8. To celebrate

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[This chap has a little section about racism. Don't read if you don't want to. I felt the need of putting it in, and I'm sorry about that. I'm against racism, and have always been. It's just that some characters and also people in real life are racists and then you gotta stand up for yourself. 'Kay? Good.
AlsO WHAT?! 800 reads????]
I stumbled into the home after school at 4 pm the day after, undoing my shoelaces carefully as I always do.
When they finally were off, I heard my phone calling. Without looking at who it was, I picked up while taking my coat off.
"Hi?", I said, a bit distracted.
Right arm first, left one afterwards.
"Hi, hi there Ruth, how's your day been?", Vanessa said happily, talking fast like she was late somewhere.

I reflected on my day. Ansel, Rachel & Warren had been staring at me from the moment I walked inside, and everyone soon followed their lead. I couldn't understand why, so I hadn't said a thing during this whole day, making my voice crack.

"Great, yours?", I said, walking through the corridors, looking down on my feet as I silently watched all the other kids going by me, sighing by how 'slow' I was, as I, with dedication, avoided every single little crack.
Trip on one, and Lin & Vanessa will die.
"Brilliant, been a stressful day though, as always. Um, I'm actually right outside. I thought I could help you pack, and also brought someone who's really excited to meet ya", Vanessa rambled on.
"Oh! Um, like there's basically nothing to pack, I never really unpacked", I said, already walking back to the door.
"Ah, okay! Lin's in rehearsals at the moment and show starts kinda soon, so what about a visit in our apartment then?", she quickly changed the subject of the question, and I smiled by how she didn't sound disappointed.
"Y-yeah sure!", I said, and for the third time changing course of my walking - now to ms Abbott's office. "I-if you don't mind, I need to ask ms Abbott for permission?", and in my head it sounded like a statement, but it came out more like a question.
"Of course!"

I sneaked my head inside, opening the door just a little after tapping the doorknob 23 times so Vanessa & Lin wouldn't leave me, feeling the staring by ms Abbott begin.
"Hi, miss, I-I, um the couple that came to visit yesterday, y'know? Well, they're my next foster family a-and invited me over, for, um, dinner"
Lie. Great lie though. You need to work on them.
She seemed to look surprised.
"They are your new foster parents? The Latino couple? Oh, shit, I just can't let that stand, y'know. I'm gonna call mr Chang and we'll find a loving white acceptable family for you", she spat in disgust.
"No! Please don't. I like them. The papers are signed. I don't want another change", I spat back, sounding like I knew what I was talking about.
"Okay, you can leave, but I'm not liking this. I thought the system had fixed this shit", angrily looking through her papers. As I started to close the door, I mumbled under my breath.
Ms Abbott opened her mouth, her eyes showing anger as she stood up, clenching her fist in the table.
"What did you call me, Ruth?"
Almost paralysed, I froze in the doorway.
"N-nothing, miss"
She snorted. Walking the few meters to be right in front of me.
"I heard you, you little shit", slapping me. "Don't you dare be back after 8", she shouted behind me as I ran the fastest I could down the corridor, suddenly realising that I never hung up and picked up my phone from my left pocket.

"H-Hi, I'm back & allowed to go", she didn't answer. "Hello?"
"Um, yeah, take your bags with you!", she seemed a little distant, and slowly the penny fell down.
"Y-you heard the conversation, r-right?"
"S-sorry", instantly regretting everything that had happened.
"No, no, you did nothing wrong! It's not that thing that buggers me. Did she hurt you?"
I grabbed my bag, still wearing my backpack, finally on my way out when I started to tie my shoes, while Vanessa kept on talking.
"She did, oh shit, just come down from there", she talked fast, and hung up.

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