Chapter 32: Showdown begins

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Currently, Akiri is still comforting Sinon, holding her as she had slowly begin to calm down under his embrace.

Currently, Akiri is still comforting Sinon, holding her as she had slowly begin to calm down under his embrace

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After a few minutes, she seemed to have got herself together as she then looked at him and spoke up.

Sinon: Tell me what to do

Akiri: Defeat Death Gun. Then his partner will
disappear unable to do anything. That's the only way

Sinon: But even without his Black Star, he's pretty good. Didn't you see him dodge a shot from the Hecate at hundred meters? And I don't think we can hide like this forever. The other players will realize that we're hiding in this desert cave. At any second, we could be attacked with a grenade

Akiri: I see. I better get ready to go then

He was about to stand up, but Sinon grabbed his arm to stop him.

Sinon: We've been a pair this far. Let's fight together to the end

Akiri: No, it's too risky to get you involved. If he shoots you with that handgun...

Sinon: That thing's just an obsolete single action. Even if he shoots me, you can use your sword to deflect it easily, right?

Akiri looks into her eyes and sees her determination. He knew that look very well. He knew that she won't back down.

He then released a sigh and smiled at Sinon.

Akiri: Right. I won't let him hit you. But I still think it is better if he didn't see you

Sinon: But...

Akiri: Don't get me wrong, I'd be more than happy to accept your help. But you're a sniper, remember? You're best firing from long range

Sinon: That's true

Akiri: During the next scan, I'll show up on the map alone and draw out Death Gun. He'll probably hide far away and try to shoot me with his sniper rifle. We'll use his shot to find his location and shoot him

Sinon: You're going to be a decoy?

Akiri: Yeah, that's the plan

Sinon: Fine... Well, do that. But just be sure you don't get killed by his first shot

Sinon then playfully pinched his side and he just smiled at her.

Akiri: I promised you, didn't I? If l were to die, it'll be by your bullet and your bullet alone. I plan to keep that promise. As long as I can find where he's shooting from, I can move out the way of the bullet

Sinon: Right

Akiri then suddenly leans close to Sinon's face and she started to blush a little.

Sinon: W-what is it...?

Akiri: What is that thing above us?

Sinon looked up and saw a blue holographic circle above them and she let out a sigh.

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