Sinbad x Reader - Not to bad after all

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This is a request by the lovely  .I hope you like it :D

Maharagan. A festival loved and enjoyed by all of Sindria's inhabitants. And not only them, but some people traveled really far to take part in this wonderful night. The music was playing, lights shining and people dancing. Everyone was dressed well, drinking, eating and simply having fun.

You stood in the king's area with the other woman. However, while they threw themselves at your king you just standing there, watching. Your family wasn't off too good with money. You were able to make a living, that was it. But your parents had a daughter, who was unbelievably beautiful:

You. With (Color) hair, (Color) eyes and (color, texture) skin you looked like a piece of art. They had suggested you joined the king's harem and try to become queen. Then your family could live in wealth and never worry about money ever again. Sadly you couldn't care less about becoming the wife of a man that was fooling around so much. Looking at his interaction with the woman disgusted you at some point. If you wanted a man you would like to be the only woman in his live. But with Sinbad, you were sure this wouldn't be possible.

Slowly you started to walk away. For now you just wanted some piece and quiet. So you sat down at the fountain, sighting heavily. //Finally some alone time.// You looked up at the stars. They were shining clearly above your head. A very beautiful view indeed. You had always loved living in Sindria. The landscape was stunning, it was close to the sea and no one had to die of starvation. Your family had immigrated here shortly before you were born. Your parents had raised you to be grateful for the live you had right now. Maybe that was why they were so keen on you becoming queen? To make sure they would never suffer like they had before moving here?

Your thoughts were interrupted by footsteps close to you. When you looked up you saw the purple haired king making his way towards you, a full plate in his hand. He held out the meal to you, a smile on his face.

"I haven't seen you eating all night", he said calmly. "And a young woman needs her energy."

You looked at your king in confusion as your brain needed a few seconds to realize what was happening. You took the plate, just staring at the food as you didn't know what to say. //God, why is this happening.....?//

"Well, I guess I will see you later then", the king said after some more seconds of silence, starting to take his leave.

"Wait, king Sinbad", you called out of reflex, standing up.

One he turned around again you begann to stutter. "Thank you very much."

The purple haired man smiled once more. "You're welcome, (Name)"

He then finally left and you sat down again. You started to eat your dish, thoughts running through your head. He had remembered your name.... Did that mean he actually knew the name of all the women in his harem? After all you had neither thrown yourself at him or even held a real conversation with your king. You lips formed a light smile as you ate your food, enjoying it. It always tasted especially good on Maharagan. Once your plate was empty you decided to go back to the others.

There you saw the king talking to all of the other women and the eight generals had also gathered there, eating and drinking. When Sinbad saw you he smiled, making you lower your head onto the floor in embarrassment. Why did he behave like this now? Couldn't he just leave you alone for god's sake? Luckily for you the night passed by rather quickly and you were free to go home.

Once there you laid awake in bed for what felt like ages, thinking about what had happened tonight. You shook your head. It must have been a coincidence. Why would a king be interested in someone like you? And besides, why should you care? Sinbad was a man to go after every woman he saw, and everyone knew that. But why was your heart beating faster at the thought that he had noticed you? With all of this running through your head it took a lot of time for you to fall asleep.

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