Chapter 32 - Worth The Fight

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Chapter 32: Worth The Fight:

  Tristan’s words did nothing less than make my legs finally give out from underneath me, totally relying on his arms to keep me up. I hissed as the sudden movement caused the burning to increase in its potency, and make all my muscles tense up, bracing for worse. 

  “Samantha!” he yelped, finally realizing that something else was happening with me, despite the urgent news he had just delivered. The room was illuminated harshly for a moment before being followed by an earthquake worthy crash of thunder. Gently, Tristan laid me down on the hardwood of the office; Rayne had leapt over to this side of the room before the crash rumbled off into the distance.

  “What’s happening? It’s not even night yet, the moon can’t be seen!” Tristan growled, the rumbling from his chest vibrating off onto me.

  “Well… obviously her body is preparation for the change. But she can’t change fully until the moon rises over the horizon and the sun dies off. It must be the darkness of the storm that is triggering an early preparation for it.” Rayne said, picking the book back off the table, I could see him in the corner of my eye, scouring through the pages.

  “You’re not going to learn anything from a stupid book, Rayne!” Tristan yelled, pulling me closer to his body. He had hunched himself over on the floor as I lay tense in his arms. It was like slowly being dipped into a fire, every piece of my body getting equal treatment as it travelled through my veins and into my muscles. Despite not knowing much about the change in itself, my wolf could diagnose every signal thing that was happening. And she was relishing in it.

  ‘If you don’t give in, I’ll be sure to make you suffer’ she hissed, almost as if in my ear. I wanted to scream and clamp my hands over my ears to block out the horrid she-wolf. She was just as determined to win my body over as I was to keep it, a constant struggle in the turmoil in my mind. Another wave of fire engulfed my limps, as slowly my muscles tried rearranging themselves, only to be shot down by the absence of the moon over the sky.

  “Is she alright?” Rayne asked, his voice sounding concerned, but my eyes were now clamped shut to block out the look on his face.

  “I don’t know… Sam, baby, what’s going on?” Tristan asked urgently, but all I could let out was a soft moan of pain from my pressed together lips, teeth digging into the insides of my cheeks.

  The phone went off again, ringing in the silence from both of the brothers waiting for me to answer. All of a sudden the tone that had previously just mildly irritated me scraped against my eardrums the high pitched chime causing me to screech and slap my hands over my ears, the movement igniting me further. Heightened hearing: check.  I didn’t even have time to think of how good it sounded for Tristan to call me baby in his deep voice that I loved so, the blaring ring of the phone drowned it out of my head.

  “Get the damn phone!” Tristan roared, his body so tense that it was almost as tightly bound as mine, my back arched in the pain. ‘I gotta stop, this is nonsense, it must just be my mind that’s overplaying the power she has over me. It’s just will of mind. You can do this’ I thought to myself, my own voice in my mind sounding strained and unsure.

  “Alpha.” Rayne answered, his tone darkly serious. This was worse than Alpha mode, this was more animalistic. Clearly the full moon had effects on the other pack members… either that or the incoming attack on all of us. Probably the latter. “Yes! I already know all of that, I need new information, get me the coordinates, numbers, speed… everything!” he snarled into the phone, my ears picking up the echo of it through the receiver. With the ringing gone, I slowly let down my arched back, relaxing as much as could. ‘Think soothing thoughts…’

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