Hakuren x Reader - My queen

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This story is a request by @kurome7   :). Please enjoy :D

The sun was shining brightly, sending its warmth upon the earth. A wonderful day to be outside! If one did not have to work that was. Sadly, that's exactly what you had to do.

You were sitting out in the sun, taking care of the laundry, putting it into the basket. Then you hear the door to your little wooden house open. Out came a young man: Messy blue hair, glittering green in the sunlight, amazing blue eyes and a little birthmark right under the left side of his bottom lip. The only little odd thing about him were the burnmarks covering his body.

"Good morning, Hakuren", you greeted the former second imperial prince, standing up.

"Good morning, NAME", he replied, smiling at you. Gently he took your hand, placing a soft kiss on it.

"A gentleman as always", you joked, giggling lightly.

"Always for you", your boyfriend replied. Can I help you?", he wanted to know which you thought some seconds about before nodding.

"If you wouldn't mind you could help me folding the laundry. I will have customers soon and I would like to have it done before then", you answered nicely.

"Of course", he agreed, sitting down with you on the grass.

For some seconds you just sat there in silence, doing your work. That was 'till Hakuren started to speak.

"You know, I still can't believe it's already been a year since I was brought here", he said silently.

You smiled in response. "Yeah, quiet a long time, isn't it? And it passed by so quickly. And look where you are now. When you got here I thought you and your brother wouldn't make it."

Your face turned sour for a second just thinking about it. It had been the middle of the night when someone had knocked on your door. When you opened it you saw some royal guards, carrying two badly burned princes with them. The first prince Hakuyuu and second prince Hakuren. After you did your best first aid possible they explained that there had been an attack on the royal family. Luckily they had been able to get those two out before they had burned to death. Since you were the best healer in the area a little further away they had decided to bring them to you. Finally they asked you to take care of them and hide them after that.

"And you know what I can't believe, Hakuren", you wanted to know.

He shrugged his shoulders. "I don't know, I'm sorry."

You pounded, tapping against his chest.

"That you wanted to leave on your own, without taking me with you."

He laughed akwardly. "Well", he tried to explain himself. "I thought you wouldn't want to leave your home, you know." He brushed his neck nervously.

You sighed in response. "I though back then you already knew I liked you and would follow you anywhere. I mean, it was like totally obvious."

That comment made Hakuren laugh lightly. "You know I've never been good at noticing that king of this", he tried to excuse himself.

"Yeah yeah, I know", you responded, joining him in his laugh.

As soon as the two princes had been able to the three of you had left Kou, moving into a little town outside Rem, where you opened a medical health department in your own house. Your talent got reknown all over the town, which resulted in all of the people coming to you.

Right before you could say something more you saw your first customer for the day coming along the way. You stood up, quickly kissing Hakuren.

"Please finish this and then come help me, will you?"

"Of course my dear. Whatever you ask", he smiled.

And so the day passed by rather quickly and it became dark outside.

You yawned lightly, being totally exhausted.

"Damm", you cursed. "I just wanna sleep the hell off the day. I am so awfully tired. But we have to make dinner first."

"You know what, princess", your boyfriend suggested. "You have worked so hard. You really should relax. Please sit in the living room while I take care of the dinner, okay."

You smiled brightly, kissing Hakuren's cheek. "Thank you so much my love."

After a few minutes he came into the room, telling you to follow him, which you did. But instead of leading you to the dining room he lead you outside. There was no wind and it was still comfortably warm, despite the time of day. Then you saw it: He had prepared a blanket with some candles, food and drink.

"Hakuren", you whispered.

"This is for you, princess", the former prince responded, kissing your cheek. He took your hand, leading you to the blanket so you could sit on it. Once there the two of you begann to eat. You enjoied being fed by him. Then you leaned back, watching the stars.

"Is something wrong?", you asked him when you noticed your boyfriend spacing off.

Hakuren thought for a second before sighting. "Yeah", he replied. "I want to talk to you."

You could feel your heart pounding. Did he want to break up? //Stupid, then he wouldn't have prepared this//, you thought.

"W... What is it?", you stuttered.

The blue haired sat up. looking right at you.

"You know, we have been together for a year now."

You nodded.

"And they say when you meet your soulmate you feel the red thread of fate binding the two of you together."

He paused for a second.

"And that was exacly the feeling I got when I saw you for the first time. I fell in love with your smile, your laugh, your heart and soul. I know I want to be with you forever and always, my love"

He took you hand, looking deep into your eyes.

"And so, NAME, although I am not a prince anymore, I wanted to ask you."

He graped inside his pocked, pulling out..... A RING?!

"Will you become my queen?"

For a few seconds you just sat there in shock. A proposual had been the last thing you had expected! But soon enough you grinned like an idiot, nodding. There was only one word you could repeat as you threw yourself at him: YES!!!!!


Hey hey :)

I know this might not be one of my best one-shots, but I hope it was still fun to read :D


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