The Siege Of Lothal: Part 2/Part 1

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A bunch of stormtroopers show up while Kanan and Ezra ignite their lightsaber.

Kanan says "Hera, go! We'll cover you!"

Hera says "Kanan, look out!"

Darth Vader attacks Kanan while the troopers and Zeb, Luna, and Sabine shoot at each other. Zeb, Luna, and Sabine are taking cover behind crates while the troopers are taking cover behind a walker.

After a few minutes later, Sabine shows Zeb and Luna a thermal detonator and Sabine says "You know what I do in hopeless situations?"

Zeb says "Yeah."

Sabine gives the thermal detonator to Zeb and Zeb chuckles and says "Blow stuff up."

Zeb and Sabine stand up and Sabine says "Aim for the walkers."

Zeb and Sabine throw the thermal detonators at the walkers and they duck down. The thermal detonators explode and the walkers crash down onto Darth Vader. Darth Vader uses the Force to lift the burning walkers and the rebels are shocked to see that he's still alive. Zeb, Luna, and Sabine run into the shuttle, with Hera and Chopper and Kanan and Ezra run towards the shuttle.

Hera says "Go, Chop!"

Luna says "Come on! Come on!"

Sabine shoots at Darth Vader, twice, to try and delay him. But Darth Vader deflects the blaster shots back at Sabine, scorching her chest-plate and helmet. Sabine falls while Kanan and Ezra leap aboard the shuttle as Chopper flies away from the Imperial Complex. Hera, Zeb, and Luna help Sabine to sit down and Kanan and Ezra go sit down too.

Hera says "Zeb, make sure they can't track us."

Zeb says "Consider it done."

Zeb leaves the room while Luna says, to Sabine "You all right?"

Sabine sighs and says "Yeah, I'll live."

Ezra says "Kanan, what was that? Another Inquisitor?"

Kanan exhales and says "No. Something worse."

Ezra says "What?"

Kanan says "A Sith Lord. The ancient enemy of the Jedi."

Ezra says "How do we fight him?"

Kanan says "Fight him? Ezra, we were lucky to survive."

Hera says "Then that settles it. I'm going to make for orbit so we can jump away."

Hera, Luna, and Sabine stand up and Kanan says "Hera, no. He will have a blockade of Destroyers waiting for us."

Sabine says "And this shuttle is slow, with barely any weapons or shields. We're gonna have to smuggle ourselves off Lothal for a change."

Sabine climbs up the ladder while Hera says "Mmm, that's not a bad idea."

Kanan says "What are you thinkin'?"

Hera says "I'm thinking we know the right man to smuggle us off-world."

Luna and Hera climb up the ladder while Kanan and Ezra say "Not him!"

Kanan and Hera contact Lando and Lando tells them that he's off-world and to go to his farm where his droid, W1-LE, will assist them. The rebels arrive at Lando's farm and the shuttle lands. The door opens and the rebels get off of the shuttle. They are greeted by W1-LE and they follow him.

Ezra grabs a speeder and Zeb says "Hey, kid!"

Kanan says "Just let him go, Zeb."

Ezra goes towards the smoke and Zeb and Luna walk over to the others while Kanan goes after Ezra.

Once Kanan and Ezra come back, Hera says "What happened out there?"

Kanan says "The Empire burned Tarkintown."

Luna says "Did anyone survive?"

Ezra says "The population's been taken captive."

Zeb growls and says "Let's go bust'em out. Where's my rifle?"

Kanan says "No. He'd be waiting. You were right. We have no choice. We have to leave."

Hera says "For the good of Lothal."

Ezra says "So what's the plan for gettin' out of here?"

Hera says "Lando had these old transponders lying around. Sabine's gonna tune their signature codes to match this shuttle's."

Kanan says "Sound like a lousy Lando plan."

Zeb chuckles and Sabine says "No, it's Lando gear. It was my plan. With these transponders beaming out the same signal as the shuttle, we should be able to slip by unnoticed."

Zeb says "Ooh, sounds like a lousy Sabine plan."

Kanan says "Better than Lando's."

The rebels leave Lando's farm and make their way towards orbit, casting the decoys into the atmosphere as they head for space. The rebels make it past the blockade and into hyperspace, with a course set for the rebel fleet.

Hera climbs down the ladder and says "Never thought I'd say this, but thank you, Lando Calrissian."

Chopper grunts and Kanan says "So if we can't go back to Lothal, where are we going?"

Hera says "What are you talking about? We're part of the rebellion now."

Kanan says "Are we? Are we all sure about that?"

Sabine says "Maybe we could just grab the Ghost and lay low for a while."

Zeb says "I like fighting with Phoenix Squadron. Reminds me of the Honor Guard. Besides, they're counting on us. Wouldn't be right to abandon them now."

Luna says "I agree with Zeb. The Phoenix Squadron are expecting us to come back to them and to fight against the Empire with them."

Hera says "Ezra, what do you think?"

Ezra says "We can't help Lothal now, but I think the rebels can help us get stronger, so we can go back and change things. I think we should stay with the rebel fleet."

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