just hanging out

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"i swear to the gods percy, i'm gonna push you out of this chariot," annabeth groaned. you whipped your head around, "uh absolutely not, nobody is getting thrown out of my chariot," you said as percy and annabeth both looked over at you. annabeth scoffed and rolled her eyes, "y/n, this isn't your chariot, it belongs to the camp" she said. you made a long face and looked at her dead in the eye, "bold words, chase" you said slightly sarcastically. percy laughed and sat down. you and annabeth both looked at him with the same confused look. "mind sharing with the class?" you said. percy looked up at you, "sorry i just thought that children of apollo were supposed to, you know," he paused. you glared at him, "go on. . ." you said. he chuckled and looked around awkwardly, "i just thought you guys were supposed to be the nice demigods and not so, um, defensive," he said.

you and annabeth looked up at each other at the same time and nodded. you both walked up to the sides of him and grabbed his arms. you lifted him up and within seconds he was hanging halfway out of the chariot. "WHAT THE HELL!" percy yelled, "WHAT HAPPENED TO THE WHOLE 'nobody is throwing anybody out of my chariot' PART" he mocked your voice. you looked down at him and smiled, "that rule does not apply when there are dipshits like you making assumptions," you yelled back to him. percy struggled, trying to get us to let go but our grips only got tighter. "if you want to meet a nice apollo kid then maybe you should talk to micheal, he's a real sweetheart," annabeth said. you laughed at the comment. percy's hands eventually began to slide out of our grip so you pulled him back onto the chariot. you looked at percy, "nobody needs to know about this," you said. he quickly nodded and stayed quiet for the next few hours of the chariot ride.

that was just a minor part of the chariot ride compared to what happened within the next few moments.

it was around 2am and percy and annabeth were both dead asleep. you would often scope the sky to check for any signs of danger. nothing really happened in the last few hours so you had thought that things were going smoothly. you spoke way too soon. you kneeled down for a second only to get a bottle of water out of your backpack and when you stood back up, the chariot was in the middle of a circle. the only thing is that this circle wasn't visible...? you could definitely tell that something was there but nothing showed.

you began to freak out so you turned towards percy and annabeth. "hey douchebags i could really use your help right about now" you yelled. annabeth shot up and immediately processed what was going on. it took percy a few minutes to realize but he caught on soon enough.

you guys were being attacked by wind spirits.

"damnit where is a zeus kid when we need them" you said. annabeth looked over to you, "well one is a tree-" she said, "really? wow i never would've- gosh that is a shocker," you said sarcastically. annabeth rolled her eyes a focused back to the wind spirits. percy eventually decided to put his slumber on hold and help you guys. the best parts of this quest are when percy sees new things that are normal to us demigods. his face is normally a mixture between excited and mortified. you honestly can't blame him.

you don't recall percy ever going to the weapon shed but he seemed to have a sword. of course since he's a 'daddy's boy' the sword was one of poseidon's prized weapons. it looked like a regular ballpoint pen but when he uncapped it, it became a three foot long celestial bronze sword. you picked up your bow and threaded an arrow through it. you began to aim it up but you quickly stopped.

where in hades are you gonna shoot at? every direction is a part of the spirit and if you do shoot an arrow then it's gonna go right through the enemy.

you put your bow down and closed your eyes. 'this better work' you thought.

"yo dad could you please, help us? this arrow isn't going anywhere except into the abyss underneath this chariot so could you maybe consider being a homie and use your sexist godly powers or whatever. also please get poseidon to help the mermaid in the corner. he's new to this," you said.

annabeth laughed at the last part while percy put a hand over his heart. "wow y/n, words can hurt" he said. you tried to hide your laugh but annabeth had no guilt to hide so she laughed the loudest you've ever heard her laugh (in awhile, that is).

just then the clouds began to disappear from the night sky. the moon began to glow brighter than ever. you saw two figures flowing towards you in a chariot, at an unnecessarily fast speed. you began to wonder if the prayer had worked or if that was more storm spirits. as the figures got closer, you could see certain features of their faces. one was clearly a female and the other was a male. the female had auburn colored hair and the male had super blonde hair.

you then realized who it was. . .

a/n: hey everyone i'm so sorry i haven't updated this story since last month. school is absolutely killing me and i've been in the process of moving from france to america so i've been super distracted with all of that! please leave comments for any further events in this story that you'd like to read!
-ziggy stardust ⚡️

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