57. To hinder

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[A/N: Long time, no see! And if you're new here - hello!
Well, if you'd like, here's some of the songs I listened to or thought of when writing this lil long chapter:
Us - Regina Spektor
Flowers - Eva Noblezada
Why am I like this? - Orla Gartland
The Call - Regina Spektor
Golden Slumbers - The Beatles
So, now, I won't hold you up any longer, go read!💓]

Lin's POV
I threw off my shoes and quietly made my way through our apartment, as I knew the majority was sleeping. I took out one of the earphones, as Regina Spektor was singing Us at the top of her lungs, and suddenly I could hear some sort of Late Show on low volume from the living room.
"V?", I asked, a little out of breath as I always sprinted up the stairs.
"In here", Vanessa replied, looking back at me with a smile. "How was work?"
"Some absolute idiot 'forgot' to turn his phone off and then decided to answer it right in the middle of My shot?", I complained, giving her an annoyed look, as we both rolled our eyes, she sighing on my behalf. "So, I did another rewrite", and sat down right next to her. "I hate it, but, these New York City streets get colder, I shoulder - GENTLEMAN IN THE SECOND ROW HANG UP - Every burden, every disadvantage", I re-enacted the moment, making it unable for Vanessa to keep her gorgeous laugh inside.
"He earned it", she said, smiling in approval of my impulsive decision.
"Are both the kids in bed?", I wondered.
"Yep. Seb's definitely asleep-", Vanessa said, nodding towards the baby monitor. "Don't know about Rue - which speaking of, we've received an email from the school about the graduating early-thing..."
Now, it was my turn to sigh.
If I'm honest, I'd been distracted by the conversation with mr Sawyer and the events following that through the show - leaving me unfocused and people wondering if I was okay. And lashing out at the man.
In some way, I could understand why that person decided to answer their phone. My performance hadn't been the best.

I turned my attention to Vanessa, who'd picked up her laptop and bit her lip, scrunching her forehead in anger, while digging in her email box, scrolling up and down.
"And, I don't know if it's me, but it literally sounds like they want to get rid of her because...", Vanessa pointed at the place where it was written;
"as ms Leighton hasn't been attending class regularly in 4 months, she has continued to do schoolwork at home with guidance from mr Sawyer. The school board has taken ms Leighton's circumstances into consideration and would therefore suggest that the student may graduate early due to her grades and attendence. Of course ms Leighton won't have to attend class if her condition won't allow it, and she may finish high school by continuing working from home, which would open a spot for another student to start in her year. Obviously, it is up to ms Leighton and you, mr and mrs Miranda, but the school board highly recommends it", Vanessa read aloud.

I browsed it again, skimmed over to make sure what I'd heard was right, with an open mouth in disgust.
It was upsetting, just seeing how they'd tried so hard not to sound offensive, yet it was immensely so.
"Isn't that just a fancy way of saying 'hey you're not like everybody else so therefore we'd like you to leave?", I spat, lightning of anger striking in my eyes.
"Right?!", Vanessa rhetorically asked. "I've already started writing a draft for the reply-", she rambled, opening an organised document which was a collection of fancy words instead of thank you, F you, but no thank you.
"And we'll talk to Rue in the morning", I said, moving my hands through my hair, knowing that Rue only knew half the story - the fact that it was because of her academic work and results, not because of the school finding her unfitting and wrong. An obstacle, briefly.
As I thought that, I realised what we couldn't tell her.
This. She couldn't know this. It would only make it worse, and she'll do as the school says, even though it would take a toll on her.

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