Chapter 14: Aftermath

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???: Mr Shiranobu, how are you today?

Akiri: The same as usual

Currently, Akiri is seen wearing a red hoodie and navy blue jeans, sitting on his electric wheelchair. He is talking with a therapist, wearing a brown suit, holding a pen and notepad.

Therapist: Great. Now let us begi-

Akiri: I still don't get why I need therapy. You've already concluded that I don't suffer from any psychological traumas. Unlike most of the other survivors

Therapist: Even so, it is necessary for all of the survivors to be given therapy. Now, have you contacted your friends?

Akiri: No. I don't want to ruin their time with their family

Therapist: It had already been 2 months. I'm sure they won't mind. Just a simple greeting would suffice

Akiri just sighed.

Akiri: Fine. I'll try

Therapist: Good. How about your surgery?

Akiri: I've talked with the surgeon. If things go as planned, it'll be done in March next year

Therapist: That's good to hear. I wish you the best in your recovery

They then continued with the session. Mostly consists of the therapist asking Akiri a few questions about how he was feeling and if there is anything that he wanted to say. A while later, the therapist puts down his pen and notepad.

Akiri: So, we done here?

Therapist: Actually, there's one last thing I want to ask you

Akiri: What is it?

Therapist: Do you have any regrets?

Akiri: Who doesn't?

Therapist: Perhaps I should be more specific. Do you have anything you regret doing, during your time in SAO?

Akiri flinched for a split second before regaining his composure, but that didn't go unnoticed by the therapist.

Therapist: I know that you are hiding something. Something you regret doing

Akiri: I'm not telling you...

He answered simply as he knew he couldn't lie to him.

Therapist: You refuse to admit it, but you are in great pain

Akiri: I'm not telling you

He repeated the same words.

Therapist: I see... Then there's no point in forcing you

With a defeated sigh, he drops the subject and puts down his pen.

Therapist: I'll see you again on your next visit. You may leave now

Akiri: Yeah, whatever

He then went towards the door which the therapist opened for him and he went out of the room.

Akiri heads towards the exit and once he is outside, he went towards a black Rolls Royce SUV parked on the sidewalk.

Akiri heads towards the exit and once he is outside, he went towards a black Rolls Royce SUV parked on the sidewalk

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