Peaches- for Gaia-chan

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Hi ^^

This is a one shot for onceuponaGaia. It'll be a Judal x Gaia story ^^. She's one of the persons I can call a friend here ^^

It was warm, it was hot, it was: Summer. The brown haired girl sweated a little bit after the walk from the Harbour back to the palace of the Kou- empire, where she lived. She was about to make her way through the big garden and to the kitchen, to submit the basket full of peaches she had picked from the peach trees in the garden, when she suddenly heard a well known voice right behind her and that person grabbed her by the waist "GAIA-CHAN!" Said girl got out of the grip and turned around to face a red eyed and black haired Magi "Hello Judal, how are you?", the girl asked politely. "Well I'm rather bored and want to hang out with you", was the Magie's reply. "I would really love to Judal, but I don't have time now" But....", Judal was about to say something when his eyes focused on the basked in the brown haired's hands "Are these... peaches?" "Yes, very well noticed", she said "Can I have one... please, just one!?" She didn't want to be inpolite so she got a peach and handed it over "Here you are" "THANKS GAIA!", Judal said happily as he took a great bite. "Hmmm. It tastes really good. Hm! I remember! I've been searching for you!" "Why have you been searching for me?" "I'll tell you if you come with me", the black haired said with a playfull smirk "Judal... Ok", she answerd " But just let me deliver the basked" "You come with me NOW or NEVER", was his answer while he crossed his arms. Gaia knew she had a job to be done, but this was a one in a livetime chance and she was just curiouse. "Ok, but I hope it woun't take to long"

Judal leaded her to the other side of the garden (still eating the peach) where there was a little brook with stones and a big, strong tree. "You'll have to follow me up there, you think you can?", he asked her with a smirk."Is that a challenge?" "Maybe", the black haired boy smiled. He climbed up the tree first, before getting the basked up to him with his magic. Then it was Gaia's time to climb the tree, which she mastered very good, although she wore a dress and loose sandals. She sat down next to him and looked at him with a proud face "Well done Gaia-chan" "Thanks, Judal ^^". The two just sat there in silence for some time and Gaia's thought drifted off. She had liked Judal for already 2 years, but she could never bring herself to confess her feelings to him, because it always seemed like the black haired Magi didn't even knew what love is. The only thing he seemed to care for was himself and war. That's why Gaia even hated him at first, but Judal had changed, even though just a little, and they became friends 4 years ago. And, like so many time, that friendship began to be more, at least for her.

Gaia was forcefully ripped out of her thought when she heard Judal taking another peach from the basked and started to eat it. "You really like peaches, don't you?, she said, smiling. " Yeh, I really, really, really like them ^^" They both started laughing. " Do you want to try some too?" She just couldn't refuse and took one of the sweet fruits out of his hands. "That tastes amazing!". That was her comment when she had tried the first bite " See, now you understand what I love about them" They began to eat the fruits. Gaia leaned against Judals strong shoulder, which the boy didn't refuse, much to her surprise. So they just sat there, up in the tree, cuddling and not having a car in jobs, the world around them, or anything but each other.

"The sunset looks beautiful with all it's red and orange colors" "I have to agree Gaia. I especially love the red" " Could have imagined that XD. But... you still didn't tell me the reason you brought me here" " Do I need a reason?" "Ah! You said you wanted to go here for a reason!" Judal laughed " I was just kidding. Of course there's a reason I brought you here Gaia." "Which would be" " I need to tell you something," Judal put the basket down on his lap " A secret, no one knows" " What is it Judal?". 'The brown haired girl didn't want to sound pushy, but now he has gotten her really curiouse " WEEEEEEEEEELLLLLLL", he started, drawing his words long " I don't know how to describe it...." She continued looking at him, watching his every movement

Suddenly she felt his lips on her ones, which got her by surprise. When the black haired pulled back, she looked at him, lightly confused. He gently took her hand and looked deep into her eyes " I love you Gaia-chan" "W... What?", she couldn't believe she heard right: Judal loved her "I love you Gaia. I've wanted to tell you this for some time now, but since it's your birthday I found it was the perfect time. Happy birthday my dear", he replied to her question, with a soft and also calm voice. The brown haired girl got a big smile on her face. This was the day she's waited for for ages! The day her feelings would finally be returned! And even on her birthday, which she totally had forgotten because all of the work! "Oh, Judal! Thank you! I love you too", she said before getting closer to the man next to her to connect their lips again. She put her arms around his neck and he pulled her closer by the waist.

So Gaia and Judal sat there in the tree, kissing. And they did not give a dam about the empty basked which had fallen to the floor, because the couple was to busy kissing each other.


Hi ^^

at first I want to apologize for this being to crappy ^^". I hope you enjoyed it anyway and : HAPPY BIRTHDAY GAIA-CHAN!!!!!!!

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