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{this chapter is gonna take place after the quest but if anyone wanted to know what happens in the end and throughout the whole thing then please comment and tell me cause i'd be more than willing to write something that sums it up :) alright enjoy}


now that you're back at camp the entire quest feels like a blur. except for the part when you and percy had a very deep conversation about your lives. oh yeah and the part when you two kissed. it's quite exciting to be back with your friends and siblings after being gone for over 3 weeks. 'i'll have to update will about my semi existing love life' you think.

it's now june 13th which means that the summer solstice is coming up in about a week or two. the gods always host demigod olympics on the summer and winter solstice's. maybe percy will compete. every demigod olympics, you and luke team up and win. maybe this year you, luke, and percy can all team up and bring yet another trophy back to camp. it's an exciting thought but you know luke would never approve. he's like a second older brother to you and he likes it to just be the two of you.

you walk over to the hephaestus cabin to talk to jake mason about plans for a new model of a sword. on your way, you see an aphrodite girl flirting with luke. he clearly looks uncomfortable so you shoot an arrow into a tree next to them. the aphrodite girl screams and looks over at you furiously. she starts stomping toward your direction. "YOU ALMOST KILLED ME!" she screeched almost breaking your ear drums. you roll your eyes, "ugh i wish i did," you mumble. the girl stops in her tracks and smacks her hand over her heart, "excuse me, just wait until my mother hears about this," she says and stomps away toward her cabin.

ugh just two inches to the left and that girl would've been on her death bed. luke trotted up to you, "that was intense. you okay?" he asks. you scoff and nod, "yeah im alright, thanks," you say. luke nods and an awkward silence goes on until he decided to say something, "so uh, why are you on this side of the camp? shouldn't you be teaching the new campers archery?" he asked. "lee is taking over my shift today since i have to discuss some sword designs with jake mason and charles beckendorf," you say. luke nods and clicks his tongue, "welp, wouldn't wanna keep you waiting! bye i'll see you tonight at dinner," he said as he walks away. you wave to each other and walk your separate ways.

once you arrive at the hephaestus cabin you immediately heard bickering and yelling between charles and jake. you quickly walk inside to break up whatever is going on. when you walk inside you see that charles is in a sling and jake is on crutches. your eyes go wide the moment you processed it. "what in hades happened to you guys!?" you yell. the bickering stops and the two boys look over at you. charles smiles, "ah finally someone to settle this," he says. you walk towards the two boys in the workshop and start to lay out a blueprint on a table in the center of the room. "i don't know what happened but you two are gonna have to figure it out on your own," you say. the two boys groan and gather next to you to see the improved blueprint.

charles looks intrigued as for jake, well, it's a good thing that he doesn't get paid for showing interest because he nodded, pivoted, and walked out the door. you sat there in complete silence for what seemed like 5 minutes but was only 10 seconds (curse you kronos for making time so slow). charles rolled his eyes, "don't take it personally, y/n," he said, "he's been in a mood all day," he finished. you nodded, "is that the reason you two were fighting?" you asked while turning back to the table. charles sighed, "yeah, uh, he was trying to challenge a bunch of people to duels this morning," you laughed at that. "sounds like someone i know" charles said as he nudged you. you playfully rolled your eyes as you lightly chuckled.

it may have seemed like you were fine with the joke but you weren't too fond of the fact that charles immediately thought of you.

you rubbed it off and put another blueprint on the table but this time it was for a bow and arrow. charles' eyes glowed up. he looked at every detail there was to offer. "d-did you make this?" he asked shockingly. you nodded, "yep, it was just a quick sketch while i was on the quest," you said. charles cleared his throat, "damn i didn't know you could be creative in this kind of stuff," he said, "i thought you were just creative in bed," he smirked and looked at you. your eyes widened and you smacked him. "CHARLIE BECKENDORF WHAT THE HELL?!" you yelled. charles laughed and turned back to the blueprint. you rolled your eyes and said, "i swear i am going to murder you one of these days," charlie laughed even though he knew that you weren't joking. he cleared his throat "okay uhm anyway i think we can make this one," he said, pointing to the bow and arrow designs. you nodded and began to scavenge around the workshop and look for the tools that will be needed.

just as you were looking around, the cabin door flung open and standing in the doorway was none other than water boy. he walked up to charles and whispered something to him. charlie looked shocked yet confused as percy continued to whisper. after about two minutes you spoke up, "okay are you guys done with your meeting yet?" and the two boys looked over at you. "oh uhm sorry y/n," percy said. you smiled, "it's all good just please either go or stay here and stay out of our way 'cause we got things to do," you said. percy nodded and sat down at a work table looking at the blueprints that weren't chosen. "who made these?" he asked. you looked up to see what he was talking about and noticed him holding up one of your designs, "i did," you said as you turned back to look for more tools. percy scoffed, "damn y/n, you've got some talent," you said. you blushed but quickly covered it by fake sneezing. percy looked over at you and smiled. you could watch his smile all day if you could. it was the warmest and most genuine thing you had ever seen.

percy was very much a shot of espresso.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 19, 2022 ⏰

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