Judal x (male) reader - My pretty wolf

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This is a request by the awesome @Ultimate_Insomniac :D. I hope you like it ^^. It isn't a cat, but I hope you can still enjoy it :D. And if you want to I will also write a cute cat one ^^.

3th person POV.:

The black Magi was walking around the woods of the Kou-Empire, enjoying a relaxing afternoon alone. The air was warm and the sun shone bright. A perfect day for a walk outside. Judal looked up into the air, where not a single cloud was in sight. In his hand was his favorite fruit, a peach, which he ate with full passion.

That was, until he suddenly felt something at his feet, making him fall to the ground.

"Au", he cursed. "What the fuck!? The good food...." He sad, sadly looking at the fruit, which was now laying in the dirt.

Judal looked around to see what had caused his fall. Right behind him laid a.... human? The person had a human figure, but tail and cat ears also. //strange//, the Magi thought. Once he got a closer look he saw that the person was bleeding. He turned the body around to see a wound on the other side, accompanied by some scratched all over the skin.

//Looks bad. I better get him to the palace//, he thought. The black haired tried to pick up the unconcious male, but failing drasticly. //Damm, I should work out more//, he mentally cursed, before smirking. What did he know magic for? A little floating spell and the body was flying next to him all the way back.

Once back at the palace he told some healers to take care of the person, which they did. Once they were finished Judal sat down on a chair next to the bed, examining the male in front of him. The Magi was quiet curious since he had never seen such a creature before. //I can't wait for him to wake up//, he thought excitedly. Maybe that was the reason he stayed by the bed the whole time, 'till said male finally slowly started to open his (color) eyes.

The male looked around slowly, suddenly opening his eyes. Immediately he jumped back, getting on all fours. All in all he looked like a wolf, ready to fight. He even growled like one.

"Hey, chill out", Judal said, lifting his hand. "You should be grateful. I am the once who saved you."

"Who are you", the catlike human frowned.

"Oh, my name is Judal, and I'm a Magi." Judal got up, bringing his face close to the other males. "But more importantly, who are you? I am quiet curious. I have never seen someone like you."

The male seemed to relax a little, as he sat down on the edge of the bed. "I am (Name)"

"And what are those? I mean, they sure are strange", Judal asked, laughing, as he touched (Name)'s cat ears.

Your POV.:

You twitched back. You hated being touched there.

"Don't touch them, your growled."

"Wow, chill, princess", the man, named Judal, laughed. "But really, just what are you?"

"Why should I tell you?"

"I saved you. Don't you think I deserve an answer for that?"

//Well, he is right.//

You sighted. "Okay, I am a beastman from the high west up in the mountains."

Judal looked confused for a second, before his eyes widened. "WAIT, you mean you are from the people that have been hunted down for their strengh and perseverance?"

You nodded. And at that moment your memories flashed back all at once. You had been living a peaceful live with your parents before the hunters came. One by one they took all of your people. You had tried to run, losing your family and friends along the way as your fled. One of the hunters had managed to hit you with one of his shots, but you had kept on running and running. You had been able to shake them off, before collapsing in the woods.

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