81. To grow: 2.0

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[A/N: Are you all ready for part two?👀 Well, I hope you are because here we go!]

"Oh, for f*cks sake, just shut up", I heard someone say loudly from behind Parker, who instantly stopped playing. The voice sent shivers down my spine. I sat up, and got all stiff. Dom gave me a worried look in response to my jumpy actions.
"There are other people around", the voice sounded slightly drunk.
And I knew exactly who it belonged to.
I didn't dare to look at him.
I wanted to run away the moment I heard him.
I wanted to just get away from there, and never look back.

But somehow, I couldn't.

Olivia instantly stood up, and walked towards him.
"Go away, Warren. You can't be here", her voice confident and strong.
"I can be wherever I want- 'cause she", and I could feel him pointing at me. "She put me in juvie and now I'm out so-", he said suggestively, like it was crystal clear.
"Leave", she said, walking closer towards him, sounding almost threatening in the way she spoke.
"I just wanted to have a little talk, that's all-". he began. "Hey Ruthleigh- did you hear that? I just wanted to have a little talk!", and I could feel myself getting more and more skittish. That name made me want to throw up, even though I hated throwing up. It made me feel nauseous and disoriented, and I could feel the thoughts kicking in.
"Huh? Didn't you hear?! I WANT TO TALK TO YOU-", he was shouting now, trying to get my attention while slurring his words like a drunk.
1, 2, 3, 4, 5...
Dom gave me a concerned look, and put his hand on mine. But, I wasn't contactable.
"Hey, let's just go-", Dom suggested, but I couldn't move. I couldn't do anything.
It's your fault.
If you hadn't come here, they wouldn't have to do this and they wouldn't hate you.
Everything will always be your fault.
Slowly, I dared to look up at Warren. He still looked like the high school jock he had been, but worn out. He looked tired, if almost destroyed. And he was staring right at me.
"You ruined everything", he said, and the words were like taking a bullet to my heart.
Because it was exactly what I would tell myself.
And exactly what I had just been telling myself.
It's all your fault.
I could feel tears starting to run down my cheeks, and fall down on my hands and clothes; too scared to make a move a dry them.
"Did you hear that, eh? You ruined everything", he repeated, sounding absolutely furious.
Suddenly, he started walking towards me with a glass bottle in his hand, and raising his arm the nearer he got; getting ready to hit me. And I raised my arms before my face like a shield, the reaction automatic.
That's when Dom desperately grabbed my arms and literally pulled me up on my feet, trying to take off and keep me safe.
But my legs wouldn't cooperate.
He shouted for Carson to get help.
He probably could've carried me by himself, but not when I was in this condition.
I was like a ragged doll, unable to do anything.
"What the f*ck man?!", Olivia screamed, grabbing Warren's arm and almost getting hit herself. From behind, Parker grabbed the arm with the glass bottle. "What's your problem? Go away!", she continued, and tried to push him away. Carson helped Dom to try and take me away from there, but I just kept looking at Warren. There was just pure violence in his look, like he had tunnel vision. Like nothing but hurting me mattered.
And I was frozen by fright.
It's your fault.
Tap. Twitch. Blink.
Why aren't you tapping?!
Start over.
"She's my problem! She's a f*cking rat. F*cking ruthless. I had to go to juvie, and for what? For what, Ruthleigh?", he shouted at me, violently swinging his arms to get free. "And what about Ansel. Huh? WHAT ABOUT ANSEL?!", his voice got louder and louder.
I began to shake unwillingly, my legs unable to carry me even less and I fell down on my knees again.
Now Sherri, Stella and Craig had joined to try and drag him away. And at my side, Haley joined and tried to help get me away from there. Neither Warren or I cooperated with them, even though I wanted to so badly.

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