In this story, I created a character that's Zeb's wife and her name is Luna and she is pregnant with Zeb's child. Luna already looks nine months pregnant and doesn't know when the baby is due, it could be a while like a year, because that what happe...
Kanan, Sabine, Ezra, and Chopper jump down onto an unguarded landing platform while Hera, Zeb, and Luna stay on the Ghost, in the cockpit. Hera sits in the pilot seat, Zeb sits next to Hera, and Luna sits behind Zeb.
Zeb says "Uh-oh. There's no explosion. How come there's no explosion?"
Hera says, into the comm "Sabine, what's going on?"
Sabine says, over the commlink "We're improvising, again. Kanan and I are securing the landing zone while Ezra covers us with the cannon."
Hera says, into the comm "Who changed the plan?"
Luna says, to Zeb "It's going to be the purrgil."
Zeb scoffs and says, to Luna "No, it's not."
Sabine says, over the commlink "The purrgil changed the plan."
Luna says, to Zeb "Told ya."
Hera says, into the commlink "Not the purrgil again. Are you sure you can secure the landing platform? Once I start heading down there, I can't turn back."
Sabine says, over the commlink "Hera, if you're looking for a guarantee you are on the wrong mission. We'll contact you when the platform is clear."
Zeb says "Next time, we just plan on the plan changing."
Later, Sabine says, over the commlink "Hera, you better get down her. Your landing zone is temporarily secure."
Hera says, over the comm "Then it's a good thing we're here."
Hera flies the Ghost and lands on the landing platform with the cargo doors open that has Zeb and Luna on the ramp, wearing their mask.
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Zeb says, into the commlink "I'll get the fuel."
Hera says, over the comm "Make it fast."
Kanan says, into the commlink "Spectre-7, do you copy?"
Ezra says, over the commlink "Kanan, I figured it out. You're not going to believe this."
Kanan says, into the commlink "I believe I need more cover fire!"
The rebels are being shot at and Ezra says, over the commlink "Yes! Right. Uh, sorry."
Under enemy fire, Kanan, Zeb, and Luna shoot at the enemy while Sabine and Chopper load the fuel canisters aboard the Ghost.
Hera says, over the comm "I thought you said the landing platform was secure."
Sabine says, over the commlink "Temporarily. I said temporarily secure."
Zeb says, into the commlink "Refuel commencing."
Zeb begins using a fuel canister to power up the Ghost's systems. Zeb goes back to shooting the enemy with Kanan, Luna, and Sabine while Chopper puts the fuel canisters aboard the Ghost.
Zeb says, into the commlink "We need to find Ezra."
Sabine says, into the commlink "Without fuel, we can't find anybody."
Kanan says, into the commlink "Ezra's down. We need to get out of here."
Hera says, over the comm "Just a few more seconds."
Zeb, Luna, and Sabine stop shooting and put the rest of the fuel canisters aboard the Ghost.
Kanan says, into the commlink "Time's up."
Zeb, Luna, and Sabine stop on the ramp, with fuel canisters, and the rebels are cornered by guards and TIEs.
A male Moyn, who's name is Yushyn, says "Surrender, thieves. You are at my mercy."
Kanan says, into the commlink "I can't believe we're gonna lose to this guy."
Yushyn says "What is your answer?"
Ezra says, over the commlink "Kanan, don't worry. We'll be right there."
Kanan says, into the commlink "We?"
The purrgil herd comes up and one of them destroys one of the TIEs. The rebels see Ezra on top of one of the purrgil.
Luna gaps and Zeb says, into the commlink "We found Ezra."
Yushyn says "Blast those disgusting things!"
Ezra helps the purrgil fight off the enemy.
Kanan says, into the commlink "How's the Ghost?"
Hera says, over the comm "We're back in action."
Luna and Sabine wait for Zeb in the cargo hold while Zeb garbs the last fuel canister.
Zeb says, into the commlink "This is the last one. Go. Go!"
Hera closes the cargo hold door and the Ghost takes off. Before leaving, the Ghost bombards the asteroid refinery. Zeb and Luna join Hera and Sabine in the cockpit.
In space, Kanan and Ezra walk into the cockpit and Ezra says "It wasn't like anything I've ever experienced. I could see what they were thinking."
Kanan says "You must have established a deep connection with them."
Ezra says "I guess so. I could see they need gas to breathe and travel. The crater wasn't their home just one stop on a long journey."
Hera says "I have to admit, without the help of the purrgil we never would have gotten off the ground again."
Luna says "Whoa. Look."
Hera says "Can it be?"
The rebels watch as the purrgil jump into hyperspace.
Ezra says "It is true. They can travel through hyperspace."