Yunan x (male) reader - My favorite person

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A request by the amazing @HayHay5453 (check her out, she is very nice ^^. I hope it is to your liking :D)

You breathed heavily. Your feet hurt, just like your whole body. It was dark.... So dark. You couldn't actually see where you were going, but it would be okay. Maybe. The stones underneath your feet left little scratches on them as you staggered through the dark rift. The wounds on your body still hadn't fully stopped bleeding yet. Your mind was clouded. //Am I really going to die down here//, you wondered as you took another step forwards. The next thing you noticed was pain on your face as it hit the floor as a result of you tripping over your own feet. The floor was cold, but you didn't have the strength to get back on your feet again this time.

Your breath slowly calmed down as you closed your eyes. //Okay. That's it. No one is going to find me here//, you thought. Your breath became slower with every second and after some time your mind went blank. //God, here I come//, you though as you finally lost consciousness

---------------------- The End--------------

(Okay, I'm kidding XD)

Warmth. You felt warmth all around you. Was this heaven. You couldn't open your eyes as you were still to weak for that. Suddenly you felt something, or someone, touch you.

"Puh, gladly. Finally they get better."

The voice you heard was medium high but very calming. It felt like your whole body immediately relaxed after hearing it. The stranger touched you and suddenly a wave of energy rushed through your body.

"Alright", the other one whispered to themselfe. "A few more days and he will be alright."

Then you slipped back into the darkness.

The next time you gained consciousness you finally were able to open your brow-reddisch eyes. Immediately they scanned their surroundings. It seemed you were in a little hut consisting of one room with a kitchen, a table with chairs, some chests and a bed you were apparently lying on. When you tried to sit up you expected to hiss in pain, but instead you were able to do it without any huge trouble. You just sat there for a few seconds. You clothes seemed heavier than usual. When you looked at them you saw a shirt much too big for your size, same went for the trousers. Where was your slave dress?

The door opened and you saw a young man coming in. He had long blonde hair he wore in braids. His clothes were green, just like the ones you were wearing.

"Oh good, you are awake", he said.

//It's the voice from before// you thought.

"Do you feel better?", the stranger asked.

You just nodded in response.

"Well, I will make us some tea and then we can talk", the blonde suggested.

And then he heated up some water, boiled the leaved and handed you a cup. He sat on the edge of the bed.

"So", he begann. "What's you name?"

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