Chapter 10 - Packed

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Chapter 10: Packed

  "Not at the moment...I'll be down in a few minutes, just have to take a shower!" I called back down stairs to Mrs. Everdeen hurriedly. I rushed into the only bathroom with a shower that I knew; Tristan's room, and shut the door firmly behind me. I was sure my cheeks were redder than a stop sign, my teeth biting into my lip furiously as I slid down the door until I was sitting on the cold bathroom tile. My feet barely hit the edge of the fluffy black bathroom mat in front of the glass door shower, my toes curling around the soft strands. 

  Waking up this morning had been shocking enough, on the Everdeen's couch, the television still playing mutely and Rayne asleep on the other side of the 'L' of the couch. But I had woken up, lying next to Tristan. His arm had been around my waist, pulling me close in sleep, and I was settled in between him and the couch cushions. I had been flush against his side, snuggling up trying to soak up the warmth radiating off his skin.

  But the moment he had stirred, it brought me out of whatever trance I had been in, leaping off the couch and rushing past Mrs. Everdeen. She asked me as I flitted by if I wanted breakfast, but I was already leaping up the stairs, to where I was now.

  I so hoped that Tristan hadn't realized the most recent of my screw ups due to him; even unconscious I was drawn to him. With a groan my head fell into my hands. But even behind closed eyes I saw his bright silver ones staring back at me.

  The door of the bedroom opened, and I heard someone rustling through the drawers. Scrambling up from the floor, I used the dark marble counter to steady myself. My hair was mussed up in the mirror, and my face flush with embarrassment, a combination with my blood shot eyes from the little sleep I managed to get made a monstrous site. "Sam?" a voice on the other side of the door asked, mildly annoyed as the sound of knuckles rapped on the wood. "Hurry up would you; I have to take a shower too,"

  "Yeah...just a few minutes," I chocked out, and I heard Tristan step away from the door, muttering something about sharing a bathroom. I made sure my shower was quick; well as quick as someone who kept dropping the bottle of shampoo could make it. But by the end, I found myself much calmer and in my own mind, my thoughts more down to earth, fantasy aside.

  I was just ringing out my damp hair when I opened the door, dressed in my clothes from yesterday despite the grunginess of them. Tristan was there, leaning against the wall, looking towards the ceiling, the sound of me opening the door had him springing into action. "Took you long enough," he muttered, before shouldering past me and into the bathroom, the door shut silently.

  My towel was around my shoulders catching the droplets that were falling off my hair, as I stood their slightly in shock at his brush past me. The sound of the shower turning back on made me slack a little, and look around his room, the feeling that now was the time to snoop if I ever wanted to. Making sure the light was snapped on, and glowing from underneath the bathroom door, I made my way to the desk. A laptop was set neatly atop the black desk, slightly ajar, snoozing. A stack of books; from school most likely were set to the side of he computer, a jar of pencils that were all sharpened sitting in the corner of the desk. "This does not look like a teenage guy's room," I muttered, stirring the pencils in the jar, making them jangle against the sides of the cup. It was too neat, too precise.

  The bed was rumpled at least, the comforters and blankets no longer in order, which made me relax slightly. It was at least a sign that someone even lived in this room. A pair of jeans were laid across the end of the bed, paired with a regular old sweater; a pale blue combo. They looked so clean and pristine that it made me almost wince at my grunged look.

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