Chapter 2 - Bound

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Chapter 2: Bound

  The sound of skin ripping, and bones crunching wasn't something you would expect. It hurt my ears to listen, and I could have sworn someone was dying, it sounded that painful. But the noises were drowned out by snarls and animalistic sounds as the two giant wolves tried facing it off with each other.

  I just stood their frozen, a state of shock. My body was screaming, telling me to get the hell out of there, but I stared blankly at the sight before me. The place where Tristan had been now stood a giant black wolf, its lips pulled back from its teeth, baring them menacingly. The other wolf was obviously just the same size, but a brown that was sun stained making it look blonde in the filtered light of the trees.

  That's when the brown wolf lunged at the black one, aiming for its throat. My eyes had a hard time trying to follow the pattern and placing of teeth and claws as the two animals collided. The movements were smooth and lethal, and I was sure that one of would lose, and soon. My eyes closed tightly, trying to block out the mental image of this.

  There was a whimper, and a snarl, and my eyes shot open in surprise, to see the black wolf's fur around its lips stained a light red, the other's leg bit in the upper thigh. I stepped back, my vision going slightly hazy at the sight of blood, the scent would have surely made me pass out if it weren't for the fear as both wolves turned towards me. I had stepped on a twig, and the snap was clearly audible, even against the snarls.

  If a wolf could've grinned, I swear the brown one would be smiling evilly from ear to ear. They both jumped to me, and I shrieked, falling backwards into a path of grass in the dirt. I shielded my eyes with my arm, waiting for the powerful paws and claws of theirs to tear through my skin and bones.

  But it didn't happen; the snarls and growls weren't directed towards me anymore. Something brushed my leg, and I quickly opened my eyes. The black wolf stood protectively before me, in a crouch that was totally shielding me from the view of the brown one.

  The last snarl that came out of the black wolf's mouth ripped through the afternoon, clearly if not human telling the other to back off, and in a parting glare aimed towards me, the brown one disappeared into the confines of the forest, disappearing further into the darkness.

  I released my breath that I hadn't realized I had been holding, and shivers erupted over my skin. But I wasn't out of trouble yet, I barely registered as the black wolf looked back towards me. Its eyes captured mine. Silver reflections, ones that had captured my attention all day.

  It couldn't be possible, he couldn't be it. My mind fought with common sense, an inner turmoil that had my head aching, but for some reason I knew those were his eyes. But how could it possibly be? The wolf turned around and was about to run off like the other when a whisper left my lips, "T...Tristan?"

  It froze, and slowly turned back towards me. It was him; I saw the defeat in his eyes. I would have smirked in confidence, if it hadn't already been shattered with the fact that there was no logical way for him to be a wolf.

  In a much quieter transition, the wolf quickly morphed back into the shaggy black haired, silver eyed, boy that I had been puzzling over. His mouth was tipped down in a frown as he studied my face, which I was sure looked terrible. My teeth were chattering, and my hands clenched tightly on the blades of grass in the ground, tearing them up one by one. He seemed just as tense, but not afraid more angry.

  "You know..." he muttered, a snarl so similar to the animalistic ones that had been made minutes ago. He swerved around fast, and his fist cracked against the bark of a nearby tree as he punched it in anger. My eyes widened, sure he had just shattered all the bones in his hand, but it came away perfectly clean, if not scraped a little, the tree had more damage to it.

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