demeter cabin will pay

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"FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT," the surrounding campers chanted as i tackled katie garder to the ground. she struggled and tried to doggy-paddle hit me.

i would not let her disrespect toward my cabin and my dad slide so i did what needed to be done.

i took the first swing and hit the demeter girl right in the eye as she struggled, trying to push me. she grunted but it didn't seem to effect her too bad so i swung again. this time she didn't do anything to defend herself.

the campers were still chanting and cheering me on as i finished what katie's mother had started.

i swung my fists at the girls face a few more times until the girl seemed completely helpless. i still wasn't done with her so i was about to swing again.

before i could drop my fist, i noticed the ring of campers started to disappear. i
wasn't too sure why they were all leaving but i didn't let that stop me from carrying on with this fight.

even though i could tell katie was crying and in pain, i couldn't have cared less.

i threw my fist down and it hit her right in the mouth. it had hurt my hand a little but not enough for me to stop. i continued to yell in the girls face and kick and punch her. i was preparing to punch her once more when i heard what sounded like horse hooves galloping closer and closer to us. i then realized it was chiron, our activities director.

i didn't want to miss this last hit so i slammed my fist down and gave it my all. katie screamed in pain and continued to struggle away from me.

another big crowd of campers gathered around just before chiron arrived.

mr. d pushed through the crowd of demigods and grabbed my wrist, pulling me up over-aggressively.

chiron made it to the scene and glared at me with the most disgusted face ever.

my brothers, will and lee, budged through the crowd with medical bags full of ambrosia and nectar.

i was still being held back at ease by mr. d while chiron ordered the rest of the campers to leave.

travis and connor stoll ran up to us. travis took one look at katie and then glared at me.

"what in hades is wrong with you!? you could've killed her!" travis yelled at me.

i just kept a straight face and said nothing.

travis knelt down next to katie and was trying to talk to her to keep her awake. it's the kind of thing you'd see in those corny dramatic hospital shows.

lee was helping katie while will stood up and walked over to me, "a word?" he asked partly to me and partly to mr. d.  mr. d rolled his eyes and let go of me and will grabbed my other wrist and led me a few yards away from everyone.

"have you lost your mind!? what in hades has gotten into you, why have you been acting like this lately?" will asked in a flustered yet sincere tone.

to be completely honest, i didn't even know what was wrong with me. for some odd reason i had the sudden urge to just defend everyone. . .?

will sighed, "look, y/n, if you continue to act like this, you'll get kicked out of camp," he paused, "and you're one of the best fighters we've got so we can't afford to lose you," he finished.

wow. so they want me for my combat and not for me as a person. that kind of hurt in the moment but i didn't show it.

"look, i'm sorry, i don't know what's wrong with me and i don't know how i can help myself or get help to prevent this," i said. i had a slight lump in my throat, i was beginning to question myself even more than i usually do.

will seemed to be oddly relaxed and nonchalant about this whole situation. "i uh- i know you're trying to work on things but please just try a little bit harder? i don't want to loose another camper," will said.

i just nodded without saying anything. will walked back over to katie, switching places with connor stoll. connor looked at me with a disappointed face, "y/n, travis is really upset right now; at you mainly," he said. i stayed dead silent. i think the worst part about this whole situation was the fact that i felt no guilt whatsoever.

connor put his hand on my shoulder, "y/n, i uh- know things have been difficult since uhm- well you know. . ." he stammered, "since the incident but i don't want you to ruin anymore of your friendships," he finished. i nodded and connor hugged me tighter than usual, "i'm sorry about everything, i'll apologize and try to sort things out," i said. connor smiled and walked away to join travis who was carrying katie over to the infirmary.

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