an unexpected guest

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after being lectured by chiron on why "violence is never the answer" i stayed in my cabin. i had my record player playing f/s (favorite song) and sat on the floor next to my bed, just thinking.

i heard someone walk into the cabin and immediately stopped the music.

"uhm, hello-?" i calmly said. i heard an unfamiliar voice speak up, "oh just passing by" it said. it sounded like grown male. i was of course terrified so i quickly stood up, grabbed my bow and threaded an arrow through the string, aiming it to the doorway. i could see the shadow of the figure coming closer so i pulled back on the string and was ready to release the arrow. as the figure stepped into the room, i let go of the arrow only for the person to. . .catch it? no no no that was impossible.

i put my bow down and saw that a tall blonde haired boy was standing at the doorway. he seemed to be a teenager or maybe in his early 20's. he didn't look like a camper, more like a. . .oh great.

"now that's not a very nice way to greet your old man, is it?" apollo said. i was honestly a bit shocked about this so the only thing i could say was, "sure."

apollo tilted his head and dropped the arrow, "i outta say, that was a nice shot," he said. i blushed and put the bow back under my bed. "so uh, dad, what brings you here?" i asked knowing damn well why he was here. "oh you know, just checking up on my kids and wondering why in hades my daughter attacked a camper today!?" he raised his voice.

i looked down at my socks and tried my best to control that lump in my throat. i still couldn't respond. i sighed and looked up at my dad, "i uh-" i stopped. this was way too much pressure and i started getting super overwhelmed. apollo raised an eyebrow, waiting for a response. "i don't exactly know why i thought it was okay but i did it because the girl was spreading rumors about you and our cabin since you and demeter are in a slight disagreement," i said calmly. apollo nodded, "well i appreciate you looking out for your old man and your siblings but you need to know that fighting your cousins isn't okay," he said, "and i know you have been a bit more overprotective since everything went down back in may but you have to know that i'm okay with one little half-blood girl saying stuff that isn't even true," he finished.

i nodded in an 'i understand' sort of way. apollo walked up to me and clapped me on the back, "now let's talk about that shot with your bow and arrow," he said as i just laughed, "no i'm serious, you aimed right at my face in such a short amount of time to think. i'm quite impressed with that" he finished. i smiled and sat down on my bed, "well what can i say? my dad is the god of archery after all," i said. apollo nodded and sat down next to me, "touché, speaking of me being your father," he paused for a good few seconds, "uh- how are your siblings? i've been so caught up with being the hottest god in olympus, i haven't been responding to them as much," he said in a bit of an embarrassed tone. i looked at him and chuckled, "well i could call all of them to come here and you can see them yourself," i suggested. apollo seemed to like the idea, "yeah, i guess it would be nice to see everyone after such a long time," he said.

i nodded and leaned down to get my bow and an arrow, "what's that for?" apollo asked. i threaded the arrow onto the string and held it at a resting point, "well a phone would be quite risky to use in this type of situation so our signal is to hit the bell with an arrow," i said.

apollo nodded and laughed a bit, "my kids are truly the best problem solvers," he said. i nodded and made my way towards the exit of our cabin. i walked outside and in the span of a few seconds, the bell went 'DING' and i heard almost a stampede of campers walking towards the cabin.

i walked back inside to join my dad when i noticed that he looked kinda different. he seemed to have shape shifted almost. "uh-" i stammered. apollo looked at himself through a  mirror, "right, sorry, i prefer to meet people like this" he said. i slowly nodded and before i knew it, lee, will, and our other siblings were piling through the door. i looked at my siblings, then to apollo, then back at my siblings.

"is there a problem y/n?" lee asked in a worried voice. i shook my head, "not at all, it's just an urgent family matter," i said as i motioned everyone to follow me into the left hand sleeping chamber.

once everyone (about 9 campers) was in the room they all just stared at our dad not yet identifying him.

"uh- who's this?" michea asked. i took a deep breath and began to speak, "guys, this is erm, well, this is apollo aka our dad," i said.

everyone's mouths dropped wide open.

will walked up to our dad and observed him for a second. "uhm, did you need proof that i helped birth you or something?" our dad asked, sarcastically. will nodded his head, "at least show us that you are a god so that we know you aren't trying to do any funny business," he said in a deeper and more grown up voice. our dad shrugged and shuffled over so he was facing the wall. he said something in what sounded like ancient greek and before we knew it, there was a ball of light in his hand. he focused on the ball of light and began to speak, "this ball of light is a sun that will hopefully make its way to another galaxy when i release it," he said as he made the ball of light bigger, "by thy power of thy god of archery, prophesy, healing, and light, i will send this ball of fire to go light up a new universe," he said as he threw the thing straight up into the air only for it to disappear.

everyone gasped and looked at our dad in awe. apollo smiled and one by one, my siblings filed in closer to apollo and began talking to him as if we were a regular mortal family.

it was quite nice pretending to be normal for a little bit after having to be warriors for most of our lives. i could tell that everybody was thinking that same thing as i glanced back and saw everyone laughing and making jokes as our dad listened to every single one of his kids.


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