12. To be: accused

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"Ms Leighton?", I shivered by the name I was the owner of. I looked up from my biology book at mr Williams slightly annoyed face. He was one of the few teachers, including the principal, that insisted on not calling us out by our first names, as the old-fashioned 70-year old he was, refusing to retire. "The Principal would like to have a word with you"

Have I done something wrong?
Pathetically scrolling through my memories, starting to panic while collecting my things into my folder in the same way I always did it.

Knocking on his door about ten minutes of rushing the fastest I could. Knocking on every fifth locker seven times. Not stepping on a single crack on the cold stone floor.
Touch the doorknob 23 times, otherwise you can't open it and he'll get mad at you and maybe throw you out.

After hearing a muffled 'come inside', I opened the door, only to be met by four faces staring at me.

"You're late", the Principal said.
Lie, you can't let anyone know. You don't talk about it, it's abnormal.
"Um, mr Williams had a test today - I had to finish it", the word easily slipped out of my mouth.
"Well, if that's the case"
"What are they doing here?"
Mr Lovell snorted.
"Oh, you haven't changed a bit, Ruthleigh", he said, I shivered by the fright of the nickname that he'd picked up from Ansel, who were evilly smiling right next to him. "You didn't come back to us on Monday"
The statement didn't come as a shock.
"I'm sorry, but I thought the System told you. I'm in another foster family now"
The normally quiet Ms Lovell, Sarah, rolled her eyes.
"Oh, we got that email, we just don't care", she took my arm. "And therefore - you're coming with us. To our house"
"No, everything's in order, you are coming with us"
I collected every bit of self esteem that I'd earned the last month.
Mr Lovell blinked.
"I'm sorry, what was that?", he said angrily.
I hesitated.

A hand slapped my cheek, the little braveness I'd collected the last few weeks - gone in a poof.

"Stop it right there, you can't take her from school early, and you definitely can't hit her. I'm calling mr & mrs Miranda now", the Principal joined in, pulling mrs Lovell away from the tight grip she had around my weak arm.
Don't let him call them, you'll only bother them.
"She trashed our house! She accused our son here for doing it! Everything's her fault! We have all rights to do what the h*ll we want with her! We are her foster parents!"

I stopped breathing, my eyes shut out of fright as my body started shaking uncontrollably in a gesture of protecting myself. Mr Lovell tried to reach me, quickly swinging his fist in the air after me.

Suddenly two guards walked in and pushed the family towards the wall, leading them out.
The principal's secretary got inside, and sat me down on a chair right next to her desk, with an open doorway to the principal's office.
I couldn't seem to stop sobbing, neither my uncontrollable shaking.
He cannot call them, Ruth.
Tap your knee 23 times until the rhythm is the right one through the whole period, or Lin or Vanessa will get harmed by the Lovells.
"Please, don't call Lin, or Vanessa, please don't call them...", I said out loud. The Principal looked at me in fake empathy. But he didn't know.
Tap that painting, or your real mommy & daddy will die.
In a span less than a second I was up, touching it.
Tap the seat four times before sitting down, or Lin & Vanessa will get hurt.
"I've already called them, couldn't get ahold of mrs Miranda though"
Tap the wall 7 times. Twitch your head 23 times. Blink your eyes 68 times.
Or someone close to you will die. And you don't want that, huh?

Lin's pov
"Hello, is this Lin Manuel Miranda?"
The serious voice made me suspicious.
"Yes, it is, who's this?"
My monotone answer was a mix between the laughs from backstage and me.
"Oh, of course, mr Miranda, I'm the Principal at your foster daughter's school. There has been a big misunderstanding and..."
"Has something happened to her? Is Ruth okay?"
My worried voice seemed to quiet the cast outside my door.
"Of course she is fine. Her last foster family was here and tried to bring her home. Guards had to take them away, and everything is under control now. Although, you have to come sign some papers so something like this won't happen again"
His calm voice almost made me angry.
I need to be there. I need to go pick up Ruth.
"I'll be there... in 10 minutes?", I said, pausing when checking the time.
I suddenly could hear sobs in the background.
In my mind a picture formed, her tapping and crying.
She wasn't fine.
And with that, I hung up and grabbed my car keys, running out from the theatre.

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