Judar x Kougyoku- Happy Halloween!

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Requested by: @earlyalila .

It's the 31. of October, Halloween! This is Judar's most favorite time of the year. Why is that you may ask. Well, the answer is easy to be given. The black magi loves to annoy and scare people. So Halloween is the perfect time for him! This year however he has a very special victim : Kougyoku. He wants to give her the most frightening Halloween of her live!

It's early in the morning and the princess had just gotten out of bed.  The maids finish the royal's outfit so that she's able to attempt the meeting right now. Before leaving however, Kougyoku takes one more look into her room. Seeing everything was fine she smiles and makes her way to the meeting. 

When he was sure the young princess has finally left Judar climbs down from the tree he's been sitting on the whole time. You could perfectly see Kougyoku's room from up there. He straight walks into her room. Standing in it's middle he looks around. EVERYTHING was in place here! The bed, she sheds on the bed, the closets, the table with the chairs, and finally the books in the shelves. EVERYTHING was in place! The magi smirks as he whispers to himself "Well, time to mess this up"

                                                                       -------- 1 hour later--------

The cold autumn wind blows into the young princess face as she walks back to her room. The meeting has been rather long and boring so now she was more than happy to get back to her room and relax for at least 5 minutes. 

Once she was there she opens the door, and lets out a rather high scream. IT WAS A MESS! She slowly and carefully walks into the room and looks around. The sheds and pillows have been thrown all around the room, her clothes from the closet lay around on the floor, the table has been flipped over and in the middle of the room now stands a tower built out of the chairs. It really frightens the young princess. Who could have done that! For whom was it possible to get into her room to do this. That was when she suddenly realizes a little piece of paper which is stuck in between two chairs. She slowly pulls it out and begins to read "I know you! I see you! And I'm here to get you!" It was signed with "The pumpkin king". Her face turns pale. She has the feeling of being watched from everywhere! Her eyes finally kept stuck on the closet. She swallows heavily as she makes her way to it. Her hands shake as she brings them to grab the knot, but pulls them back in the last second. Shouldn't she possible call someone? At least she didn't knew who the pumpkin king was! "No!", she mentally tells herself "You're a warrior!", With one last swallow she finally swings the closet open to see.... Darkness.... Nothing but darkness!

"My.....", Kougyoku swings around in horror as she hears that voice. "What happend here my princess," asks the guard which is standing in the door. "I... I don't know..." Princess!", she hears Koubunka's voice. "There you are! We have to go to the next meeting." While saying that the brown haired male grabs her arm and pulls her outside the room, not caring about the girl's mental state. He however doesn't leave before telling the other two servants to clean up the mess. In Kougyoku's opinion this wasn't funny at all!

When he was sure the "Old hag" was far enough so she wouldn't hear him Judar just couldn't help it but burst out into laugher! He laughs so hard even his stomach starts to hurt! "Oh my..." he sais to himself during the laught. "She should have heard her scream! And her face! Priceless!" he laughs on and on! But oh, he has so much more planned! 

As the second meeting was finally over Kougyoku hurries of to get away from... well... everybody! She can't help but think about what happend in her room all the time. And she would lie if she sais she wasn't terrified! She sits down on a bank and looks around. She just can't get rid of the feeling she's being watched! She looks around some more, exploring all the trees and.... nearly let out another scream when she looks at one of the bushes. Red eyes, and just those to be seen, watching her closely. She stands up and slowly takes a few steps backwards before her instincs take over and she runs off. "Calm down, it was probably just a cat or a lost dog," she sais to herself. She leans against a tree for support. Here one hand however, doesn't touch the bark, but a much softer material. She quickly pulls it away and turns to see what exactly she has touched. It was a little piece of paper which wad hanging at the tree. Actually having decided to simply ignore it finally her curiosity takes over and she takes it, unfolds it and starts to read. "I notice every step you make, I know all of your thoughts! I'm coming, and I'll get you - The pumpkin king" With her hands starting to shake again she let's it fall to the floor and hurries off.

She looks around. To her left, to her right and to her back, just to make sure she isn't being followd. "Hey Sis", her head quickly turns to the front as she hears that voice. Signing  in relieve as she notices that it's just her older brother Kouha. "Wow, what's up with you Kougyoku, you look like you've seen a gost or something." She hestiates for a second before she finally tells him. From her room up to those weird messages: EVERYTHING. When she was finished he just laughs "My my, you really are a creative on Kougyoku," he sais, a soft smile on his face. He gently pats her head before walking away. Yeah, how could she have ever expected any of her brothers to take her seriously! 

It went on like that 'till the evening and Kougyoku really becomes more and more afraid with every time! The messages just got so weird and creepy! She didn't trust herself to go back to her own room so she decides to walk around a bit. With the light of the lanterns somehow manage to make her feel a bit more save. But just as she begins to relax again she sees IT! A shadow with red eyes! A huge and very frightening shadow with eyes to red you could suspect they were made out of blood. She blinks and the next second the shadow was gone "I'm loosing my mind, I'm loosing my mind," she whispers over and over again as she sits down on the floor and starts to cry. 

And at that point the fun stops, even for Judar  He really laughed a lot today and he was proud he had been able to scare the little girl this much, but he didn't want her to cry! So he stops his games and walks over to her, gently hugging her from behind. The younger girl of course turns around to him in alarm, somehow relieved when she saw the black magi "J... Judar.. T... There" "I know," the black haired male answers as he sits down beside her. He tells her everything! How he's been planning this for sooooooooo long and how he just wanted to see how much he could fright her. And the next thing he remembers is Kougyoku's whole hand hitting his face in a bitsh- slap "F*cking idiot!" she sais, still sobbing. "I know, and I'm really sorry. He sais just before doing something he didn't really think about at this moment. He leans forwards and kisses her right on the lips. "I'm sorry and now please son't cry anymore, okay?", he asks sweetly as she brushes away her tears. "You're still and idiot.... But my idiot...."


HELLO! I'm totally sorry it turned out so short in the end ;-;. Maybe I'll find time to write some more the next few days ^^. I hope you enjoyed it! Especially you @earlyalila:D



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