Kouha x reader: Marry a monster?

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I don't usually do x readers but I just felt the need to do this one for ages and now I finally had the time to wirte it^^. Please enjoy ^^. If you want to read more of this kind please let me know ^^

- The-black-magi-Judal

"Oh princess, I feel so sorry for you having to marry that monster", your sobbing maid hugged you while you were just standing there, not making a move . Everybody had started acting kind of weird since your parents announced your engagement with a certain prince of the Kou empire. You have never actually met him, but there were lots of rumors spilling around in your home country. The prince being a brutal murderer, loving blood, being a psychopath were just three of many to name. Even your parents said they would have actually preferred to marry you off to either of the other princes: Prince Kouen or prince Koumei for example. But since they were already married and Hakuryuu, the youngest prince , was in a relationship the only prince left for marriage was the third imperial prince, Kouha.

You woke up from your flashback dream and closed your eyes as soon as you had opened them. The bright sun was shining into your face and it took you a second to realize where you were. "We'll soon be there Lady [Name]" You heard the coachman's voice from in front of you. You just answered with a sleepy "Alright". You had spent the last 4 days on a boat and when you arrived at the Harbour a coach came to take you to the Kou- empire palace in nearly one more day. There you would get married in 14 days, but you have been allowed to go there a few weeks before the wedding, so you could get used to the new location and people. You sadly weren't supposed to see your husband until the actual wedding thought.

Your husband.......... your mind soon drifted off to some thoughts that have been there for the past few weeks, when your parents had announced your engagement . You really wondered what your husband would be really like. No matter how hard you tried it, you couldn't imagine a person to be as cruel as everyone in your home country said your betrothed was. You didn't realize how long you've been lost in thoughts but when you finally arrived at the palace it was already 1 hour later. You were greeted by maids as soon as you got out of the carriage.

"Welcome lady [Name], it's a pleasure to finally have you here" They bowed to you before they asked you to follow them to your private room. You were told that you had 15 minutes to refresh yourself a bit, before you would be taken to the dining room where you would first meet your brothers and sisters in law.

It's already gotten dark when you finally made your way to the dining room . You were walking next to a big and beautiful garden with lots of different trees. You noticed an apple tree, a peach tree and some more. And the lanterns, which were located nearly everywhere, gave a great light to the whole scenario. When you arrived in front of the room one of the maids knocked on the big, wooden door. "Come in", came a male voice from the inside. The maid turned to you and said "Good luck Lady [Name]", before opening the door.

The room was very huge with clean, white walls and some brown posts with lighted lamps on it. In the middle was a large, rectangular table, right under a big chandelier "H... Hello, I'm [Name], the fiancée of the third imperial prince." DAM! You usually weren't nervous around strange people at all. But this time was different, these people would be your new family. ALWAYS SHOW SOME GRANDEUR! The voice of your mother repeated inside your head. "And I really wanted to thank you for letting me stay, even if it's nearly 2 more weeks until the wedding"

"Hello [Name], it's a pleasure to meat you. And you don't have to thank us, we really wanted to have you here. Please, take a seat", the man at the head of the table,you assumed was lord Kouen, answered.

"Thank you", you said, before sitting down next to a pink haired girl. You were kind of nervous because you were here, sitting at a table with persons you've never met before, who you didn't even know the names of, and you knew would be soon part of you family. "Hello, I'm princess Kougyoku", the pink haired girl suddenly whispered, only loud enough for you to hear "It's really nice to meet you"

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