deep conversation with water boy

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no enemies had awakened you but there was a pretty brutal cold feeling in the air. you opened your eyes and sat up. you turned your head to see percy handling the chariot as annabeth sits against the side and appears to be asleep. you stand up and a cold wind blows around you. you look around to see that it's snowing pretty heavily. "uh- snow in summer?" you said aloud. percy whipped his head around with a pale face. he slapped his hand over his chest, "jeez y/n you couldn't have thought of a better way to start a conversation!?" he said. you made a long face and stared at him, "well you're the one handling the chariot so you should have your eyes and ears aware of every corner and angle," you said as you walked up to him, stepping over annabeth. percy scoffed and rolled his eyes. it wasn't a very thrilling moment but you swear that you saw his cheeks glow red. you were beginning to wonder if that was from the current weather state or was it something that you did? you decided to be nice and took over the pegasi. percy sat down where you had been sleeping before.

"so last night was, uhm," percy paused. "alarming?" you pitched in. percy nodded, "yeah, i guess everything is alarming now since i'm new to the whole demigod thing," he said. you spaced out for a second while nodding, "i guess i could've warned you about that," you said while laughing. percy laughed too, "so how long have you been aware of the gods?" he asked. "well the 'symptoms' of being a demigod have been showing since i was around the age of 6 but it wasn't until i was 7 that i actually found out and left for camp," you said. percy nodded, "and how old are you now?" he raised an eyebrow, "same as you; 13" you replied. percy nodded again, "your godly parent is apollo, right?" he asked. you looked down at your shoes, "yeah but between you and me, i don't really see him as a father figure," you said. percy tilted his head, "what do you mean? he's your dad, is he not?" you sighed, "yeah he's my dad but he wasn't nearly as involved in my life, when i was little, as he is now," a silence filled the air. "so who would you consider a father figure?" percy asked. you turned towards percy and smiled, "well if i'm being completely honest, mr. d is like a father to me," you said. percy scoffed, "well i'm glad that he is nice to you but he treats me awfully," he said. you shrugged, "yeah mr. d isn't good with first impressions especially since you're a child of the big three-" you stopped yourself, "uhm anyway, he is still a little mad about being stuck at a summer camp full of kids who could most definitely beat him in a duel," you said, slightly jokingly. percy laughed, "i don't blame him for being mad but does he have to call me by any other name than my actual one?" he said. you laughed, "oh no, what names has he chosen for you?" you asked. percy raised an eyebrow, "you say that like this is a regular matter?" he questioned, "it is, yes," you said while grinning. percy laughed, "well he's called me peter johnson and perry johansson," he said. you laughed historically for a good minute, "i'm sorry, perry johansson!?" you couldn't stop laughing so percy started to lightly laugh with you. "did he call you anything when you first got to camp?" perch asked, "ohh yeah, he called me soare which honestly was a little ironic," you chuckled. "how so?" percy asked, "soare is roman for sun and it wasn't until i was 9 that i got claimed by apollo so mr. d was hinting it to me in a not-so traditional way," you said. percy smiled, "that's kinda cool," he said.

you swear for a moment that percy was lit up by the sun but you didn't think much of it. you smiled, "percy, i think you have a lot of potential as a demigod," you said. percy tilted his head, "what do you mean?" you pursed your lips, "you have a lot of energy and good spirits which are the two main traits that matter the most in any type of fight," you explained. percy nodded, "well i appreciate it," you both smiled.

percy looked straight into your eyes for a good five seconds until you both looked away with bright red cheeks. percy cleared his throat, "so uhm, do you have any non-half family at camp?" he asked. you nodded "yeah, will solace. he's my brother" you said. percy nodded, "oh cool, he helped me when i was knocked out those first few days," he said. you chuckled and looked down, "yep, will is always helping people in the infirmary or library," you said. percy chuckled, "yeah i can tell," he said, "i take it that he is older?" you nodded, "yeah, only by a year," you said.

"so what do you do for fun around camp?" percy asked after a few moments of silence, "ya know, other than beating people up," you scoffed and ran your hand through your hair, "yeah we don't talk about that," you said. percy smiled, "well? what good things do you do?" you looked at him, "well if we're talking about sports then my short answer would be [whatever sport(s) you do] but if we're talking about everyday hobbies then i do theater and archery," you said.

percy smiled once more. it seemed as if his smile got brighter and more genuine each time. "that's cool; i used to play baseball and soccer," he said. you smiled at him but said absolutely nothing. it was nice to sit in silence without saying anything. the morning was peaceful and calm. with the snow, it seemed even more beautiful. percy looked at you, "you know, you have a very pretty smile," he said as your cheeks burned red. you chuckled and looked down to keep him from noticing, "thank you; you have a very nice smile too," you said trying to sound as you felt, genuine. "hey y/n can i please ask you something?" percy asked. you nodded your head and looked at him trying to keep a calm facial expression so he didn't feel overwhelmed. "uhm well you don't have to say yes or anything but uh-" he paused, "would you wanna hang out sometime? after the quest of course." you stopped yourself from screaming and dancing around the chariot and instead said, "yeah, i'd like that," and smiled. percy smiled back at you and stood back up to handle the chariot.

what in hades just happened!?

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