27. To hang: out

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"Hi. I'm Via. I hate the world", a girl I'd never seen before said, holding out her hand.
Surprised, I looked up from my already opened history book, five minutes before the first class of the term.
I thought of the little jar of pills at home, that I'd lied to their face I'd taken.
You're not sick. You don't need to take your medication.
A bit overwhelmed, as I tapped on the table, I shook her hand.
"Ruth, uh, Rue. I fear the world", I stuttered, just trying to get over with it.
She smiled.
"That's almost the same thing. You may be a potential friend", she said, and sat down at the only empty seat in the classroom, right next to me.
Potential friend? I am doing progress.
Have you really organised the folder enough?
You haven't.
She gave me a weird look.
All of a sudden my teacher, mr Vector, walked into the room.
He caught the class's attention in a matter of seconds.
"Welcome back. We have a new student! Olivia Cresta, right?", he said, nodding at the girl - who, it first got to me now, looked just like a mini-Renée. "Do you want to introduce yourself?"
She smiled.
"Sure", she stood up, gladly talking in front of everyone, as their heads turned to us - making me uncomfortable, since I was still organising. "First of all, it's Via. Last of all, just moved here", and sat down again, leaving mr Vector a bit surprised.
Apparently she liked the attention, just for a while.
"Good!", he added after a while. "Let's dig into Abraham Lincoln's life!"

At lunch, we talked.
I pulled my packed lunch from my locker after doing what I always did, placing ourselves at a table.
"Tell me about yourself!", she excitedly said.
For some reason, she was open to me.
She wanted to talk to awkward, weird & shy me.
"Rue. Likes musicals. Takes textiles as an extra. Fails maths", I said shortly after, not really knowing how to reply - how to have smalltalk at all.
"Same! Not the textiles part, but I do suck at maths", high-fiving me. "Favourite colour?", Via asked. I giggled. "It's a great and needed question!", she protested.
I held up my cast.
She laughed, and I joined in too. I was about to ask her the same question, when a voice behind me approached - one that I more or less always recognised.
"Hi! You're Via, right?", Georgia didn't wait for her answer. "Well, how are you finding New York then?", she sat down, such as her friend group.
I immediately looked down at my packed lunch, deciding that now was a great time to read the little note Vanessa always left for me.

First day of school wasn't that bad, right?
Text us through the day, Niñita.
We care. Talk to us. It's gon' be alright.
Love ya,
(It's Thursday - Theatre Day)

"Where dreams are made of", Via sarcastically said, but kept on going, "Yeah, it's good. Bit busier than what I'm used to, though", she said, cracking a laugh. I looked up, smiling from the little note, as I placed it in my pocket.
Refold if four times. Or they'll die.
"Ey, Ruth, who's that from?", Georgia asked excitedly, almost snatched it from my hand, but it was gone, deep in my pocket, way before.
"Just, um, V", I quickly said, as a reply to her demanding voice.
Blink your eyes 74 times. Rythm.

"-You know Ruth's in the foster system right?!", Georgia suddenly exclaimed, after a few minutes, like she'd been sitting on the fact since she saw me reading the note.
I choked on my food, yet perfectly hiding it.
Why did she say that?
Now Via won't want to be my friend anymore.
Tap the table 56 times. Or your family will die.
Via looked at me, bit surprised.
Tap, tap, tap.
Maybe I should've taken my pills?
No, you're not sick.
She confusedly glanced around the table, shaking her shoulders.
"...and?", questionably raising her eyebrows.
"Her foster dad's Lin-Manuel Miranda!", a girl, I think was called Emma, blurted out.
"Okay", Via said, taking a bite of her sandwich, casually comprehending the information.
"And he like wrote this amazing musical...", another girl filled in.

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