86. To have: a change of plans

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[A/N: A happy and sad overthinking chap. Enjoy!😌]

"Hello, everyone, hello!", Dr Noma announced at the beginning of group therapy to get everyone's attention. I was talking to Sepi and Mateo, and we all slowly quieted down.
"I know you're all excited about summer starting but remember, therapy doesn't take breaks", she quick-wittedly remarked and took a sip of her coffee, and everyone laughed a little. I looked down at my hands, and tapped in the pattern I liked, already tired from my session with Dr Noma this morning.
"Okay, so, since we're on the topic of summer, what are you all doing this summer summer?", she began by asking an open question, and that instantly made me feel more comfortable because everything had so suddenly changed.
Mateo instantly put up his hand, never scared to say anything.
"Let's go, Mateo", Dr Noma said, as she nodded towards him.
"I'm staying here to catch up on school so that I can get into college", he said, sounding proud. "And like I want all of you to know that you don't have to do anything special during the summer or to feel productive, like most of the time I'll probably be chillin' with my brother at home or playing soccer at the park", he added with a broad smile on my face. "Well at least when I'm not compulsively cleaning my room", he finished with a smirk on his face.
"Mateo-", Dr Noma cut in.
"I was joking, if you all didn't get that. Because I will also dedicate my summer to not do that as much as I do it now", he happily added.
"Alright, that's what I like to hear. Who's next? Marie?", Dr Noma continued, as she nodded towards Marie.
"I've got an internship at a youth center with Xander twice a week actually", she said, her face bright. "Which is really exciting because I want to work with children when I get older. Plus, I've finally found a good medication which sort of balances me out... but if I get really low they said that it's fine for me to not show up so I can get back on my feet again", she told everyone, clearly excited about it.
"That sounds amazing, Marie! What will you be doing?", Dr Noma asked.
"Well I'll be helping out with the Bushwick Day Camp, hosting everything from sports activities to crafts...", Marie said, giving the word to Xander.
"And I'll be helping out with their social media and work in the background", Xander added, seeming a bit more nervous about it than Marie.
"That sounds great, guys", Dr Noma said, as she turned to me while I was tapping in the pattern I liked. "Rue, what about you?"
I awkwardly straightened up, and swallowed the anxiety I was feeling.
"Um, I'm actually moving at the end of July. But until then I'll probably not do much, hang out with my friends and my boyfriend", I said, putting on a smile, still not having processed the decision about the move.
I didn't like change - I never had - even though this change probably was going to be a good one.
I tapped a little, and as always, I was counting in my head to stay in the moment and not flee off.
Dr Noma calmly nodded at me, not showing that she was surprised even though it was her first time hearing about it, too.
"Where are you moving?", she asked.
"Um, London, actually. My Dad got a job there, and it went through like three days ago. I mean, it's been in the air for a few months so I knew it might happen, but I'm still a little anxious about it I guess", I said, shrugging my shoulders, while it also felt good to lighten my heart about it. Still, I was trying to not seem too affected by it.
"Everybody gets nervous about moving to a new place, Rue. I think everyone in here can agree on that point"

And everyone did.
Which made me feel a little better.
But, in the core of it all, I was still sad to leave because I didn't want to leave this.
I was scared to find new friends.
Because here I had friends I really loved.
And I didn't want to leave Dom.
Because maybe he'd really leave me then?

After group therapy, me, Mateo and Sepi stood by the little table of fruit, coffee, individually packaged cookies and the water fountain.
"Okay you got to FaceTime or Skype us from London at least once a week. We don't want you to lose your New Yorkness, eh?", Mateo joked as he took a bite of his cookie.
I cracked a laugh.
"I can't believe you're leaving us", Sepi dramatically said, her arm around my shoulder. "Who will keep us sane? Who will we have individually packaged cookies with now?", she continued, and I blushed as I looked down at my cookie, still in its plastic wrapping.
"I'm not leaving forever, guys", I said, smiling to the side. "And we'll always be the golden trio with OCD", I laughed as I said it, realising how silly it sounded.
"Aw", they said in unison.
Mateo looked at the clock.
"Guess what? I'm taking the subway today", he said, a mixture of happiness and fright spreading across his face. "With my brother, but still"
I instantly smiled at him.
"Mateo! That's amazing!", I exclaimed, because I really was proud of him. Me and Sepi were jumping up and down with excitement.
"I haven't gotten on it yet", he remarked.
"We know. We're just hyping you up! Take it in!", Sepi told him, her happiness contagious. He laughed as his phone beeped, which made his face drop with anxiety.
"I... I gotta go, that's my brother", he hesitantly said, and I could see myself in him. How he was standing before something so frightening; which we all did every single day.
"Okay, Mateo. You can do it. We know it, you know it. Now let's go!", Sepi told him, trying her best to make up a pep talk. He anxiously smiled as he began to walk away.
"Let's go Mateo! Vamos!", I exclaimed, as I got dragged in by Sepi's contagious excitement. As he finally started walking with pride, me and Sepi cheered until we couldn't see him any longer. She turned to me.
"Have you told Dom? About London?", she curiously but kindly asked me.
I shook my head.
"No, um. I haven't seen him and I didn't want to tell him that his girlfriend is gonna move to the other side of the ocean over the phone?", I hesitantly said.
"Get that", she said, as she threw the plastic packaging of her cookie in the trash can, having finished it. She glanced at my cookie, which was still in its packaging; uneaten. Though, she didn't mention it, knowing how it was to be in my position.
I looked at my phone, seeing the time.
"He's actually waiting out by the entrance, um, do you want to walk together-", I suggested, still not comfortable walking by myself - even if it was in a hospital that I now knew every corner of.
"Sure", she casually replied, knowing why I had asked in the first place as she took my hand. "I'll always walk with you"

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