Chapter 23 - Once in a Full Moon

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Chapter 23: Once in a Full Moon 

  “Tristan,” I croaked, as I felt my lips form back, but only momentarily before I relapsed and the canines in my mouth dropped down yet again. Another shuffle through the confines of the woods, but I didn’t listen to it anymore, I just couldn’t, my mind was shutting down from me, I was becoming separated from my body. If it was my body even at all anymore? I couldn’t tell anymore, that voice was slowly growing more powerful overcoming my senses. 

  But as my mind was going away, I sensed my wolf body getting off the ground, on all four paws.

  ‘What are you doing?’ I snarled, ‘Get back down on the ground. You are not doing anything that I’m not permitting you to,’

  ‘Don’t you see Sam? You allowed this, you gave in. Now deal with what you’ve done, you can have your body back as soon as the sun rises over the horizon, but for now its mine’  still the sound of my voice; altered darkly and toned to be more feral. It sounded so foreign, yet so familiar, like an old best friend who picked up a unique accent while they were away. I growled inside my head. Suppressing a weakness was not something I was accustomed to.

  “Sam?” a voice called out from the woods again, this time closer and clearer. My head snapped in the direction of it. I could tell it was Tristan, his tone sounded warped too, like my voices. Deeper, smoother, sexier? Oh definitely sexier. I found myself drop down into a crouch, and my lips rose in a growl. ‘What are you doing?’ I asked outraged.

  ‘He might be our mate, but that doesn’t mean he has anyone with him that could be of danger’  she said, a growl hinting in her own voice.

  ‘Mate! Wait… what? Roll this crazy train back here, what in the world do you mean mate?!’ I asked frantically. More footsteps in our direction, and the lower we fell into a defensive position, silent and deadly. ‘I’m not even a freaking real werewolf!’

  ‘Yes you are… now.’  She muttered regretfully, ‘That click between you two. The passion, the heat. You’re his, just as he’s yours.’

  ‘I don’t even really like him,’ I defended myself with, but my inside my head voice lilted with the edge of a question. If I didn’t like him, even a smidge, then I wouldn’t have slept with him, I just wasn’t that kind of girl. Gosh, I didn’t know what kind of girl I was anymore; the lines that used to define me had blurred so much it was like it had smeared the ink on the page.

  But just then Tristan stepped out in front of us, in the same clothes I had last seen him in when we were in the office. Despite the cold he wasn’t wearing a jacket—which was probably to be expected, but I still felt like yelling at him for it. Biting my metaphorical lip, I waited for my wolf’s response. A low growl escaped from our lips, a warning not to take a step closer. He froze for a second, his steely gray eyes analyzing the situation carefully.

  He wasn’t stupid, if so they I probably would have not been troubled with my other side biting his head off. But since he wasn’t, I knew he wouldn’t get into a stupid situation, I didn’t know what my wolf side had on its mind, even if it were really just my own. His eyes held mine, and I felt calmer being caught in their gaze. Maybe he was my mate? I mean I didn’t believe in all that lovey-dovey crap that had to do with falling instantly with another person—but seriously I had grown to like him a lot more than I did when I met him, or when he shoved me into the pool at the fall party. Maybe it was even possible that I… that I—‘There’s seems to be no one with him,’

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