, we got a good look. If you had your recorder running, we should have enough intel for rebel command."

Zeb says "Mission accomplished."

Sabine says "Hmm, we can do better."

Ryder says "Sabine, we got what we came for."

Luna says "Ryder's right, Sabine. We got what we needed. Now, let's go."

Zeb, Luna, Ryder, and Ezra sneak back to base, but Sabine says "Hey, if we're gonna beat that thing, we need more than some pretty pictures."

Zeb says "I don't like where this is headed."

Sabine says "We need to get the flight data recorder."

Ezra says "Wait, from inside the ship?"

Zeb says "Yep, I was right. I don't like it."

Sabine says "The data would give rebel command a complete record of the ship's range, top speed, shield array, weapons payload, everything. We are not passing this up."

Ryder says "How could we get physical information like that to the Rebellion? We have no starships left."

Sabine says "A transmission can easily be blocked. If we have hard evidence, finding a way to get it to rebel command is what I call a good problem."

Ezra says "She's right. We can do it. Ryder, you, Luna, and Zeb stay here and keep watch."

Ezra and Sabine sneak off on their mission while Zeb, Luna, and Ryder wait.

As Ezra and Sabine get the flight recorder, Zeb says, into the commlink "Heads up, you two. We've got a ship inbound from the south."

A Sentienal-class landing craft arrives and lands at the airfield. Ryder, Luna, and Zeb see Grand Admiral Thrawn and Governor Pryce exiting the shuttle.

Luna says "They're headed for the fighter."

Ryder says "Sabine's still in there."

Zeb says "Get ready. Things are about to get interesting."

Then, all of a sudden, Ezra is fighting a bunch of stormtroopers as Zeb, Luna, and Ryder see it.

All three of them get up as Zeb says, into the commlink "Ezra, Sabine, head for the south end of the runway. We'll blast our way down there to get to you."

Ezra says, over the commlink "No, take the information you have, and report to base. We'll find our own way back."

Zeb, Luna, and Ryder watch as Sabine takes the Defender Elite and Ezra getting in it and fly away.

Zeb says "I told you it'd get interesting."

Ryder says "We need to get back to base."

Zeb, Luna, and Ryder get up and they go back to Ryder's U-wing, where Kanan, Hera, and Chopper are, in their speeders. Once Zeb, Luna, and Ryder arrived at Ryder's U-wing, they put the speeders in the ship.

Zeb says "I should have expected them to do something crazy like that."

Chopper grunts and Kanan says "It's okay, Zeb. This is on them."

Hera says "According to Imperial chatter, they crashed."

Ryder says "The Empire's gonna pour everything they have into the search, but we can't contact them without risking a signal trace."

Hera says "It doesn't matter. We have to find them."

The U-wing takes off and goes back to the base. The rebels make it back to the base and they wait for Ezra and Sabine. The rebels finally see Ezra and Sabine and they run towards them.

Hera says "Ezra! Sabine! Thank goodness you're safe."

Zeb says "How did you get back so fast?"

Ezra says "Didn't you see the...Loth-wolf?"

Chopper grunts and Luna says "Loth-wolf?"

Ezra says "Sabine?"

Sabine groans and she says "I don't remember seeing anything. I just heard you say wolf."

Hera says "Is that the..."

Ezra says "Flight data recorder from the TIE defender Elite. All Sabine's idea."

Sabine says "We got the hyperdrive, too. Stashed it in the rocks near the crash. I think it'll work in our U-wing."

Zeb picks up the data recorder and he says "Then we can come and go off this rock. Well done, you two."

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