Chapter 4 - Chilled to the Bone

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Chapter Four: Chilled to the Bone

  "You are grumbling a lot more than usual..." Quinn commented as I walked her to her sixth hour, we were walking slower than normal, not afraid that she would be marked late as it was still the second day of school, I had already proved that teacher's were lenient this week. 

  "Am not," I countered, but I noticed the grumble in my tone and huffed, I wouldn't be walking next to Quinn right now if I could just go home, but I knew that Tristan was probably waiting on me to drive me home. For some reason he got under my skin more so than anyone I had previously met, and it irritated me to no extent that now on I was tied to him in a way that I regretted deeply.

  Quinn gave me a pointed look, her eyebrow arched precariously, daring me to lie more to her. With a heavy sigh I shifted the weight of the backpack on my shoulder, having sweet talked one of the teachers to help me pry my locker from its hinges. In other words, I would be getting a reassignment of my locker, that might be the only highlight of the day. The bell went off before I could elaborate my mental condition to her, well in the most in descriptive way possible, because even though I felt a start of a hatred growing towards good ol'Tristan, I felt determined to keep the secret that, a secret.

  "Well I got to go...guess I'll be seeing you tomorrow, remember we have to go over the fall party plans again," she reminded me, and I smiled giving her a wave before she trotted off to her classroom.

  Defeated, I walked to the entrance of the school. Feeling childish I pressed my face against the cool glass, to see the rain splattering hard against the sidewalk still, and my car only a short distance away. I was once again grateful that I had thought of getting a close parking spot today. I didn't see anybody outside, and a flicker of hope sparked in my eyes. Maybe Tristan had forgot about me? Smiling wryly, I pulled the hood to my jacket tightly around my head, before pushing open the door and rushing out into the cold rain.

  I was soaked to the bone by the time I had reached my car and dug my keys out of my pocket. Crawling into the car, I quickly fired the car to life with shaking hands. Turning the heat up all the way, I waited comfortably while the car's heating system was warming the car up.

  A smirk still graced my lips and I leaned back in my chair, closing my eyes lightly. He had forgotten, thank goodness, I wouldn't have to deal with him anymore today. The radio played quietly in the background of the rain and my breathing; a sweet melody of an instrument that suspiciously sounded like a piano, but it was too soft to tell. Sighing as the heat warmed up my skin, I smiled, content with the fact that I wasn't cold anymore.

  There was a rap on the door, and I jolted forward, my eyes snapping open. My head collided with the sun visor that had apparently fallen down again, but I quickly looked towards the passenger's side. A figure stood in front of the window, their features meshed together by the rain, but they were obviously indicating that I roll down the window.

  I rolled it down, careful of the rain that was now blowing inside the car, trying to see who it was. A face appeared clearer, and I gasped, starting to roll the window back up again quickly. But Tristan's hand shot forward and took advantage of the open space and pressed the unlock button on the door. I tried fiddling with the window and searching for the lock button at the same time, but I was too late he had already opened the door and was climbing into the passenger's seat.

  I glared at him, as he shut the door firmly behind him, the window finally rolling up, a minute to late of its purpose. He shook some of the water droplets off his hair, a grin on his face as he finally turned to look at me.

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