Chapter 1 - Mistakes

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Chapter 1 - Mistakes

  It all starts with a mistake. Whether it be miniscule, fatal, or just something that plain ruined your life. The worst part is, you never know what mistake you are going to make, when you will do so, and what effect it will have on your life. Makes you wish you were psychic doesn't it?

  "I know...its not that big of a deal, Quinn," I stressed, as my best friend tried convincing me into going shopping for back to school, even though school was starting today, and it would be pointless to go now. She rolled her eyes, knowing how I felt about shopping, trying stuff on, it was all just pointless-at least that's what I thought. She on the other hand, always was having new clothes on hand, always pressuring me into trying on some of her older clothes that she didn't like the styles, in hopes that I would fall under her spell of shopping, not happening.

  "You need new clothes," she stressed, picking up the sleeve of my hoodie sweatshirt in her hand in a mock disgust, "This...this is a disgrace," she shook my arm, and I jerked it back. Feigning like I was hurt, "What is wrong with my clothing?"

  "Everything," she laughed out, and I rolled my eyes, looking very similar to what her face had looked like only seconds ago. I really didn't think anything was wrong with how I dressed, it was just simple jeans, and normally t-shirts, and when it got colder, of course sweatshirts. I wasn't all that clever in the fashion field and stayed clear of it as much as I could.

  We continued walking down the sidewalk, towards our high school, deciding we wanted to enjoy some of the warm air, while it was still here, both of us were positive that soon enough the presence of school would suck up the nice weather. I kicked a stone in our way, watching it slowly hop and tumble off the side walk to settle somewhere in the underbrush where I couldn't see. The underbrush was shadows by the tall boughs of the trees in the forest flanking us on our side, so dense that when you tried to look into the thick wall of trunks it was dark, grainy and eerie. I didn't dare sweep my foot in that unknown underbrush to get the stone to kick again.

  "I'm comfortable, and don't look terrible, that's all that matters," I said with a shrug, "I have no sense in fashion, might as well be shopping for parts to a fridgerator for how much statistics I would know...wait, never mind, I would actually know what to look for in a fridge," I said with a grin, and she let out a defeated sigh, maybe this time for good. Most likely not.

  "Can you believe that this is going to be the last first day of school..." she sighed wistfully, clasping her hands together overdramatically. I chuckled, "Not really, well at least for me...I actually plan on going to college,"

  "I plan on going to college," she bristled defending herself, "Just don't know what for yet...or why, really," I couldn't comprehend how she couldn't know what she would be going to college for, I had had my whole career planned out since ninth grade, knowing exactly what college I was going to, the statistics of the programs I wanted in on, and even the grade point average and test scores I would need for the best of scholarships. It was incomprehendable that she had not a clue, but then again, neither did I about fashion, so I guess it was even, sort of.

  "Anyway I have a year to decide, I'm fine," she waved my worries of her future off, but that's what she said at the beginning of the summer, I quote, "I have the summer to decide, I'm fine,".

  It was no use to try and get her to change, she was who she was, and I loved her for it.

  We passed the clearing of the forest, that was a gentle park, its swings still without the early morning breeze, and the slide, its metal surface shining in the sunlight that was creeping up on us, as the day approached. I had the sudden urge to run up to the swings and swing until I could taste the sunlight, but I glanced at my watch.

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