Olba x reader- You're my pirate

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The wind is quiet tonight. You sit at the edge of the palace's walls, looking out at the silent sea. You love the magnificent blue and how the moon reflects in the water. "Hello (Name), " you hear a voice right behind you as someone walks closer to you. You see a young boy with medium long black hair, which is braided on the right side (Like in the picture). "Oh, good evening Olba," you reply, smiling lightly. Ever since he and the other kids suddenly arrived in Sindira you somehow have become friends with the young boy, although you don't really know much about his past. The only thing you know is that he doesn't like to talk about it. You often watched him practicing sword fighting with Sharrkan and he would watch you with your work: tailoring. He sits down beside you, looking into your (color) eyes. "Say, why are you awake at this time of the night?", he questions. "Well I should ask you the same. Shouldn't children be asleep in there beds by now," you return the question. You don't really mean to hurt him, but it was for sure way too much fun to tease the other one a little. Especially since he was 2-3 years younger than you. He fake pounds, blushing lightly. "I'm not a little kid anymore!", he ensures you. "I'm a full grown up man." He looked so cute it makes you laugh lightly. "Yeah yeah, sure Olba," you reply.

"So, you'll leave off with lord Sinbad's merchant ship tomorrow by sunrise?," the younger one asks, now looking at the sea. You are the royal tailor of Sindria. Sinbad had suggested that with the next ship that would leave off to Heliohapt and Reim you would be able to get along to get some free time and to search for new fabric you would like. You would have to tailor the whole new clothing for all of the palace since the clothes they wore now were already around 3 years old. That's why he suggested that and you agreed to do it 'cause you've always wanted to get yourself some exotic fabric.

You nod your head before you remembered the young man wouldn't see you. "Yeah," you answer instead. Olba now looks at you with his golden eyes. Eyes that have always been a little big for a man. But you actually loved that: The eyes are the door to see into someones soul they always said. He sights and lais back and sights deeply. "oh dam, I would love to sail the seas once again someday. I've always loved that so much," he tells you, looking up at the sky. You smirk lightly. "Well," you started, stretching this word. "You could join us you know. I bet king Sinbad would have nothing against that! You've trained hard for the last year and it would also be a great chance to get to know some things about trading," you finish. Olba wears a Pokerface "A... and you think he will allowed it that easily?", he asks. You smile brightly "Of course! Didn't you listen to me." Olba returns the smile, gently hugging you. "Thank you," he whispers.

And so: Said and done. You tell the younger one goodnight and walk off straight off to your kings bedroom. On the way you meet the white haired advisor "Good evening Ja'far", you greet him. "Good evening to you too (Name). What are you doing here so late?", the older male asks a little confused. "I wanted to talk to king Sinbad about the journey tomorrow." "Don't you wanna take it?", he questions lightly confused and a little sad. "Of, I do mister Ja'far!", you respeak quickly. The white haired's face lights up "Ah! Alright. What's wrong then?" "I would like to ask if I could take someone with me....", you finally tell him, smiling sweetly. A smile you know no one could possible resist. "ah! You scared me there (Name)," Ja'far laughs lightly before finally answering you on your question. "Well, I don't think that it would be a problem. But you can ask Sin if you want to, he's still in his office." "The king, still being in his office?! Since when does he pull all nighters?", you ask, quiet surprised. Ever since you work here you've never been able to experience the king still working at this time of the night and not being totally drunk. You smile sweetly. "You seem to do him good mister Ja'far," you speak your mind. The pale man blushes lightly. Ever since they announced there engagement it wasn't a secret anymore that the king and the advisor are a couple (Okay, sorry for this one XD XD). Ja'far slowly nods "If you say so (Name). If you don't mind, I'll go to my office now. Have a nice evening" "Alright, sleep well mister."

