Chapter 5: First boss

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(Next day)

Currently, Akiri is walking towards the place where Kirito has told him to meet. He then arrived at an open field and saw that Kirito was sitting against a tree. He then walked over to him.

Kirito: Good, you're here

Akiri: Yeah, I'm here. Are we going for a grind again? You know we don't have time to-

Kirito: No, we're not going for a grind. I just want to have a friendly duel with you

Akiri: Huh? Why now out of all times?

Kirito: I just realized we've never had a duel before. Plus, you can think of this as training to fight the boss

Akiri: Okay then. You're on

Kirito then opened his menu and sent Akiri a half loss mode duel request. Akiri then pressed accept and the timer ticks down as he unsheathes his sword.

 Akiri then pressed accept and the timer ticks down as he unsheathes his sword

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Kirito then did the same and they both got into a stance. They stared at each other for a while until, the timer reaches zero and they quickly rushed each other. The sounds of steel crashing against steel was heard as they clashed blades. Akiri quickly goes on to slash Kirito, but he parried his attack.

Kirito: (thoughts) He's fast

Kirito then got onto the offensive and started to attack Akiri, but Akiri easily blocks and parries them. Akiri then quickly counter attack by slashing Kirito's face, dealing the first blow of the duel.

Kirito then continued on the offensive delivering a series of attacks, but Akiri would dodge the attacks by jumping over them and doing backflips. They continued to trade blows with each other until they locked blades and the two of them stared at each other.

Kirito: (thoughts) He blocked and dodged all of my attacks without breaking a sweat. He also managed to get the first blow

They then broke the lock and jumped back a few feet. Their roles were switched as Akiri now got onto the offensive. He rushes Kirito with a series of quick slashes. Kirito barely managed to block his attacks, but Akiri does something unexpected by getting in some kicks in between slashes. Kirito could not find an opening as Akiri kept on the offensive, slashing and kicking Kirito.

Akiri then went to slash Kirito and he dodged it, but only to be met with a powerful kick from Akiri. He was then knocked back by the kick and he knelt down.

Kirito: I've never seen anyone fight like that

Akiri: It's just my own fighting style I developed

Kirito: (thoughts) I guess regular attacks aren't gonna work

Kirito then got up and his sword glowed a red colour as he got into a stance.

Akiri: (thoughts) That is the 3 hit sword skill, Sharp Nail

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