Judal x Hakuryuu - Just one night? (lemon/smut)

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The wind was blowing coldly through the young prince's hair. Hakuryuu sat on the railing of his room's balcony. Today was a big festival in Kou in honor of Kougyokus first aniversary as an empress. Everyone was going. Alibaba with Morgiana, Kougyoku with Aladdin, Titus with Sphintus and Marga... Everyone had their special someone, except for him..... He sighted. The one his heart belonged to would never hear him, of that the former emperor was sure......

"Hey Hakuryuu", he heard a voice from above.

When he looked up he was the black haired Magi flying in the air, two pieces of candy in his hands. 

"Aren't you going to the festival?"

"No... I don't fell well", the younger one lied.

The black haired sat down beside him.

"But why are you here, Judal?"

"Oh, the small Magi was bothering me. And I had enough of it. And it's kind of boring without you", the magician replied, holding out one of the sugary treats to him. "So I thought I might as well join you."

Hakuryuu smiled lightly as he took the candy. The two men sat next to each other, eating in silence. It tasted really good.

"So, why didn't you come?", Judal asked once more, his red eyes piercing right through the younger one.

"I told you", Hakuryuu insisted. "I wasn't feeling well."

Judal clicked his tongue. "And I thought you were told better than to lie." He shook his ringfinger the way a mother, censuring her child, would do it.

The young prince fell silent, looking onto the floor.

"Is it still that Fanalis girl? I thought you were so over her", the black haired spoke up. "But don't worry. Come with me and I'll hook you up with someone. Sounds like a plan, huh."

Judal laughed, softly hitting his kind's shoulder.

Hakuryuu swallowed, his tension rising.

"Not interested", he replied, getting the other one's hand off him. 

He stood up, starting to walk towards the door.

"You should leave", he insisted. The hurt in his voice was sharp like broken glass. //How could he!?//

Just as the blue haired had nearly reached the door, he felt the older one taking his hand once more, putting them onto his burned chest. Hakuryuu's whole body tensed up. His heart was racing so loud he bet the older one would be able to hear it.

"Oh come on, it's clear as day you're lovesick", the older one pointed out unusually soft.

"A... And what if", Hakuryuu returned the question harshly.

"Well, then I maybe could help you forget them.  If just for one night."

"W... What do you mean?", the young prince stuttered. His whole body was shaking lightly. Half of fear, half of excitement.

"Sleep with me", Judal whispered into Hakuryuu's ear.

The younger one swallowed hard. His body relaxed, even if just a little, but his mind was racing. //Is he serious//, the blue haired thought. Certainly the Magi would let go of him any second now and laugh it off.

But Judal didn't.

"So?", he asked, his voice deep and sexy in the prince's ear.

//Well, if....//, Hakuryuu thought, closing his eyes for a second. He then turned around, placing his lips on Judal's softly. 

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