The next morning you awake, totally refreshed! You immediately get out of your bed, stretching. The talk with your king had gone well yesterday evening. After that you have told Olba, who was totally happy about it and has hugged you close. You still couldn't explain why, but your heart has been beating fast as this had happend. You shake your head, wanting to forget that. You grab your bag and start walking towards the harbor. She ship and also Olba were already there. And you even noticed some of the younger one's friends "Good morning! Are you gonna come along?", you ask, waving and smiling like always. They nod "Yeah, brother Olba has asked if we could", one of the children explained. "Alright then, let's set sails!"

Soon enough you were on the ship, setting sail off to Heliohapt and at the evening you all sit under deck, discussing the best way for you journey. "I wouldn't go that way," Olba replies after the helmsman has suggested something. "Why not," the old male replies, clearly annoyed. "These seas are full of pirates," the young boy sais, being totally honest! You look at him "How do you know that?," you question. He looks away, clearly not really wanting to talk about that. "Don't ask please. Just trust me." The old male shakes his head "No, this is the shortest way, we'll take it," he replies, not even caring about the other male's opinion. You see Olba forming his hands to fists. You simply notice he is about to burst out and go crazy. You sights softly as the old male walks out the room and you stepped up behind Olba and lay our hand on his shoulders "Please don't take it too personal Olba. He's an embittered old man and doesn't want to take on anyone's opinions." He looks at you, smiling lightly "Yeah.... But I....," he sights. "Well, it's all okay. But hey, I don't wanna sleep right now.... Would you mind chilling with me upstairs?", he asks, blushing lightly. You response with a light laugh, taking his hand softly. "Well, so come!"

A few seconds later you sit at the edge of the boat , looking at the horizon. "Olba?", you start the conversation, looking at him with your (color) eyes. "Huh?", he replies, turning his attention towards you. "I have a question, and will you promise me to answer honestly?" "Y... Yeah?", he swears, confused. He looks at you with his dark green eyes, waiting for your question.You think about how to formulate it without offending or scaring him. Finally you had it figured out "What did you do before you came to Sindria?".

This question visibly shocked him. He looks down at his feet "W... Well.... Have you heard about a woman called Om-Madora?" You don't say a work but nod in response so he would see you knew about her. "Well," he starts, swallowing hard "I grew up with physical abusive parents and one day, she came to my village, asking me if I didn't want to join her. And since I had enough of my parents I agreed to come along with her..... After killing my parents..... She was like the mother I've always wanted.... And before I could actually realice it I became addicted to her, not ever wanting to be separated from her again.... And I did ANYTHING for her..... I killed people, rubbed villages and ships, kidnapped my "Siblings", have been a pirate and so much more..... Then Alibaba, Morgiana, Aladin and Hakuryuu beat her and Hakuryuu even killed her..... We would have been sentenced to death, but Alibaba and Sindria saved us and now we're here, trying to make the best of our lives," his voice suddenly breaks as he adds "And our lives are worthless..... We're low live scum," quietly.

You are hocked about the last sentence "W... What? Do you really think about yourself that way?!" He looks at you as if that was out of question "Of course. Why shouldn't I, it's just right....". You just shake your head no, grab his chin and force him to look at you. "Okay, now listen to me: This is your past, you were a child! And look how much you've changed for the better! You're super duper awesome and one of the coolest people I know! I There's a reason I fell for you." And as soon as you spoke out that last sentence you already regret it. "Why my god!!!! WHY DID I JUST SAY THIS!!!!????"

"R... Really?", he asks, totally surprised as he looks at you with wide green eyes. You let go of him and look down, blushing heavily. "Y.... Yeah.... I've always liked you....." And since you don't see him you don't notice the bright smile on his face. He gently gets hold of your head and turns it into his direction, leaning in close. "And you know what. You're a pirate because you've stolen my heart long ago. You are MY pirate." And before you could response anything you feel his soft lips laying on your own.


Hello everyone!

I hope you liked this chaper ^^".

HAVE A NICE DAY!!!!!!!!!


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