Muu x reader - What heaven feels like

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This was a request by @Meilin_Sultan and @IlyssaYe1 :D! I hope you enjoy it :3

-A few years before-

You sat at the edge of the boat, swinging around your feet.

"(Name)", your father called. "Watch out, you'll fall."

You turned around to face the tall, blue haired Imuchakk Hinahoho.

"Dad, it's okay. I'm already eleven, I can take care of myself", you ensured him.

When you looked forwards again you begann to smile brightly. "There it is", you called out in joy. "The Reim-Empire."

"Yeah, it's very huge. You'll love it", you heard Sinbad, who had sneaked up on you two.

You jumped off the edge so you stood in front of your king.

"Thank you again for letting me come", you said, bowing lightly.

The truth: After you had learned about the journey to find partners for the newly found country Sindria you hadn't stopped nagging your father about bringing you along 'till he finally agreed to talk it over with Sinbad, who of course had immediately given his consent. /Look, we also have wanted to see the world when we were younger/, he had said.

After the ship had docked you were taken to the capital by a carriage. There were just so many strange things fascinating you! All those strangely dressed people, the buildings and landscape. Once you were at the palace and it was time to get off you were immediately greeted by a servant who lead you to in. But before the negotiation room you were told you couldn't join them inside. /Sorry, But this is no place for a child/, Sinbad had said. This was why you decided to take a walk around the place.

So you soon found the garden where you saw a young boy, Red hair, brown eyes, swinging his sword. He was the total opposite of you, having inherited your familied blue eyes and hair.

"Hello", you called out to him, making the boy stopp his training to look at you.

It took him a few seconds before he seemed to realize where the voice came from. He gave you a light smile.

"Hello. You must be with the people from Sindria, right?", he asked.

You nodded. He sticked in his sword, walking over to you. Even though you must be around the same age you were a lot taller than him, which made you a little emberresed. Women were not supposed to be taller than men.

"Wow, you really are tall", the boy noticed, still smiling.

"Sorry", you whispered, confusing him.

"What are you sorry about? I think it's really cool. Oh, and by the way, I'm Muu. Muu Alexius. Pleased to meet you."

He held out his hand to you. Now you returned the smile, taking it.

"I'm (Name), happy to meet you too."

-four years later-

After arriving at the Reim-palace once again you immediately jumped out of the carriage. You needed to see Muu again! You ran into the backyard....

to find it empty. Your shoulders sank. //Where is that fucktard//, you wondered.

"Are you searching for someone?", you heard a gentle voice behind you.

Turning around you faced a young woman with long blonde hair, white clothing and a laurel wreath on her head.

"Yeah. Muu. Muu Alexius. Do you know him?"

The woman giggles, covering her mouth with her hand during the process.

"Oh, then you must be (Name), right?"

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